News Scrapbooks 1977-1979

Deadline near for

Thursday, January 12, 1978

Air Force Hands USO 77-62 Loss University of San Diego ran into an Air Force Acade- my buzzsaw midway of the first half last night and dropped a 77-62 dedi,ion to the Falcons on the latter's court. The game was the first stop on a two-game Colorado tour for the Toreros who play Northern Colorado at Greeley tomorrow night. Last night's defeat snapped a three-game USD winning streak. The Toreros are now 11-4 and the Falcons 7 Includ- ing a 6--0 mark at home. Both Colorado stops for USD are against Division I opposi- tion . USD held a 16-15 lead mid- way of the first half last night but &-6 Bob Bartholo- mew then picked up his third personal foul. With Bartholo- mew on the bench until mid- way through the second half, the Falcons dominated the boards and raced to a 42-26 edge at the lntermi Ion. At Pasadena, UC San Diego rolled to a 90-53 tri- umph over Cal Tech after claiming a 49-18 halftime edge. The win gives the Tri- tons an 8-4 season mark USD c,21 Stockolper 2 0-0 •• COit 5 0-0 10, fior- ,,.,tt 2 6-9 10, Steworl • 3-5 11, Borthola- mewl 0-0 •• Cook 1 l-2 •• Strode 2 0-0 ,. Larch-MIiier I 0-1 2. Mlehltmore S l•l 11, Hltzelberger I 0.1 2. Totals 25 12-21 62. Al;R~~:~~~7I.JHorris 3 0-0 6, Sc;llnee- beroer 12 0-1 2,. • H 11, Dlokovlct, 2 2-2 6, Wooolork 1 2, PoweB 2 4, Reod 2 0-1 •• Janos 2 1-1 5. Herbll 1 2-J ,. Golob J 1-2 7 Totals M 9 14 n Holftlme 5COr.,_Alr Foret '2, USO 26. Fouled out-Harris. Total touls,- USD lO, Air Force 23. /U 0""1, Amge 1:, ll .,•••



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Met tryout The Metropolitan Opera District Auditions will be held at 10 a.m , Jan 28, in the Camino Tlieater of the Cmversity of San Dlego. . Singers who want to par- llcipate in the auditions must submit applications no later than Jan. 15. Applicants must have voirc> training, musical baC'kground, artistic and operatic aptitude. They mu~t also be sponsored by a voicP teacher, vocal roach, conductor or musical authority. Residents of San Diego and lmpenal counties, or Baja, are eligible. Appli- cants must be in the follow- ing age brackets: soprano, 18 to 30; mezzo and contral- to, 20 to 30; tenor and bari- tone, 20 to 32; and bass, 20 to 33. Appllcant~ will be r - quired to sing a minimum or five aria m at least two languages. The winner must bf' prepared to attend the r gional semi-finals and fmals on March 17 and 18 in Bovard Auditorium at the University of Southern Cali- fornia. S-lal To The San o,- Unlan ORANGE- Mike Strode's driving layup with two sec- onds on the clock gave the USD Toreros an 88-87 victory over Chapman College here last night. Chapman was up by a point with six seconds Jett and had Mike Healy at the line with a one-and-one. Healy mJssed and the l Toreros' Rich Michlemore grabbed the rebound and : fired an outlet pass to Bill 1 Stewart, who relayed to Strode for the winning layup. 1 The Panthers had a I chance to win It at the buzz- er but Marv Thurman's half- court shot was off the mark. USD had to come from 11 points back at the half and started to move when' Ron Cole and Stewart began to hit from the field, the Toreros, who now are lJ-6 for the season. Stewart added 18 and Bob Barthol- mew had 14. Cole had 22 for USO Rally Overtakes Chapman 1 •

