2015 Trumbull Memorial Hospital Demo

Blood Glucose Blood Glucose


Performed? Yes No

1. Assess for clinical indications  Diabetic emergency  Altered mental status  Change in mental status from any baseline  Bizarre behavior  Syncope

 Generalized weakness  Provider’s judgment

2. Gather and prepare equipment

3. Blood samples for performing glucose analysis should be obtained simultaneously with intravenous access or by finger stick.  Note that a device meant for capillary blood may have a 20% range of inaccuracy with venous samples. If ever unsure, use capillary blood on a capillary meter and venous blood on a venous meter. 4. Place correct amount of blood on reagent strip or site on glucometer per the manufacturer’s instructions.

5. Time the analysis as instructed by the manufacturer.

6. Document the glucometer reading (ex. 100mg/dL) and treat the patient as indicated by the analysis and protocol. 7. Repeat glucose analysis as indicated for reassessment after treatment and as per protocol.







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