Electricity + Control December 2016


W e have reached the end of another year – and an exciting one at that! It is not possible to wrap up this year without reflecting on some of the issues that have signifi- cantly affected us all.These include the challenges of leadership that we face as a country as well as in other critical spaces within our economy and society. Much of what we have seen has not been great. In fact, the vast majority of South Africans have been deeply upset by the way things have developed.The local government elections were a real indication that all is not well. Even though the results may not necessarily speak to any specific and sustainable shifts in power – what they do show is a growing dissatisfaction and anger developing throughout the country. The recent USA election surfaced similar senti- ments, where sectors of the society feel increasingly isolated and angered by a growing sense of not being able to change their lot. However, I take many positives out of this year.The entities and institutions established to support our Constitution have stood up to the plate and deliv- ered. And so it should be. Politicians (and I do not care who you are, or how good you claim to be) are just politicians.They have remarkable skills, but operate in a space where bending a little this way and that is necessary to achieve the best outcome. I respect and understand that.The trouble is, right across this globe, they tend to forget where the bending stops and a real stiff spine becomes important. Be that as it may, I am but an engineer! In our reflection, it is important to review what worked in 2016 and what did not; and to embed that learning for our future progress. Each

of us, because of where we find ourselves in our industry, is in the fortunate position of being able to make a difference in the lives of others.Therefore, if we ignore the anger that has built up in our society it is at our peril. If we are not able to get to the bot- tom of the real issues (notwithstanding situations that are milked for all they are worth) and begin to address them – we are doomed. I end this year completely convinced that we have started to move in the right direction; that many of the individuals and organisations that have driven us to despair, share our own wishes and desires; and that together we can make this place magic. I wish you and your colleagues, your clients and your families, all the very best over the Festive Season. My colleagues in Electricity+Control, and Crown Publications, share in this wish.

Editor: Wendy Izgorsek

Design & Layout: Adél JvR Bothma

Advertising Managers: Helen Couvaras and Heidi Jandrell

Circulation: Karen Smith

Publisher : Karen Grant

Deputy Publisher : Wilhelm du Plessis

EditorialTechnical Director: Ian Jandrell

Quarter 3 (July - September 2016) Total print circulation: 4 694

Charge up those batteries – you are going to need them in 2017!

Published monthly by: Crown Publications cc CnrTheunis and Sovereign Sts Bedford Gardens PO Box 140, Bedfordview 2008 Tel. +27 (0) 11 622 4770 Fax: +27 (0) 11 615 6108 e-mail: ec@crown.co.za admin@crown.co.za Website: www.crown.co.za Printed by:Tandym Print

Ian Jandrell Pr Eng, BSc (Eng) GDE PhD, FSAIEE SMIEEE

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Happy Holidays!!!

The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher, the editor, SAAEs, SAEE, CESA, IESSA or the Copper Development Association Africa

December ‘16 Electricity+Control


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