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J-Jtf--1{, .,(' •'otJ."~ I r I • Road split eludes USD in Rockies Whatever the Colorado high is, it didn't do much for the University of San Diego basketball team. The Toreros lost their ' second road game in Colo- rado last night, 86-83 to Northern Colorado. USD lost to Air Force Academy 77-62 Wednesday night. The loss brought the Torero record to 11-5 on the season with the NCAA Divi- sion II team now 3-3 against Division 1 major college opponents. Both Air Force and Northern Colorado are Division I teams. Ron Cole was the lone bright spot for USD last night, scoring 26 points. USD was trailing 37-36 at the half but consecutive turnovers at the start of the second half produced eight unanswered points for Northern Colorado. The Toreros came within one point of the lead in the final minute of play but free throws by Colorado's Rod Smith and Kim Hornecker put the game out of reach. Meanwhile, Pomt Loma College (11-3) leaves town today to play Grand Canyon Cvllege (10-1) In Phoenix. USD <13J Harnett 3 1·2 7, Sfewort • 1-3 9, Bar· th01omew3 I • 7, StockDIPH 11-2 3, Cole 9 W 26, Strode l 0-0 ·~ MiChlemore 3 2-2 8. Lorch-Miller 8 0-0 16, Cook 0 1-2 1. Tolals-- 3' IS-23 83. NORTHERN COLORADO (NJ Smith 8 ,.1 25,, Ulmer ,t '""' 12, Neely 3 0-1 6, Hornecker 41 J..S 1 t. Montgom~rv 6 0-0 12, Gronl 3 3-.t 9, Sk1~ 2 U 7, Dunsmoor l 0-G 4 Tolols--J2 l2·32 96. Ho!fllme sc:are-Norther.n Colorado 37. USO ,16 Tolal foul>-USO 28, North• ern Colorado 20 FOUied out-USO, Stewrt Mc !-more, Lorch-Miller,

'Women Of Elegance' Show Dedication


USO 15th in nation TRIBUNE Hews Reoon University of San Diego was ranked ·o. 15 in the natlon today In NCAA Divi- sion II basketball ratings released by The Associated Press. It was the first time the Toreros (11-3) have been ranked nat10nally this sea- son. The Umvers1ty of Wis- consin at Green Bay (13-0) was rated 'o. 1. Only one other team on the Toreros' 1977-78 sched- ule . was ranked m the top 15 and that was Chapman College In Orange with a 11- 4 record. US plays Chap- man Jan . 28 and again on Feb. 21. Ironically, the University of Puget Sound, which USD sources said as ranked No. I mthe preseason polls, was not in the top 15 rank- ings. USD defeated Puget Sound 74-72 last Friday. '!'he Toreros will try for their fourth win in a row tonight when they travel to Colorado Springs to battle •he Arr Force Academy. U D, which has been playing extremely well since adding freshmen \1ike Stockalper and Bob Bartholomew to the start- Ing lineup, Is on a two-game swing through Colorado. After meeting the 6-4 Fal- cons tonight the Toreros (11-3) will face Northern ('{)!orado Friday night In other small college ac- uon tonlgh ' UCSD visits Cal Tech 1ean~hile, a full sched- ule of conference activity JS set for area junior colleges this e\ening.

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Dr. Author E. Hughe pre idcnt or the University " or an Diego, and Mrs Hughes entertained at dinn partle Tue day and last night in the French Parlot or r oundcrs Hall at the umver ity. Bob usttn, I ctur r In rou I at U ·n, presented a pro ram Qf llght opera sel ctions ung by Judy Harper, Jim 1e1yado, Pam lethzm and Gar Pr tty nan. 1,-;l to.,(., /.-I?, - 78

Colorado Tips oreros, 86-83 SPOClal ,. The San Dle11G Union GREELEY, Colo - The l'mv rs1ty of San Diego ended a t~o-day road tnp In C-0lorado with a 86-83 loss to . 'orthem Colorado. The Toreros trailed by one at th~ half, 37-36, but 'orth- em Colorado came out In the , cond haIf and scored eight tra1ght points, all of them coming aft r Torero turn- I ov The Torerns, with ~tike Larch-Miller coming off the bench for 16 pomts, were ab! to close to within one point n th wamng minutes, 1 but Colorado iced the n on fr throws by Rod Smith and Kur. Hornecker I U Dnow stand at 11-5 for , th season and ~ill return home Wednesday for a game v.ith Southern California Col- lege at ,P m.l.t}~e USDJ gym )JJ' ~- 1Y 1 USD Clll /- / 'r Harnett 3 12 7 Stewart~ l•J 9, Bar• 11\0lomew 3 I • 7, Slockol- 11·2J, Cole 9 H 26 s,,_ J 0-0 6, Mich emore 3 2-2 8 Larth-Milltr 8 0-0 16 COOk O 1-2 • Tolo~3' IS-2313. NORTHERN COLORADO (NJ Sm fl'I I 9-l 2S~ Ulmer• 4-5 12. Neely l D-16 Hornecker 0-511. Montgomery 6 0-0 12, Grant 3 J.• t Skinner 2 3-6 7, Dunsmoor 2 0-0 •· Totol'l-32 22~ 86 ttalft me- score- orttwrn orodo 37. U at fou >-USO 28. Nortt>- ern Co o a o 20 ~ouled ou uso~ S rt M chl1more La ch M. I er,

