News Scrapbooks 1977-1979






Son Diego, Thursday, Morch 2, 1978



It's tournament time for State, USO and Point Loma

$AN DIIGO UNION Meeting Set On Praying l'lle Univ• Hy of San Diego School or Education and Religious Educallon Program wlll hOld a work• &hop next • aturday from 9 30 a m lo 12 SO pm In s.,lomon Lectur Hall on ''PnlJllng Togclh " Pete Gilmour, author ol "Pray lng TQlieUler," and adJunc\.Pl'1l~c!94lr at tho In- r ha been mvolwd In~ of religious educatOrs fur ten years at l,iyola on group prayer In u,,. con- trx- of c , w keud ..mlnars rotr Cl and spe- rlal OCCA lOJl&: lnfonnauon s avallable rrom !Jr. JOSl.'ph !lost al the ~chool or Educa Uon, IJSD. In the Ir The wor p will center lute Jqr storal Studl , Lqyol t'nly rslly, Chicago, will I d lb worl

goes to Toreros

By NICK CANEPA TlllUN• StlOrtllffiltr


EVENING TRIIUNE Oi'PC!tch EAGLE ROCK - Point Loma College already has lost two starting players on its basketball team as 1t prepares to enter the NAIA Ill playoffs tonight at Occidental College. Guard Pat Hedman and forward Bill Job have been sidelined with ankle injuries, Coach Ben Foster said. However, "if everybody chips in and plays the way they are supposed to," Foster said, "we won't be all that bad off." Pomt Loma (19-8) plays Redlands University (10-15) in the second game or the so-called "mini-tournament." In the opener, Biola (17-13) plays Azusa Pacific (14-16). The winners of these two games return Saturday ror a chance of advancing to the championship rounds Monday and Wednesday. A total of seven teams are in the tourney. Hedman has his Iefi ankle in a cast following an injury suffered in Point Lorna's final season game, an 81-61 loss lo Southern Caliiornia College, Job twisted an ankle in the team's practice Tuesday, Foster said, and "definitely will be out for tonight's game." "I hope the inJunes don't create a bad mental problem for the other players," Foster said. "I don't think that will happen, however, since our game plans are not designed around any individual super stars." Foster said Art Leahy, a 6-4 forward. will start at one guard position in place or Hedman. He said 6-6 center See CRUSADERS, D-4

ANAHEIM - Al last, the time has come to decide who's the meanest cal in the PCAA jungle. The conrerenre champion, you say? Bah' Throw 11 out. This ls the Pacific Coast Athletic Association basket- ball tournament, man. What's that? Well, as long as you didn't finish last in the league durmg the regular season - !Jke UC-Jrv!ne did - you're in It And. no matter who you are, ll you wm 11 you're going mlo the rmrt round of the NCAA Western Regionals next w, •k ThOse 26 games or so you played before this thing don't mean a lhmg ~ro. No lE"•m is more aware or this than San Diego Stale, a club which Just happened to lie wllh Fresno Stale ror the l'CIIA title But lh• Aztecs aren't getting any special treatment here, l\lghl now, they're no better or worse than anyone. They have to win. !l's a simple matter or racl. Tht'y can't arrord a sllp, and that starts tonight when State lakes on l:C-Santa Barbara in the f,rst round or the three-day PCAA Tournament in Anaheim Convention Cf•ntn The game is srheduled to begin al 9, but don't count on Il. This ls lh• finale of a lrlpleheader, wtlh other hrst- round games reaturlng Long Beach Stale and Paclllc al 5 and Fullerton Stat~ meeting San Jose Stale at 7. Thererore, lt's unlikely the two earlier games will end

