thinking that it’s all just, say, an overreaction. But no, I think we’re all on the same page. [T21, p. 9] We [remote nurses] worked very closely with the police. They were very supportive of us, and I never once had a situation where I felt like I couldn’t ring them just to come down and … give us some support. [T20, p. 16] We will—we’re here to help and here to help each other. If we can make life as easy for each care profession, because at times we are, we will—all well and good. [T25, p. 17] Both groups reciprocate describing each other in terms of ‘close’ and in a mutually praiseworthy manner: I think all the [remote] nurses here do a tremendous job with the resources that they have. I think they handle all their clients [mental health patients] extremely well for the area. [T21, p. 8] We’ve [police officers] got quite a close working relationship with the nurses. [T25, p. 6] Both groups also described levels of insight into the issues and challenges each other contends with, in delivering in delivering their respective services: We’ve expressed our concerns previously about … nurses going to jobs on their own. There is no way we as police … will go to a job on our own. … so if they [remote nurses] do have a job overnight, it’s generally one nurse that will basically care for that [mental health patient] client overnight until they’re flown out the following morning ... So when you consider fatigue levels, the fact that they’ve been working during the day and then—I know it’s a bit like us. [T21, p. 9]

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