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Patterson’s Allergic Diseases Eighth Edition By Leslie C. Grammer, MD and Paul A. Greenberger, MD

DESCRIPTION Since 1972, Patterson’s Allergic Diseases has been the go-to reference for healthcare practitioners looking for a comprehensive and practical guide to the diagnosis and treatment of allergic disor- ders. This eighth edition focuses on patient evaluation and management, and covers immunologic mechanisms, pathophysiology, pharmacology, and diagnostic techniques. Many contributors hail from outside the field of allergy-immunology, providing an invaluable non-specialist perspective on essential clinical practices. FEATURES ▶ ▶ Discusses the evaluation, treatment, and physiology of common allergies and allergic reactions: insect stings, asthma, food allergies, as well as pulmonary, respiratory, and skin reactions. ▶ ▶ Designed to help primary care providers, internists, pediatricians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants identify an allergy—such as anaphylaxis, urticaria and angioedema— confirm a diagnosis, find effective therapies, or prepare for board review exams. ▶ ▶ Includes new chapters on laboratory tests and personalized medicine, discussions on new allergy & immunology practice parameters, and the latest information on biologic therapies, drug allergy pathogenesis, environmental controls, and diagnostic testing. ▶ ▶ Incorporates recent evidence-based guidelines, including the Practice Parameters from The Joint Task Force (JTF) on Practice Parameters. ▶ ▶ Now in color to add clarity and depth to tables, figures, and illustrations. Your book purchase includes a complimentary download of the enhanced eBook for iOS, Android, PC & Mac. Take advantage of these practical features that will improve your eBook experience: ▶ ▶ The ability to download the eBook on multiple devices at one time—providing a seamless reading experience online or offline. ▶ ▶ Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that allow you to search within this book, or across your entire library of VitalSource eBooks. ▶ ▶ Multiple viewing options that enable you to scale images and text to any size without losing page clarity as well as responsive design. ▶ ▶ The ability to highlight text and add notes with one click.

Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in June, 2009. (ISBN: 978-0-7817-9425-1)

Hardbound / ISBN: 978-1-4963-6029-8 / (US$99.99 / £N/A / €N/A) Worldwide Approx. 784 pp. / 7 x 10 / February 2018


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