Citadel 1961

"Skipper Next

to God"

Jan de Harto g' s "Skipp erNext to God "was the wi nt erof fe ri ng of the Col­ lege fo r Men and the annual "s ta g " pr od uc tio n.A ten se drama of Semi tic pre ssu res, it was prese nte dat the Bal­ boa Pa rk Puppet Thea tre, Jan uar y 13 throug h15 , 1961. Jim Lamb sta rre das the skipp erand as sis tin ghi m were Tom Ragan, Roge r Mehlb rech, Bill Herm sen, Co llin Ben­ ne tt, Don Gie sing,Tom Ge nti lle la,Mike Ma rqu es,Ben Flo res , RobertSchnei der , Joh n Coombe, Al No tto li,Ph il Powers, Tony Taf oya , and Andre Fo rtie r.

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