NORTHRIDGE, Calif. - "I think we got the toughest draw In this tournament," said University of San Diego basketball coach Jim Brovelli. "And, that's good." With a feeling of confidence, the USD team (20-6) takes the floor tonight in the Northridge State College gymnasi- um against rugged Pugel Sound (19-9) in Round One of the NCAA JI western regional playorrs. "They are a very experienced playorr learn," BroveW was saymg "For us, it's Just another ga!Tl'. We're happy to be playing them." Indeed, tonight's preliminary game to the nlghtcap between Northr1dge State (2!-6) and UC-Davis (ls-8) promises to be an intriguing test !or the lads from San Diego. Tonight's winners play for the title tomorrow. "Pugel Sound is by far the biggest learn we have played affseason," said Brovelli. The Loggers rrom Tacoma, Wash., have a big team, all right. Their sizes be/Jl the learn name. The guards are IHI Tim Evans and &-5 Rocky Botts. The forwards are 11-5 Rick Walker and 6-8 Steve Freimuth. The center Is 6-8 Joe Leonard. Evans and Walker are NCAA II All-Amer1cans left over from last year's squad. They have won their last six in a row, mcluding a 99-75 rout over Portland Stale Monday night. They arc the 13th best defenSJve team in the nation, holding opponents to 65.5 points per game Set USD, D-4 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 0-1 They are ranked seventh m the nation among NCAA II learns in beating opponents decisively - by a 12.9-poinl margin. But, they are beatable, obviously. USD beat them 74-72 in San Diego Jan. &. The Toreros not only beat them that night in sconng but also in rebounds, 34-29. "We can beat them by pressuring them at both ends of the court," Brovelll said. "I know we are quicker." Brovelll's winning formula he's doling out to his players is pre$Sure, speed and control or the boards. "By stopping them from what they are looking to do orlens1vely, Itlhnk, is the key," BroveW said. Pugel Sound Coach Don Zech is a wtnner. In 10 years as head Logger basketball coach, he has guided his learn to the playoffs seven times. His record ,s 196-87 for a .693 winning clip dUrtng lhal decade. · USO has a. j\"innlng record, too. In the last sil< years USD is 42-20 against NCAA II teams. That's a .677 winning percentage. Brovelli is in his fourth year as head coach of the Toreros. He is 81-50 in that span for a 623 Wlnnlng record. But, Brovelli can't score a point ror USO. Thal corns on the floor from some good basketball players he h.d rounded up over the years, seven or them seniors on this team. The semors are Buzz Harnett, Rick Michelmore, Ron Cole, William Stewart, Ted Peterson, Mike Strode and Mike Larch-Miller. Four or those seniors will start tonight. The big men to counter Puget Sound's bulk are &-7 Harnett who is bemg shifted to center ror tonight's game and forwards Mi- chlemore and Stewart, both 6-5. The guards are 6--4 Cole and 6--0 Mike Slockalper. For those who follow USD basketball, such a lineup may come as a surprise. What's different is Harnett's switch to center and the rare starting assignments for M1chelmore and Stock- alper. "Thu;_ is our best lineup for a learn like Puget Sound," Brovell1 explained. Harnett \\ill play center m place of freshman Bob Bartholomew who BroveW said would be the first sub off the bench. Michelmore starts over Mike Larch-Miller because or his scoring punch and superior rebounding performances m USD's late season drJve which saw it win its last eight straight Stockalper got the call over Strode who has ~n slowed by a sore back. ''I'll tell you that those two lreshrr).en - Ba[thOlomew and Stockalper - have just been superb. ' the coach said. "Stockalper, especJa!ly, has gotten the complete respect of the seniors." Despite the minor lineup changes for tonight's game, the players could care less. "We're going 10 win 11 au," said lion COie. -"I mean tM . nal championship." J *USO

• LOS ANGELES 1UPII The University of San Diego, utilizing an enormous free throw advantage, won its opening round game Thurs- day night against the University of Puget Souod . 91-85 in the NCAA Division 2 western regionals. The Toreros took 34 shots from the line, hitting 24 of them. Puget Sound attemp- ted only six free throws, making five of them. San Diego was led by seniors Buzz Harnett and Ron Cole who scored 20 points each. Cole broke open a halftime tie wi 18 points* m the second hat ''Our team p a)ltd a outstanding ga tonight," USO coach .l1m Brovell said, "and and we were abl to stay out of foul troublt which enabled us to gam a,i advantage from the line."

