
right decisions. Learning those particular skills is an ongoing part of an EMT’s life. Paramedics have to attend all the same classes as an EMT and qualify for that position. Then they have to go to even more classes, per- haps more than 1,000 hours in all. They will then train for several months in the field, working along- side qualified paramedics. Because they need to use many more skills, they need this extra time to

Paramedics in training use special dummies that simulate human reactions. Here, this trainee is learning to provide oxygen.

make sure they know them all. Paramedics also spend time in hospitals, learning how different departments work with patients. They might work in the emergency room, with babies, with psy- chologists , or with physical therapists. After completing all their training, EMTs and paramed- ics must be licensed. That means that the state in which


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