USD Women's Swimming and Diving 1994-1995


O ne of the most successful coaches in southern Califo r– nia, Bill Morgan begins his second season at USO and 15th year as a collegiate coach. He became the second head coach in the program's 17-year history on May 27, 1993. Morgan's impressive credentials include 13 seasons as head

coach of th e women's (1979-90) and men's (1977-90) swimming programs at the University of Califo rnia, San Diego (see below). In his tenure at UCSD, Morgan led Triton squads to six second-place fini shes at the NCAAs. Morgan was named NCAA Di vision Ill W omen's Swimming Coach of th e Yea r in 1985 and M en's Sw imming Coach of the Year in 1989. A 1976 graduate of San Diego State (BA, Recrea ti on Admini strati on), Morgan establi shed Az tec swim records in th e 1,000 and 1,650 freestyle and 400 IM events fo llowing an All-Ameri can junior co llege ca ree r.

Bill and w ife, Gretchen, reside with their two young daughters in Del Mar, Calif.

Morgan's La Jolla Legacy 108 Division Ill All-Americans 18 NCAA individual champions 13 NCAA Record holders

3 Academic AII-Amercians 2 NCAA Post-graduate scholarship recipients



...... ,. Karen Jewell, Diving Coach :, -,·- ,...v-.,- '.·.'· .. . -.-•-·... -·.:::.. ..,.,,, :-·, . . .. ·.-.'.-·-·;. Ka ren Jewe l be–

Trade Chil,~s, Assist. Coach A fo ur-yea r sw im– mer fo r the Toreros (1989-93), Tr ac ie Child s beg in s her second season as as– sistant swim coach. The Boulder, Colo. native sco red poin ts fo r USO in four consecutive PCSC Champi onships and cap tained th e 1992-93 USO squad her senior season. Childs, who also swam fo r th e O r– ego n-based Multn omah A thl eti c Club, is working towards a law de– gree at USO.

gins her fo urth sea– son as USD's diving coac h . She pr ev i– ously se rved as div– in g in stru c t o r at Grossmont College.

Jewell took a break from co ll e– giate diving to concentrate on her Civil Engineeri ng degree, obtained from San Di ego State in 1989. As a prepster, Jewel earned third place at th e 1984 CIF-San Di ego Sec ti o n Champi o nship s whil e at Patri ck Henry Hi gh. She and husband Steve reside in La M esa, Cali f.

Urnversity of san Diego Arcntves

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