Wor. s fly as Toreros _, • ...d lfWJ\~ • /D stay alive B\' Jt:RJIY Rt:MMlsRS TIU.UNI '"1rhwtt1er NORTH!UIX:i:. Call!. -There's a newspapt•r cllppu,g In the lockPr room or the Untverslly or San Dl•go that the t am' t,.1 ketball player have been r ~dmg for the past month ll Ls a story from a San i·crnando Valley paper quotmg Northrldg,, Stale ba. kctball eoaC'h I' le Ca dy alter his 1tam lost to the Toreros 711- 6'.l on Jan 7 Cassidy Id lie con,ldPred that defeat 111n upset by a ·weakling warn.· I I ht Well Ure "wcakllng.s" asl n g oulmusded and outplayed 8 phySI· cally s\roll&Pr Pu cl Sound Universl- ty team 9 l-115 N verthek Cassidy alrPady has predicted that '&tarting at 9 o'dock tonight, hi team will ck'leal those same "weaklin " ID the NCAA DI- vision II ll'e rn l!eg\onal finals Xorthndge (22-6), like San Diego, won lls opening-round game last stgllt by trouncing hapless ur,Davis by u morgm wor than tho score, '19-73 Indicates W~akllngs' "We'll Who that ls tonight," chuckled I.SD'• 11-7 center- forward Suu Harnett To hear the usu playPrs and coaches talk, th y wtll aboolutely stomp the Matador. In what obvious- ly ha! turned tonight's game Into a batUe of ooe-upsraansh1p. So go th,. psyching gam,·s played come toumam nt-tlm,. In small col• 1ci;e basketball. It SC m hlghly unllkt•ly the ~orthrtdge coach really could cun- sider San Diego a w aklmg aner the way the Toreros manhandled the burly Puget Sound team last night. Harnett. playing "' his 103rd ca- reer gam• ror USD. wa particularly unposlng He scored 20 points, grabbed 10 reoounds, blocked t"~ shots and dished out four nstst.s But those cold &tatlstics don't show the type or perlonnance Hamett had because tour or his points were slam dunks that came at periods dunng the game u,at seemed to take any momentum away rrom Pugel Sound. Also outmuscllng Pugel Sound "ere 6-5 forward Rick Mlchlemore, whO scored 15 pomts, and freshman substitute Bob Bartholomew, who added 12 ll was Harnett, M1rhlemore, Bar• tholomew and semor sub guard Mike Strode who kept the Toreros In the game dllrmg the first half ~·hlc~ ended38-.18

.,., AZTECS, D-4

~ulcr l-2-71'

SULl1"G .~ILM •71_;__~~ lli1tlt>11· :..'w.,il"

Next Saturday's MADCAPS show advances the propo- sition that "You Gotta Have a Gimmick" and goes all-but to prove It. Producer-dlrector Tonnie Moss has her cast of J'4!0 youngsters climbing Jadoers, blowing bubbles, playing kazoos and dancing on roller skates. Among other thmg1.1. Pianists Libby Haynesworth and Brian Verho)'.e ~I play ror the fashion show and musical revue at Umvers1- ly of San Diego Camino Theater. Fathers tradlllonally escort their 12th-grade daughters in the show's finale, and this year mothers will get In the act, too. (MADCAPS, as you know, stands for "Mothers and Costumed to represent different facets of motherhood, MADCAP moms will be the "poster girls" who announce You will see Jean Collms, Alice Withers, Shari Cairncross and Kathy Ashworth dressed for committee meetings. Homemakers wlll be represented by Joan Dyson, Jean Wirick and Phyllis Haynes. Margie Arneson, Lynn Kuerbls, Barbara Hope and Sharon Hope will model tennis garb, and Jeanie Ferris, Blanche Welch, Mary Baine Holmes and Jill West are dressing for the formal side or life. What is it like, directing a cast of 129 - most of them teen-agers? U11:,,.., a-6"--?Y Great fun, said Tonnie, thQugh she did have a throat ,problem for a while. TIU she bought a whistle. • • the musical numbers.

