MS PE Instructional Guide

Int. Team Sports (8)

Strand 4: Cooperative Skills & Positive Personal Behavior


● G8.4.1 Demonstrate the ability to make responsible choices in activity settings. ● G8.4.2 Demonstrate while participating compliance with activity rules and procedures. ● G8.4.3 Practice safe behaviors relative to others. ● G8.4.4 Strive to keep the importance of winning and losing in perspective. ● G8.4.5 Accept and consider constructive criticism or feedback for teacher and peers. ● G8.4.6 Demonstrate the ability to work and support others with both teammates and opponents. ● G8.4.7 Develop a democratic plan to solve problems or make decisions in physical activity. ● G8.4.8 Seek out, participate with, and show respect for persons of like and different genders, abilities, skills, and cultures. ● G8.4.9 Value the role of games, sports, and dance in getting to know and respect others of various cultural backgrounds. CONCEPTS & KEY TERMS (nouns) SKILLS (verbs) ● Responsible choices ● Activity rules and procedures ● Safe behaviors ● Winning and losing concept ● Constructive criticism, feedback ● Support for teammates and opponents ● Demonstrate responsible choices ● Practice safe behaviors ● Keep perspective of winning and losing ● Accept/consider criticism, feedback ● Demonstrate teamwork and sportsmanship ● Develop problem-solving plans ● Seek out, participate with, and show respect for people alike and different ● Value role of games, sports, dance 1. Recognize and understand different physical activity skill levels among peers. 2. Recognize and understand the different games, sports, and dance and their role in various cultural backgrounds. 3. Recognize and understand strategies for resolving personal confict with sensitivity to the rights and feelings of others. 4. Recognize and understand inclusive rules and exclusionary behaviors with various skill levels when participating in physical activities. 5. Practice and apply methods of exhibiting personal responsibility in a group setting by working well with others, accepting feedback, and understanding how rules and etiquette contribute to a safe and enjoyable environment. ● Democratic problem-solving plan ● Gender, ability, skills, and cultures ● Role of games, sports, and dance ○ Cultural backgrounds


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