News Scrapbooks 1977-1979
Hon r. o to 12 women for social service
,. . stated. "Trustees of the University of San Diego have two major func - tions. ''They serve as guardians of the public interest in the University in ensuring its fiscal stability, and relating its educational mission to the general society it serves. "On the other hand, the board is the apex of administrative au- thority; it carries ultimate responsibility for all that happens internally. "In a sense, the Board must be the University's conscience; it must determine what is best for the University and for the public it serves."
Two local business executives were among the four appointed trustees of the University of San Diego, according to Bishop Leo T. Maher, chairman of the board. La Jolla's George M. Pardee Jr. and Rancho Santa Fe's Walter Zable joined 27 other trustees at the latest board meeting Friday. Pardee is chairman of the board of the Pardee Construction Co. A graduate of UCLA in Business Admin- istration, Pardee has received an of Hwnanities from Salem College in West Virginia and an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Pepperdine University in Malibu. the National Executive Board of the Boy Scouts of America. He is president of the Scouts Great Western Council and a member of the executive board, San Diego County Council. Pardee serves as a trustee on the boards of Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, John's Hospital and Health Center, and ~e~~~~enhower Medical He is a member of the Pardee is on Saint
Sunday, February 26, 1978 USD Wins, Eyes Spot In Playoffs
Diego me of at 8 hop- s roth must Ion to trict l be and late. lnde-
The University of San Diego Toreros are just a phone call away from an NCAA playoff date after an 83-73 victory last night over UC-Riverside in the team's home and season finale. USD wound up the season 20-6 and now must await a call today from the selection committee of the NCAA to find out if It has been award- ed an at-large berth in the western regional Division II playoff, scheduled Thursday and Friday at Cal State- Northrldge. The 20-6 season was the second straight for the ToreroMs In addition to tying the school for most victories, the club also set a record for most points scored, 2,170, and .averaged 83.3 points per game, also a school mark. The mood in the USO lock- er room last mght clearly was one of optimism. "This JS very rewarding right now," said coach Jim Brovelli. "This basically is a group of seniors and it was a two-year goal for the kids on the team, I'm pleased with the entire season. It's a trib- ute to these kids that they can disappointment hang in there after the of last seea- son (when the Toreros were bypassed by the NCAA). I feel confident that we will get a call tomorrow for the playoffs." USD outrebounded River- side, 61-50. John Green had 27 points for UCR and Rick Baldwin added 16 In another small college game involving a local team, Azusa Pacificrned back USCO, 91-71, to finish at 7-3 in N AIA District III South- ern Division race. USCD fin- ished its conf rence season at 3-7 and 8-19 for the year. Azusa' s well-balanced attack, led 1 by Jeff Golven and Mike Street, pulled the Cougars away In the second half, after the UCSO Tritons stayed within three at the break. Azusa, with Steve Severs, Levi Richard and Golven providing the muscle, outre- bounded the Tritons. The Tritons also were outshot from the field, 53 percent to 44. UC•RIVERSIDE (73) Groen 13 H 27, Loudermill 2 1-1 5. Baldwin 8 16, Woolsey 4 H 11, ffJ~r 2-412, Gard 10-12. TotalS-33 USO {8Jl Cole 2 • • 8, StrOde 2 2-2 6, Harnett 8 4- , :zo, Stewart 9 3-5 21, Mlchlemare, 2·2 10, Cook 3 H 10. Bartholomew , 0-3 8, Totals - 32 19·24 83. Holftlme - USO, 38-'.l.1. Fooled oof- n'~~~: ~fJ~~lomew, Totals fouls - AZUSA PACIFIC {'1) , Streif 56-7 16, Galven 8 4-5 :zo, DIiion 3 • 10, Severs e 0-0 16 Wetzel 2 0-0 ,. McDouval O2-2 2, Graves 1 2-J 4 Rici,'. ~'ts5rJi~,1J• Berry 1 fl.-0 2. • Hopper 3 0-0 6, Frazier a 0-21', Brock- e2t2t 71-3 15, Bradley 3 2-3 8, Greenstein 2 • 6, Omaiev 3 2·2 8 Polk J fl.-0 6 Nicholson 0 2-2 2, Stark 2 fl.-0, • Halftime score- Azusa 38 ·ucso 35 Fouled out - Berrv. Total fools _: Azuso Pacific :ZO, UCSD 24
George Pardee Jr.