·ESCAPE UNDER SAIL, the SOSU and UCSO sailing teams and the USO row 1 ng team w•lt co-sponsor the screerwig ol rtus g()-minute, COior film in.u lollows rhe 48-loot ketch Dulcinea' ,n I1s two-year. 10.000-m,le Malt,. k,t' ff'le per1c,c:I So\.Ch Seas ISiand p,1radi~. Sul'lday, March 5. 8 Pm Gamino Thta;re USO. Monday M.uch e. and Tuesday. March 1, 7 30 4M 9 30 Pm , Backdoor, SOSU; Wednndey, March 8, 6 p.m., Halt, SOSU: Thursday, March 9, and &Jnctay March 12. 7:30 •nd 9 30 Pm. unoergraduate Science Building Lecture Hall 2722. UCSO, and Friday. March 10, and Salurday. Maret, 11, e pm CalifOl'rtta Theatre downiown S65'-9947 D~ BURL STIFF ) 3 _ 3 ,,n Party Slated For 'Oranges' Sta e Set Marge Hu , "1 Of tlll! pn,m:..,h'i- vm of San Dlego, has that porcelaln, patridl!n look 1',hJCh ls, of course, entirely unsuitable for any aclMly more strenuous than pounng al • faculty tea. So mu

I ' I ' ' • •

., ,. 0 • C 0 K ,, p p • l '

A feature length film of a dream voyage from Vancouver to Ta:hit1 in search of Paradise!

-___,r --~ • !!Siill--- ~~--

r' Daughters Club Assisting Philanthropies.")

) r'



SAILING FILM A beneftt for the San D;ego State University a:nd University of Cali1ornia, San Diego Sailing Teams a:nd the University of Sar'l Outgo Rowir'lg Tea~.


March 5, 8;00pm: Camino Theatre, University of San Diego, Alcele Park, Tel. (714) 299-1040 March 6 and 7, 7;30pm / 9:30pm: Bad.door, San Diego State Uruvers1ty, Tel. (714) 286-694] March 8, 8:00pm: Monte,uma Hall, San Diego State Uni...-e1my, Tel. 17141 286-6947 M•rch 9 and 12, 7:30pm & 9:30pm: USB 2722, University of California, La Jolla. T~L 0141 452-4559 March 10 and 11, 8:00pm: California Thea1re, 4th and C Street Pick up your tickets early, Se!lir'lg out on the west coast. Students $2.00-General Public $3.50 Sears, Wards, and all TicketrOn outlets-565-9947


. Torer()S Too l.J. v, 71 •65 (Continued from Page 0-1) chlemore added 15 and 'Njl- liam Stewart and Bob~r- lholomew 10 each. Hamett had 14 poin · m the initial 20 minute. and ended the game with 1D re- bounds and four assists. He also blocked two shots when he bashed the ball away from the UPS player and into the stands to keep the Toreros fired up. Cole, in foul trouble with three early in the contest, played only six minutes of the first hall, but returned to score 18 points in the second. USD actually won the game al the free throw line, the Loggers hitting seven more baskets from the field. The Toreros were 25-for-34 at the charity line and Puget Sound only 5-for-6. USD look the lead for good at 58-57 with 11: 37 left In the game on a jumper by Cole and Bartholomew's free throw. With 1:37 remaining, Stewart passed to Hamett on a fast break and the latter's slam dunk made it 86-77 and the Toreros were home free. Tim Evans and Rick Walker, the Loggers' two Di- vision II All-Americas, scored 24 and 19 points, respectively, in the losing cause. Point Loma hil a respect- able 44 per rent of its shots from the field (25 of 58) and trailed only 62-00 with II seconds to play. However, Paul Robinson's shot was blocked and converted into a final baskf/.l by the winners to create tn:e tour~poiot mar- gin. Robinson and Hanley, both seniors, were named to the All-Distnct team.

