USD President's Report 1988

I n thl' casl' of Skip \\'alsh, l :-,I) is litl'r:illr his homl'. Ill' lu:-. Ii, l'd in thl' campus rl''>idl'i7Cl' halls .si ncl' hl' hl'gan ,,orking for L'\D's \tudl'Ill /\f- rairs di, ision J 'i yl'ars :1go. Thl' 10-! l:'ar-old l (Ltl10 natiH··s t)l'l'rs kn or the ca mpus . I le l'njoys sharing the faith dc,·clopmcnt of L'\ I) '>tudcnl.'> as a Campus \lini .s tn , oluntCL'r.


provide a

basis for


Stanley "Skip" Walsh Director of Residence Life

and critical

judgment on


social and

"This campus is its own neighborhood. And it's a neighbor- hood that changes every year. Instead ofme changing, the change comes to me."

··11 cllllt '11ecl u11 111e !ho! I re{ll/J • 1111c/er- s/()()c/ ll'hCI! I /J(lc/ o/11 •t1_1 ·s {(CCC'/J!ecl tl'i!bu11! c111es//()11. ·is is !he iclect! /Je1:,11ocler/

111 ·0 slriJ..,es {lp,cti11sl yu11 . 'fhm11p,h Clllll/JIIS .\/i11isl1y. s/11cle11/s /.!,l'I lo k1101/' 111e /11 c111u!her 11 ·t1_1· {Ille/

"/ 11 ·r111/cl /J{ll'l' lu soi· l Sf) is !be ce11!er u/ Ill_)' life' . /J)' fil'ill/.!, U/1 CCIIII/JIIS. f ·1•e 1/ll'li-!,l'cf 111_)' pe1:'i()110/ {Ille/ /JH!/l'Ss iu11a/ lit·es. /11 !his se11se. / '111 i111111e1:,ecl i11 !he l'{l/11es 11·e Clsc r ihe lo {I/ l 'Sf)_ ·Fur n1e. ii:, {I llli l11mlji"I. 1·111 11ul !olk- i11p, {l/)()11/ !he ol!mislic t 'lil11es u/!be l 11i1 ·er- sil_1·. !Jill rCl!her 1be/i111clm11e11/o/ J





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