A ·r Forte bombs USD

llnother Division I team In Northern Colorado (5-11). UCSD, meanwhile, had some good new and ome bad news notching Its fourth win of the season. Forward Lee Br k tt, UC D' leading corer with a 16.3 average, tallied 22 points but was forced to leave the game In the C· ond half with a pulled mus• cle in calf of his right leg. Coach Barry Cunning• ham hoped Brockett's inju• ry will be healed for the Triton's game Tu day against UC-R1vers1d UCSD fired a torrid 55 percent from the floor to romp to Its easiest victory of the a.son The Tritons out rebounded Galtech 24• 14


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USO quint shoots for clincher

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Already assured of a 500 pl season, the University of w San Diego Toreros will at- ti! tempt to cmch a wmnmg year tonight at 8 when they is take on the Los Angeles ri State D1ablos In USD gym- w nasium . rr record tf with seven games remain- ing, the Toreros will be in a , good position to win be- fl cause Los Angeles State will be playing without its 6- 7center, Bobby Taylor, who reportedly left the team. The Toreros, who play four of their remaimng seven games at home, can further ttteir bid for a berth in the NCAA Division II tournament by taking the Los Angelenos. USD is fresh from a nar- row and critical win over Chapman College Saturday. Boasting a 13-6

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News of San Diego District Metropolitan Opera Auditions , Western Region, MONC f'fL. "O,,.AA..a" !) ,,,.,,, ,, ~,. .,/ _J_lr_~__ u_ jl...-V" _____ '77 PARTICIPATION _(o_~_,~ _ _:;:_~=...,'__ '78 CALENDAR OF EVENTS


12 singers) 24 singers) a

Prehearsal - Auditions - Regionals -

PREHEARSAL - 2 PM January 15 Guest speaker - Henrietta Pelta, Los Angeles, Coach-Accompanist, Voice Faculty - Cal. Inst. of the Arts AUDITIONS - January 28 from 10 AM with AWARDS of $1500 or more WINNERS'CONCERT * March 12, 7:30 PM

6 singers started compe- tition with 2 chosen among the 10 Finalists - Susan Blum and Martha Jane Howe . SD honored for 2nd con- secutive year with 2 Finalists! Awards - $1600 given by 17 generous donors for 8 winners and expenses for Regionals

Thurman's 33 was high for the game. John Johnson added 19 for 14-6 Panthers. USD (II) Sl~~k~lfr l) •• Cole 10 2·2 22, Hornell 2 2-21, !torch-MIiier 1 2-3 •• chlemore J 2-38' :r'f:fJ~ 6-9 18, Ml- . CHAPMAN [171 •w 5 H 1'.. 2lfo~•t~/~ 0 1 ~;~1s 3 0-1 6, o-.,, 1', Nichols 2 2 • 6 Hea.91330·J2o3hnson 9 1-2 Holftl ' Y • 2 35. Fou:, :if'~ - ChaJ>man ·44 uso fouis- USO 26. c~='n~:.le. Toto/

