ESB Graded Examinations in Speech Teacher Guidance: Pre-Entry

In addiƟon, our Pre‐Entry Level Award in Speech is mapped to NaƟonal   Curriculum requirements in Spoken Language at Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2  in England and it supports the teaching of naƟonal curricula in English and  Literacy in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The qualificaƟon can be  delivered during the classroom study of a curriculum topic or as a  standalone acƟvity as part of a lunchƟme or aŌer school group.   QualificaƟons in our Graded ExaminaƟons in Speech porƞolio can be made  more accessible for pupils with addiƟonal educaƟonal needs. You can make  a reasonable adjustment applicaƟon for a pupil. Reasonable adjustments  can include, but are not limited to:    Changing usual assessment arrangements such as giving extra Ɵme  to complete an acƟvity such as a talk;   Re‐organising the assessment room, so that a pupil with a hearing  impairment can sit closer to the assessor;   Choosing a pre‐selected reading passage.   For further informaƟon, please see our Reasonable Adjustments and Special  ConsideraƟons Policy.  This guide is intended to help teachers prepare their learners for these   qualificaƟons and it is divided into two main secƟons. The first secƟon   provides guidance about how to run our Early Steps qualificaƟons, while the  second secƟon offers advice in relaƟon to the Pre‐Entry Level Award in  Speech.

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