1937 Café Royal Cocktail Book Coronation Edition



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3/6 Seager's Gin. 1/6 Creme de Noyau. 1/6 Grand Marnier. 1/6 Orange Juice. Dash French Vermouth, Cusenier. Shake.

ROUSILLON Invented by S. G. Quaife

1/5 Gin, Booth's. 1/5 Orange Juice.

ROUND THE WORLD Invented by F. Woodward

1/5 French Vermouth. 1/5 Italian Vermouth. 1/5 Brandy. Dash of Absinthe. Shake. Serve with a cherry.

The Juice of 1/2 Lemon. 1 tablespoonful Grenadine. The Yolk of 1 Egg. 1 glass Gin. Shake and strain into medium size glass.


1/2 Dry Martini Vermouth. 1/4 Bourbon. 1/4 Benedictine. Dash of Peach Bitters. Shake and strain.

ROYALIST Invented by W. J. Tarling

Made with