USD'S TOREROS GO FOR WORKS IN BIGGEST GAME The University or San Diego bas- ketball team plays its most unport- anl game In the school's history tonight in Orlando when it meets Florida Tech ID a NCAA 11 quarterfl· nal national championship playort Wlnner of tonight's game begm· ning al 5 p.m. (PST) between th\ Toreros (22-6) and Florida Tech (25 21 will earn a berth in the rour-tearr national finals next Fnday and Sal urday in Sprlnglicld , Mo. USD orl\ctals said they tacked su! flcient timP to arrange a radic broadcast back to San Diego for tonight's game However, a sc_hool spokesman sald I! USD \\ins tomght, che Torero games next weekend will be aired over radio station KSDO With John DeMolt and Gr<>g Wyatt at the mlke. 1,;- J-1,~

Northrldge won the f,rst game here '11-M when the MatAct,,ra absolutely dom • nated e boards 42-24. USD won the rematch in an D 1H2 w~<:11 ii con- trolled the boards 42-22. "We have been looking forward to this game for a long lime," said BrovellL ''H we can out-rebound them and play our game, we should b<· able to ad- vance In these playoffs." fn tonight's pme, San · will hav to contain 'orthrldge'a Larry Single- ton !'Jld r"eman.» Gaudy, who had ll and 12 pomts, respectively, last nlght. The Ma\Adors reature a poten- tial All-Amencan guard In Terry Miller, who chipped In 14 , Norlhrldge also got a strong performance from sean Coleman. who came orr the bench and popped In 14. Tonight's winner will ad- vance to the sem1final round, In whlch 11 will fare next >ttek the southern re- i1onal champion on the latter's hqme court. The final step would come In the rour-team NCAA Divll on II cham- pionships March 17-18 In Spnngrield Md'. Summoryr c.7

MARCH 2 - MARCH S, 1978

a" 19-r;r TOREROS TAKE SHOW ON THE ROAD AGAIN The :'iCAA announced today that University of San Diego will play its quarterlmal NCAA II basketball game Saturday in Orlando, Fla. , against Florida Tech. Jerrv Miles, NCAA director or special events, said the location of the game was not determined until today beca11Se of a concern about facilities at the Florida Tech gynaslum. USD won the .~CAA II western regionals Friday by defeating Northr1dge State 70-67 USD has a 22-ll record and has won its last 10 games. Florida Tech, 25-2, won ~e southern regionals Satur- day night. The Knights have""" their last 23 games and are ranked No. 2 in the NCAA JI final-season polls.

U\re!!!:1 -4 2-3 10, MlchLemore 7 1-1 lS1 Horne1t 1-4-7 ZI, COie 16--720, Stocllalper, 2 -4-411, 51fode 2 2-2 6, 8ortoo1omew 3., • Wolli:er , 1-1 19, Hanson 2 0-0 4, E\IOrtS 11 2-2 24, Soll:, 2 0- 0 4, McCuHv 1 i--0 2, Stt11nl'ns 2 0-0 -4, Kuntz 1o--02, Uonont6 2-31-4, Hlom )0-- E110ns; Ted"n'li- col fouls - UPS cooch Zech, osslslonl cooch Lindstrom; Toft>I fouls- USO 13. Pus,el Sound 27. 1012. ""afbls3l2S-3O1 PUGli·"&bUHO (8l) FrelrM 1h 3 0--0 6. Totots 40 s-.i 15 Homme score - SOund JI: Fouled out - U so 38, Pug&!




Toreromania? USD players say it's highly contagious By JERRY REMMERS TIUIUNli 5"ril. Wriltr NORTHRIDGE, Calif. - Ron Cole, the slick 6-3 guard of the Unlversity or San Diego basketball team calls it "Toreromania." Cole ck'lines It as a fever the entire country may soon hear about as the _USD 1orero basketball team advances ever so competently towards a nal!onal title. Some 750 rans rrom San Diego helped fill the 3,100-seat gymnasium on_ the Northrldge State campus here last mght to see the Toreros defeat Northrldge State 70-67 to win the Western Regional NCAA II championship. .