Walter Zable Pardee is married and the father of four children. Rancho Santa Fe resident Zable is chairman of the board and chief executive officer of the Cubic Corp He received his B.S. degree in physics and mathematics from the College of William and Mary, and an M. S. in electrical engineering from the University of Florida. He is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Elec- tronics Engineers. Locally Zable is a
member of the Chan- cellor's Associates and the Foundation Board of Trustees at UCSD. He serves as a director for the Junior Golf of San Diego, the Boy Scouts of America, the YMCA Corporate Board, and the Musewn of Man. He is on the Advisory Committee on Capital Resources for William and Mary College. Zable is married and the father of two children In announcing the new trustees, USD president Author E . Hughes
1 Honorary Doctor
Kimbrough ; (middle row, from left) Helen Davi. , Hazel Tow Lynn Srhenk, Mary Glen l'hal n, (back row, from left) Sara G 1ch, Joann \\arren, Pnc11la ::\foxley, Sister ."a r uray, Lou Smith, La Wanda Sievert.
periaenc anu JtJUSL llnpress the NCAA II selection com- mittee, something Coach Jim Brovelh thinks his team has done. The formal In itat1ons to playoff team will be made tomorrow. N hridge State is the only t m definitely in the tournament now. Five teams a.r being con- sidered for the thn other berths - Chapman, C- Da vis, Hay ard State, Puget Sound and SD USD has on of the best records on the West Coast among NCAA U t ams. It has defeated Chapm<.ll twice 88-87 and 94-84, Puget Sound 74-72, Hayward State 67-58 and })lit with Northridge State 56-81 and 76-62. The team has \\ on its last seven games in a row, in- cluding a 68-56 romp over UCR Feb. 14 at Riverside.
attorn y who wa act1v m the orga111zat1on of the [,ay. . yers 'lub of San DI go, Equal Right Advisors and the Women's Bank, She is on the city' advisory board on the status of women and Is a member of the attorney general's Worn n' H1ghts Tak Force. real ate SI v rt 1s presld nt of th Star of India UXIIJ ary, chairwoman of th Point Loma auxiliary of the San 01 go Symphony and 1s a member of the boards of the Mant1me A soc:1at1011 and th Children's II alth Center JXtliary l.aWanda Stev rt - 10nally active rn pro- f Lou !:imith - a key ft on n D1ego's golf Smith ha served a tou ment director or the J or World Golf Champ1onsblp for II y ars. llaz I Hartzog Tow - so-
c1ety editor or The Tribune Tow·s career rn Journalism includ s a tmt as a war correspondent during World War II As a commumtv volunteer, she has worked with the Salvation rmy dvtsory Board, the GI be Theater and Guilders nd the \tuseum of Man. prrs1- d en t of The Counlry Fnend . Warren 1s a trus- tee of Children s Ho. p1tal and Health Center, a m m- ber of the Easter Seals \d- visory Board, and on the board of dtrertors or the ::,ymphony Association. ftC'r mtroducmg the trad1t10nal 12 Women of Ded1eat10n, Car n patd pec1al tribute to Even- son. Evenson . pearheaded the Committee of 100, which has helped preserve histor 1c bu..diugs in Balboa Park. Joanne Warren -
('s wX ?,l:i~)!~~ · r barga,n,ng fliioate • tn, of collective bargaining er ity of & nd st rike be extended
University Board of FCkste' Pepperdine University
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to public employees?" The 8 p.m. debate in Salomon Lecture Hall is
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Regents of
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Intersession registration set at USO The University of San Diego will conduct intersession classes from Jan. 4 to Jan. 24. Those who are in- terested in taking classes at this time may preregister before Dec. 20 in USD's Founders Hall, Room 100, or can wait to register Jan. 4, 8- 12 and 4-6:30 in the registrar's office, Founders Hall. Tuition is $95 per semester unit for graduate students. The maximum number of units which may be taken in the intersession is three. Some of the classes offered include: anthro- pology, history, political science, physical . _,. science, psychology, English, education and career-life planning. fc&u\,• F-.b '146
