
they live checks to make sure they are fully ready to go to work. Most states make EMTs and paramedics qualify every few years. They have to prove they are up-to-date on the latest meth- ods and laws. Getting the Job With their license in hand, the newly created EMTs and paramedics can look

By the Numbers • In the U.S.: There are about 240,000 EMTs and paramedics. • The need for these jobs is rising; more than 50,000 more will be needed by 2022. • EMTs earn from$25,000 to $50,000. Paramedics make from $40,000 to $70,000, though in some cities that can be even higher.

for a job. Every state has different ways to hire people for this work. In general, though, a city or a county has paramedics as part of its fire depart- ment. Sometimes firefighters train to become paramedics as well. Other times, the paramed- ics ride alongside firefighters to emergencies. In some places, private companies provide emer- gency medical help, and paramedics can work for them, too. After filling out an application and showing their knowledge and skills, some paramedics will be asked to make some trial runs. This gives the


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