2022 South Central Directory



We will also check in with you regarding any resources that you found helpful. Additionally, we provide a seasonal newsletter with infor- mation related to brain health research! You can sign up for the registry online, calling us at (608) 800- 2899 or emailing us at bhcregistry@nursing.wisc.edu. You can complete the survey in on sitting or save and return!

he Brain health Community registry is a research study with the UW- Madison School of Nursing led by Dr. Gilmore-Bykovskyi. Our primary goal is to pro- vide people with greater access to information about research opportunities related to aging, brain health, and caregiving. Anyone 40 years+ who has an interest in brain health or 18 years+ who pro- vides care for someone with memory changes can join the registry. As a registry member, you will provide some basic demographic information. Then, we are able to send you information about research studies that might be of inter- est to you. It is always up to you whether you want to par- ticipate in those studies. Another goal of the registry is to make participating in research easier for you. Once you are enrolled in the reg- istry, you have the option to receive information and be connected to community resources that may be helpful for you. Some examples of resources we have already provided for registry partici- pants include research-based

information about the brain, caregiver respite informa- tion, tech supports, and transportation services. Each year you are in the reg- istry, we will contact you to update your information and ask about any research studies you participated in.

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