ESTRO 2020 Abstract book
S296 ESTRO 2020
PH-0488 Online correction for geometric fidelity in MR-Linac treatments L. Meijers 1 , M.LE.E.P. Philippens 1 , A. Lier van 1 , B. Stemkens 1 , R.H.N. Tijssen 1 1 UMC Utrecht, Radiotherapy department, Utrecht, The Netherlands Purpose or Objective MR guided radiotherapy is currently finding widespread adoption in clinical practice. The onboard MR images are used for online adaptive radiotherapy treatments. The geometric fidelity of MR images, however, is a potential source of error and should therefore be thoroughly assessed. Since the geometric accuracy is both system and patient dependent, it is important to report the total geometric distortion from the combined effect of gradient inaccuracies and B 0 field inhomogeneities caused by system imperfections and patient-induced susceptibility variations [1]. This abstract reports on the total geometric distortions in 27 patients and seven different treatment sites (prostate, rectum, esophagus, lung, oligo lymph nodes, and breast). Material and Methods The clinical imaging protocols of 27 patients previously treated or scanned on a 1.5T Elekta Unity system (Elekta AB, Sweden) were used to retrospectively determine the geometric accuracy of these images; Prostate (N=4), Rectum (N=5), Abdominal (N=5), Esophagus (N=1), Lung (N=4), Pelvic lymph nodes (N=5) and Breast (N=2). The protocols consisted of at least a B 0 field map and either a 3D T1-TFE or T2-TSE anatomical image set that was intended for treatment planning purposes. An online visualization tool has been developed to quantify the total geometric distortion from the combined effect of B 0 -field inhomogeneities and gradient inaccuracies [2]. This so- called displacer tool was used to assess the patient specific geometric fidelity in the PTV determined as the maximum B 0 induced distortion, the maximum gradient induced distortion as well as the maximum total displacement, defined as the sum of the B 0 and gradient induced distortions. Additionally, the maximum distance between isocenter and PTV was measured. Results The results per patient are presented in figure 1a and 1b. The mean results of all patients per treatment site are presented in table 1. For most treatment sites the B 0 induced distortion is less than 0.2 mm with a maximum of 0.5 mm for lung and breast patients. The gradient induced distortion is directly proportional to the maximum isocenter to PTV distance and < 0.7 mm for all treatment sites, excluding two breast patients having a gradient induced distortion of 1 mm. The total displacement within the PTV was well below 1 mm apart from one lung and two breast cancer patients, mainly based on the gradient inaccuracies due to an isocenter distance > 15 cm.
Conclusion B 0
distortion in most patients is < 0.2 mm and negligible. Gradient inaccuracies were found dominant and directly proportional to isocenter distance (maximum error up to 1 mm). The displacer tool can be used in an online workflow at the MR-Linac for assessment of geometric fidelity and the results can be implemented in the CTV-PTV margin. Monday 6 April 2020 Day 3
Teaching Lecture: Cancer metabolism: a radio- oncology perspective
SP-0489 Cancer metabolism: a radio-oncology perspective V. Jendrossek 1 1 Universitätsklinikum Essen, Institute of Cell Biology Cancer Research- Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Essen, Germany Abstract text Radiotherapy is a mainstay in cancer treatment and provides a broad contribution to cancer cure alone and in combined treatment strategies. In fact, the therapeutic potential of ionizing radiation alone and in multimodal combinations increased considerably during the past decades. However, further improvements are needed for cancer types with frequent local recurrence of primary
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