Engelberg Magazin Nr. 19

Auf dem Tisch in der «Roastery» ist die Karte Engelbergs – die Wetterblads haben stets gute Ausflugstipps auf Lager. A map of Engelberg covers the table top at the Roastery – the Wetterblads always have great tips for local outings.


6370 Stans

Winkelriedhaus Engelbergerstr. 54A

In these times of express capsule coffee, there is a growing demand for real roasteries and traditional piston-driven espresso machines that can turn coffee-drinking back into an everyday special occasion. Brother and sister Oscar and Sophia Wetterblad are responding to this demand, roasting selected beans and creating their own unusual blends at Roastery Engelberg on Dorfstrasse. The delicious scent of freshly roasted cof fee beans fills the air at Dor fstrasse 9 – home to the lov ingly appointed cof fee shop Roaster y Engelberg. Sacks of beans have the counter stands a young woman with blonde hair and blue eyes. Swedish-born Sophia Wet- terblad runs the cof fee roaster y with her broth- er, Oscar. The siblings have cof fee in their blood (so to speak), as their father has worked in the sec tor for a good 30 years and even owns a cof- fee plantation in Guatemala. He began passing on his knowledge about blending and roasting to Sophia and Oscar when they were basically still in the cradle. “We’ve been involved in cof- fee roasting since we were small,” says Sophia. The secret to quality cof fee involves far more than just the beans – which the Wetter- blads impor t direc tly from fair trade farmers whom they know personally. “A good blend is achieved by mi xing beans from dif ferent con- tinents,” explains Oscar. “It also comes down to how the beans are roasted and the machine that is used to make the cof fee.” The Roaster y represents a counter trend to today’s ubiqui- tous capsule cof fee machines. “When people come into our shop, they are excited about just arrived from India, Peru, Brazil and Guatemala. But an- yone expec ting to find a fier y Hispanic barista to match is in for a surprise, as behind

the cof fee beans. Many feel disappointed that they only have a capsule machine at home.” Its success is proof that Roaster y Engelberg’s philosophy has captured the zeitgeist per fec tly. In Januar y 2015, Sophia and Oscar opened their small roaster y as a side projec t. But before long it had turned into a f ull-time job – one that the pair now pour their hear ts and souls into. Sophia began a Master’s degree in healthcare last autumn, and is therefore mainly found at the Roaster y during holidays and weekends. In addition to ser v ing passers-by who pop

6370 Stans

Salzmagazin Stansstaderstr. 23

in for a cof fee or to buy the shop’s special blends – such as “Sunny Side” and “Dark Side” – the young entrepre- neurs also supply hotels and of fices with their produc ts. The cof fee blends are par-

The coffee roastery represents a countertrend to today’s ubiqui- tous capsule coffee machines.

ticularly popular among tourists as presents to take back for friends and family at home. The cof fee is now also available from the shop on the Roaster y’s website, as well as online shopping platform Globus. What ’s more, the pair of fer a roasting workshop for groups of up to eight people, where par ticipants get to roast their own cof fee to take home with them af terwards. They also receive adv ice on how the beverage should be properly prepared. But it ’s not just the cof fee that war- rants a v isit to Roaster y Engelberg; v isitors also love its atmosphere and décor, and the cof fee shop has many regulars. Perched at a table made from stacked pallets with an Engelberg map table top, customers can watch beans being roasted and listen with inter- est to the Wetterblads’ fascinating stories about cof fee and its produc tion. They can also pick up inspiration and tips about out- ings around Engelberg. So for quality cof fee (and conversation), head to the Roaster y.

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Festung Fürigen Kehrsitenstrasse

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