Citadel 1961

Society for the Advancement of Management


The Soc iety fo r the Advanceme ntof Man agemen t (S. A.M .) is a natio nal pro fes sio na lbusine ss organ­ izatio n des igne d to give stu dents of Bus ines s Ad­ minis tra tion and Econom ics an insig ht in to the wo rkin gsand pra ctic esof mo de rnbus iness. The Natio na lOrg ani zat ionis composed of Sen ior Cha pter s in many cit ies and Stu dent Cha pter s at the Coll ege leve l. Members of S.A.M. pa rti cipat e in fie ld tr ip s, lec­ tur es , andfor umswhi ch co llecti ve lyst riv e to fu rth er the st ud en t'sint ere stand knowledge in the var iou s aspects of bus ines s.

O ffi ce rs— (l- r) : B. Fo rd, Sec -Tre as;T. Ley den,Pres .; R. Pat­ rick, V. Pre s.; Ste phe nBa rre s, Ph .D .; Fa ther Bl ue tt.

Fin an ce—W .Mitch el, J. Tav asc i, J. Magu ire ,T. Ley den W. Stree t.

Ma nag ement - Kin g.

Ac co un tan ts— FIR ST ROW: R. Pa tri ck ,J. W illia ms ,P. Crow­ ley , R. Atw oo d. SECOND ROW: R. Tome on i,B. For d, B. He rmsen,J. Mc Co rmick , S. P an iss idi .

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