Winners Concert - guest, Sunny Joy Met Nat 'l winner

6 singers with Langton, 3rd pl. in '76


~f To our NEW donor , San Diego Federal, who 'oins our Bandwagon of Donors! "-d~~~{._/,77 WINNERS HIGHLIGHTS IN OPERA--Pacific Lyric's "The Bear" - Walton, with Martha Jane Howe as Popova and Tom Hinckley as Smirnov--the World Premier of "The Importance of Being Earnest" - Nuovo-Tedesco with Martha Jane as Lady Bracknell and Tom as Algernon Moncrieff. Barbara Wilkinson receiv- ed a $3.Jl,0O Martha B. Rockefeller grant .Q~/ To Past Winners: Heidi Lasley , •~6, for Tosca at Brigham Young and guest soloist with Utah Symphony. Diana Davidson, '76, for Rosina in "The Barber" and Nancy in "Martha" with the touring National Opera. She was also a NATS Nat'l Finalist in Philadelphia. Carolyne McDaniel'75 for Nicolete in SD Opera's "Love for Three Oranges" in Feb. To Robert Tota for opera in Pensacola. To Stephan Ross'75 for returning from Seattle to sing his SD Symphony Perfor mance Award of '75 Auditions this Spring. To Kathy Kennedy,'76 for under studying Beverly Sills' Merry Widow & Frasquita in "Carmen" -both SD Opera, also Musetta in Balboa Park's summer opera "La Boheme". To Karol Hansen'73 for leading parts in Seattle Opera's Touring Co. To Connie Haldaman'72 for Gwendol~n and Karen Hartman'71 for Cecily i n PLT's "Earnest".Connie is with Boris Goldovsky' s Touring Opera singing leading roles. Kathy Knight'73 for Papageno iJ: "Flute" for Seattle.

• '78 JUDGES lichaelis, Mezzo-soprano ,

~K~a-mm--e-r_s_a_n_g_e_r_i~n--o~f Bavarian State Opera at Munich, recently decorated by Ger- many for contribution to Music. Now at Santa Barbara, teaching and directing opera in many parts of USA.Kathryn Harvey, lyric coloratura with career in Opera houses of London and Europe. Voice faculty of Iowa U. for 12 years , · concertizing in Midwest, recently of SF State Voice faculty. Conrad Immels - Operatic baritone with European Opera career after being chosen Nat'l Final- ist at MET in '66. Now on use Voice facult . w~I New Western Regional - --=...c..~...c.....:.....:.=..:a....:... • Educational Fund for Finalists of Region. Karan Armstrong, MET winner with career here and abroad, will give benefit concert Feb. 4 - 8PM, at The Ambassador College ****Vinson Cole, 1st pl. winner in'77 MET Auditions will sing with La Jolla Chamber Orchestra in SD area Jan 26, 27 and 29th.



SIOff Photos by Dennis Huls


SD District hosted the of District and Regional the Western Region--9

orse Will Gallop In served ersary jbrary wife, Marge, in an infonnal white chiffon print. receiving line. Muriel Hahn, Lee Cox and 1ely to Marge Hughes wore black Liz Fruin took a rosier view

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and selected vibrant and be- coming shades of red - from pink to wine to fuchsia. "Leaming to Look at Art" will be Steven Brezzo's topic • • •

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brocaded in silver, a combi- Ueried nation also favored by Esth- !ll"Y in er Keeney, whose black vel- .etting vet suit had a silver-touched









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somely, it does not convert Anna Roon chose black when he meets with mem- easily. Party planners had to sequins, and other fashion- bers of Las Primeras Feb. I, move an awful lot of books.) able women in. black includ- Brezzo, assistant curator Bishop Leo T Maher ed Agnes Crippen, Dona of the Fine Arts Gallery, will chairman of thP USO board Vojtko, Betsy Bums and talk to the South Bay phllan- of trustees, and Msgr. Wil- Barbara Burke. Betty De- throplc group at a gathe~ng liam D. Spain, chairman of Bakcsy - whose ~usband, m the home of Melinda Llm. the dinner and a university Alex, 1s the first chau-man of Sue Povondra and Joan trustee, joined USD Presi- the President's Club Council Dolgas are hostesses for the dent Author Hughes and his - wore a bold black-and- day.

Iiams. '!'he celebration will benefit the Freedoms Foun- dation's student and teacher seminars and the Medical Auxiliary s benevolence fund. • • • More than 100 members of the University San Diego

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