Citadel 1961

(l -r ):J. Ca chu ela ,B. Fo rd, B. He rmsen, J. Gun nin g, A. Zun iga .

Circle K The C irc leK has as its pr imar yaim , theserv­ ice s of sch ool andna tio n.It is the collegeequ iv­ alent of th e Kiwani s na tiona lcl ub . Each Circle K has its own senior sponso r. The downtown Ki wa nissponso rs theCi rcl eK at USD C ircle K a t schoolannua lly conducts the Un it­ ed Fund on cam pus , a blood bank, serves as us he rs , and has money ra isi ng events. Mem­ be rs of th e gro up att end con ven tion sand con­ gre sse s hel d at othe r colleges all over Cali for nia . Club memb ers have lun ch ever y Tuesday wi th th e irse nio rspo nso r,downtow nKiw ani s.

To p— J.Cose o, J. Ga rrit y,N. Wil son .

"You're lat e fo rcla ss, Fa th er ."


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