USD Magazine, Spring 1999


Richard Farman, chairman of Sempra Energy, told of the impact USD graduates have had on technology and communica– tions. And Barry Williams, better known as Greg Brady from "The Brady Bunch," sang a Broadway show tune. California Gov. Gray Davis also lent a hand to the celebration, designating March 25, 1999, as "University of San Diego Five Decades of Distinction Day." The night was one of the first major anniversary events scheduled for the year, which includes an open house campus celebration for the community July 30 and 3 1, and a series of social and academic events capped by Homecoming Weekend and Founders Day, Nov. 12-14. For more information on 50th anniversary events, check out the anniversary Web site at

f ver wonder what happened to your former roommate, the one with the ear-splitting snore and odd penchant for cheese? Maybe you'd like to chat with other alumni who share your passion for wine collecting. Or perhaps you're looking for a job, and would like to put your resume in front of thousands of your former classmates. With the advent of USD's

But not just any Web surfer will have access to the information. Users of the alumni site will have to register and receive a password and user ID. Restrictions also are in place to prevent information from being downloaded, and none of the information will be released to the general public, Foley says. Services available in May include a free e-mail address that alumni can keep for life, message boards with

postings of campus and alumni activities, a yellow pages where alumni can post an

Online Community, finding a lost roomie, chatting with class– mates or finding a job is just a mouse-click away. In May, a Web

advertisement for their businesses, and a career services area where job openings or resumes can be posted and alumni can volunteer to mentor others in their career field. "I look for educa– tors in my line of work, and it would be fabulous if I could log in with my password, post my job openings and find alumni inter- ested in interviewing

site accessible only to USD alumni will go online, providing an array of secured ser– vices such as e-mail, chat rooms and mes– sage boards. And by January, alumni will be able to search for friends and classmates via an online directory, even if the only infor– mation available for the search is a name or graduation year. "This is a great opportunity for alumni to keep in touch with each other and with USD, especially since most people these days are computer literate," says Ann Mayo '90, '98, member of the alumni board of directors. Surveys were sent in March to USD's 34,000 alumni requesting professional and personal information for the univer– sity's print directory, which is published every five years. That same information will be included in the Online Community in January when the print directory is published, says Erin Foley, assistant director of alumni relations.

GET IN THE GAME Alwnni can now participate in

basketball, softball and other sports through the USD intramural leagues, u wall as take recreation classes lika yoga and karate, by purchasing a $40 Intramural/Recreation Alwnni Card. Call (111) 210-4533 to get your card and be part of the action. pass and move without the ball. They show up in suits and ties and nice cars, change quickly and run for about 90 min– utes. Then, it's back to work. After they finish tending to their injuries, that is. "The hours change sometimes and the faces, too," says Golia. "But without a doubt, it's a great workout and a great way to keep friendships going."


for a job," explains Mayo, a nursing researcher with Kaiser Permanente. Eventually, USD may offer distance learning to alumni via the Web site, or set up a professor in a chat room to answer questions or debate a topic. "There are so many uses," Foley says. "It would be a great place for us to let alumni in other cities know the president is in their town, or for alumni in Boston to set up a happy hour for others in their area."




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