ESB Graded Examinations in Speech Teacher Guidance: Pre-Entry

Below are Ɵps about how to run the assessment for Early Steps 1 and 2 :  

 You are free to pick any games or rhymes that you enjoy using with  your class. It is important that the assessment is enjoyable and fun!   There are no rigid rules with breaks. You can build a break during a  group’s assessment and you can place a break between different  groups.   AŌer Early Steps 1 , all groups receive a report and a cerƟficate, and each pupil  is given this badge:   

For Early Steps 2 only:  

 The ‘Joining In’ group acƟvity comes first to build pupils’ confidence by  working with their teacher on something they have pracƟsed together.    Both SecƟon 2 (Circle Time – Speaking by Heart) and SecƟon 3 (Circle  Time – Talking about Something Special) are individual acƟviƟes.   Following the ‘Joining In’ game, pupils will take it in turns to say their  rhymes.    Following the rhymes, the children will take it in turns to speak about  their chosen objects. For pupils who are not yet ready to stand up on  their own, consider beginning with Early Steps 1  to build confidence .

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