In that half. high-scortn~ guard Ron Cole was benched for 17 min- ute, by coach Jun Brovelll aner Cole picked up thr qulck routs and only two pomls However, r.ole came chargmg back m lhe seeond half to add 18 point!! and provide the scoring spark the Toreros needed m their triumph ~·or San Diego (21-8) lt was the ninth Win In a row and f,rst time in three tries It ever has advanced In the first round or the playoffs. The Toreros loSt opening rounds to Sono- ma State In 1974 and to Bakersfield State In 1173 Actually, USO and Northrldge State played each other twice earlier thls sea.!On. . 'itt' Fm, C-4 --~----1

JD, o,

I'\ •

.,JO~ 3.:1.7g- USD Stops UPS, 91-85

University of San Diego, playing cautious defense and staying out or foul trouble except for one player, used super1or scoring from the free throw line to defeat Puget Sound, 91-85, last mght in the semifinals of the NCAA Division JI Western Reginnals al Northridge. The V ctpry hiked the Toreros' rd to 21-6 and sends . Into tonight's 9 o'clock fegional lrnals

against host Northridge State which defeated UC Davis last night, 79-73. Puget Sound ended with a 19-10 record. At Occidental College, Redlands University took a four-point advantage at the intermission and led the en- tire second half to knock Point Lorn~ College out of the NAIA District 8 tourna- ment, 64-60. The Crusaders ended the

season with a 19-9 record in losing to a club seeded sev- enth in the tournament. Point Loma was seeded fourth. Tony Tyson scored 12 points and Mike Wllliams and Tom Hanley 10 each for the Crusaders. Buzz Harnett and Ron Cole each scored 20 points to pare the Toreros, taking turns in leading the Winner's attack in each half. Rick Mi- (Contlnued on 0-%, Col. 3)

Seconds alter Cole sank the deci- sive wlnmng basket, most of the fans stormed onto the court to mob and congratulate the San Diego players and coaches. USD, the Cinderella team, now plays the winner of the Southern Regional tournament Friday. Flori- da Tech and Florida A&M play for tha Southern championship tonlghl. USD stands an exrellent chaoce of playing host to that tournament m its own gym, where they almost never lose. The quarterfinals for the Western Regional champions or1gl· nally was lo be played In the Deep South. However, USD Dean of Students and Athletic Director Thomas Burke said the NCAA informed him yester- day the game may be played at USD because or a lack of facilities at three of the four southern schools playing this week in the tournament. The NCAA will make Its selection tomorrow, Burke sald. Meanwhile, the game of basket- ball played last night was a thriller, even for the Northridge Stale folks. The two teams battled in a titanic duel In the first hall with It endlng 30-22 with USD on top. The Toreros stretched that lead to 11 points early in the second hall before the Matadors made one of their patented comebacks. With 2: 33 left, the Matadors finally tied il 61-61. USD's Rick Michlemore untied lt at 63-63 with two free • t ~28 teomp,al~JI~ Stewarct ad ed a laym.,e provided another Iayln to put the game out of reach. The win brings USD's season record to 22-6, and advances il far- ther than the two previous tries USO has had in playoff compeUUon. Coming Into the tournament, USO was by no means the odds-on favor- ite. That role belonged to Puget Sound, who the Toreros beat Thurs- day night 91-65 Puget Sound showed Its stuff by defeating UC-Davis In the consola- Uon bracket last night 96-73. In winning, the Toreros shot only 39 percent of their attempts from the field but they did manage to get off 75 shots to Northrldge's 57, of whlch 51 percent were successful. Cole's 24 points paced the Toreros' scoring attack and landed him a berth on the all-tournament team. Stewart scored 19. USD's center Bu,z Harnett, who scored 20 Thursday nlght, collected only sil< last night along wtth five rebounds. However, his defensive play - including a blocked Shot In the waning seconds of the game - was sensational. Cole, who picked up three fouls in the first hall, scored 18 of his points In the second hall, hall of them from 15 to 20 reet. "I llke lo play aggressive like that," Cole said. "Man, what about that crowd of ours we had here? That is Toreromanla and It will carry us to the naUonal champion- ship." The nationals, should USO survive the quarterfinals, will be played at Southwest Missouri College in Springfield, Mo. March 17-18. A phSyically exhausted Harnett said, "This was a team effort tonight." Harnett said he was "real- ly happy for Ronnie (Cole). I hope the team can get some ink (in the San Diego papers) and national rec- ognition.


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