ESB Graded Examinations in Speech Teacher Guidance: Pre-Entry

Here are Ɵps about preparing learners for the Something Special Talk: 

 It is important that pupils choose something that they really like. The  more interested pupils are in their chosen item, the more enjoyable  the talk will be for them. It may help them to include how they came  to acquire the object of their talk, where it is kept, or something that  happened to do with it.    Working in small groups can be invaluable. For example, if pupils work  in a group of 6, they can share ideas and pracƟse their talks.   Talks should contain a beginning, a middle and an ending.    Encourage pupils to include as much personal detail as possible in their  talk.    Advise pupils to show an awareness of the audience by looking up at  the assessor and the listening group as much as possible.    It is important to ensure that pupils enjoy speaking their selected   poem. If possible, try to select poems in an area of genuine personal  interest.    If there is too much choice and Ɵme is limited, select a small number  of poems and allow each group (for example 6 pupils) to read and pass  them round. Each pupil might then select one or two poems to read  aloud to their group. You can then ask pupils who have chosen the  same poem to work together.    PracƟce makes perfect! Encourage pupils to pracƟse their poem oŌen,  so that the words are secure.    Ensure that you provide the assessor with copies of the chosen poems  on the day of the assessment.   Please see the Suggested Choices secƟon for a list of recommended  poems.

Below are top Ɵps for Speaking by Heart: 


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