ESB Graded Examinations in Speech Teacher Guidance: Pre-Entry

Guidance for Early Steps 1 and 2  Our Early Steps qualificaƟons are teacher‐led parƟcipaƟon awards, which   focus on building learners’ confidence in speaking.   Early Steps 1  contains three group acƟviƟes of between five and eight   children. It involves the group saying ‘Hello’ and ‘Goodbye to the assessor,  joining in a song or rhyme led by the teacher, and listening to a story read  out by the teacher.   Early Steps 2  is based on a group of six children and it contains four   acƟviƟes. Here, there are two group acƟviƟes and two individual acƟviƟes.  Group acƟviƟes are joining in a rhyme, song or game led by a teacher, and  taking part in a discussion. Individual acƟviƟes are speaking a poem for 1   minute and talking about something special for 1 minute. For further   informaƟon, please see the qualificaƟon specificaƟon.

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