.:i ... 2 • 7 r
F..OofuCr.~ ourt For 6More Weeks 'T'ht• f1r,t · 10n of the Snn Diego Inn of f'A>urt, de igncd to offer young I wycN; an opportunitv to l1•·1rn c urtroom kill , w held I, t nii{hl at. tht• Univer 1ty or ., n r>icgo and will continu, for ix m l Y.l•l'k •'am,.,J for thL• Crigl h Inns or ~J,, '11 nn examin lion of uaminalion juror . op ning tatem nt and do ing arguments . "Traditional legal c•ducation dew~ not ad ·quatply cquip th , young lawy r to make an l·fficwnt courtroom pr scntation," aid Wilham G. R·1ilcy chair~an of the program "This lack contr1butt•d to court conge lion and d lay, ''Thr ·e Y •ar ago, upermr Court Judge Loui Wei h l k the initiative and organiu~ th Inn of Court to olft-r young la\\yc•r nopportunity to 1 ,rn and rt•finl' courtroom kills." The, 11.uley addc•d, ha~ erv ·d a a model for olh r such program~ throughout tht• rountr,. , voir dirt• of C1urt, \I, here lawyer arc tr med prolc s1onally, thl! program offe.r r.our e in dire<"l \I, 1tnt and eras. .
rHE SAN DIEGO UNION 9.5 Meeting Set On Praying The University of San Diego School of Education 1_ and Religious Education Program will hold a work- e shop next Saturday from t 9;30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in 0 Salomon Lecture Hall on t "Praying Together " Peter Gilmour, author of "Praying Together," and adjunct professor at the In- . stitute for Pastoral Studies Loyola University, Chicago; will lead the workshop. , Gilmour has been involved • m the training of religious educators for ten years at Loyola The work hop will center on group prayer In the ron- text of cla ses, weekend seminars, retreats and spe- cial occasions. Information is available from Dr. Joseph Rost at the School of Educa- tion, USD.
Dr. Au th or E. Hughes the Chamber' · movie industry leade,rs at a lunch s v1te pres1den_t for commu~ications, addresses Diego's Motion Picture & Tel .. eonB ast month in Beverly Hills to introduce San ·
ureau Some 100
· pro ucers and production er President John M. Murphy, Mayor Pete ern1ce Leyton that their productions are welcome .
managers were told by Hughes Chamb Wilson and Port Commissioner B . at San Diego-area locations.
USD jog to raise funds Students at the University of San Diego will have what they call a "jogathon" to- morrow to start a fund~ raising campaign for a 1'ew student union building. session event, which will take place at noon and 5 p.m. on a track at the west end of the campus. Pledge cards were mailed out by the Associated Students of USO, and participants will receive credit for funds for each lap completed. A USD spokesma1;1 said more than 200 students have signed up for the two-
USD Lai toJ!onor St. Thon{a; More•;?,:-11r The University of San Diego School of Law will commemorate the 500th anniversary of the birth of St. Thomas More with a program at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, February 21 in the Joseph P. Grace Courtroom in the Law School. Three lectures on themes related to More's role in developing the law and his- impact on subsequent philosophers will be presented. "St. Thomas More and the Dif- ficulty of Restraining Sovereign Power Through Law" will be discussed by Rev. James McConica, professor of historY,. Pontifical In- stitute of Medieval Studies University of Toronto. · The final address. "Value in a Lawyer's Life," will be delivered by E. Clinton Bamberger Jr. with commentary by Dr. John M. Winters, Professor of Law, USD. Bamberger, currently executive vice president of the Legal Services Corp., was for- merly dean of Columbus School of Law, Catholic University of America.
The Tokaido Stops Here
Prmh of the 53 stops on the Tokaido - the imperial Japa- nese road from Tokyo to Kyoto - are now on disploy at the Founders' Gallery, Univ rsity of San Di go. They are by th fam d 19th centu- ry Japanese artist, Hiroshi e. Art Critic Richard Reilly discusses the prints on Page B inside. At right is the lshibe sta- tion.
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