News Scrapbooks 1977-1979

Evenlf\'l 1f

ress Clu

Press Club Honors 16

Honors 6

to gh Joss The University or Sa Diego basketball season I over, and, unfortunately fo the players, ft may hav1 ended on a sour note "We were ,robbed, • safe center Buzz Harnett upar the team's return to Lind• bergh Field last night from Orlando, Fla. Most or the players agr d ilh Harnett that the officiating in USD's 77 71 lo to Flonda Tech Sat- urday mght In Orlando may have cost the team the game With seconds remain- Ing ln the 'CAA II quarter- final game and USD behind 73-71, Harnett stole the ball from a fiorida Tech player but the officials whistled hlm for a foul. Then, v.ith Florida Tech's Mike Spivey at the free throw llne, USD's William Stewart vwced his feehngs to the ref who called a techrucal on the San Diego senior forward. Spivey converted on all thre free throws and the game was out or reach USD Coa<:h Jim Brovelli, keeprng in character, refused to blame the loss on lhe of(1Cials who were pro- vided by the NCM from the Southeast Conference. With the loss, USO ended lts sea n at 22-7 - it's best ever - and a chance to compete In the , 'CM II fmals lhl Fliday and Sat- urday In Springfield, Mo For Florida Tech (26-2), It was the first time m 10 years the team played be- fore a packed house (ap- proximately 3,000) in their own gym and the first time It ever advanced to the na- tlonal finals. Florida Tech Js matched up with Cheyney State (25- 2) Friday while :,;o. 1- rankrd Unlverslty of Wis- consin at Green Bay (30-1) pla)s Eastern IUinols (21- 9). "l 'm sorry the game ended the way it did," sald Flor da Tech Coach Eugene "TOJ"C'hy" Clark. "USD was much quicker than we ever imagined." t,;SD outrebounded the Knights 64-55 and forced 13 turnovers, four against FlordJa Tech's llghtning- quick guard Cleveland Jackson. "Thev forced more turn- overs and blocked more shots against us than any team we played all year," Clark said. "lISD certainly v.on the admrrallon or ev- eryone here." Clark agreed that the offi- ciatmg was questionable at times, but added: "Those calls go both ways. We felt a few called against us were absolutely unreal." Despite the loss, USD's board or drrectors are ex- pected to make a decision w1thln the next two weeks whether the school will apply for maJor dlvlsion

San Diegans

~~l'f1GTrrf ~ 2 Toreto1i 11 named to star squad Ruzz Harnett and Ron Cote two key players who contrlbut d heavily to the Unlv r tty of San Diego's 22-6 record so far thb year, have been nam d to the CAA II All-District bas- ketball team It was thr nd straight year for Ham ti, a 6-7 n tor, who has 8\erag d 13 2 points per am and leads the tea In rebounds w1th 231 Cole l th T r ros' I ad- Ing scorer wl 429 points ror a 16 5 a~erag Ott1 rs named to the d1 - trlct team, which Includes school from the West Coast, Hawn and Ala ka, w re Ca~pt!ru~tti;i~;r:~:,.#~~ Seotta. Pacific U>U Cohffl, Col Poly- Son LUI Obls,:io, Tiffi Evons. Pl.Ifft SOund Olortlt JOhnson, Col Poly Pomona, Terry MIiier, Nortt'lrldN State. Poul MIiis, Col Polv-son LUIS Ob1Spo; l..orrv $lnot1ton. NorthrklOe Stott AUdwln fhomm, UC•Oovls. Marv n Thurmon cnaoman. and flick Walklf', Puget Sound

ida Tech Ou~ 5 u'Sb f;~; Playoffs

San Diegans Sixtren San Diegans wrre honored last mght as the San Dil•go !'ms.~ Club's H~adliners nr th Year during the annual awards banquet t the San D1,•go Hllton Hotel The wn Headliners arc Sl/Jg r StephPn Ill hop 111 the entertalnmPnt flel_d; the, KGB Chirken, promotions, Umti>d \\ay-CIIAD campaign chair- man Kirn r'letchPr, rommunlty ror- v1ce; San Diego 0/J(.•ra's Tito Capobi- anco, the art·; 1.ynn SchPnk Jaw C_hamber of Commerce ex..~utiv~ vice president and general manager Ler Gnssom, leadr.rship; Dr. John H. Moxley !JI, dean of thP UCSD School of :-.1edicinP, medic-ine, Neil Morgan, l'Olumnist and assoc,ate ed- itor of the Evening Tribune, journal ism; thP Golden Door's Deborah Maz1.ant1, business; America's Cup skipper Low1 II North, amateu, sparts; Author I~ Hughes, presidrnt of t_hr Univer~Jty of San Diego, Pdu- cal1on; RPp. Lionel Van Dnerlln D- Chula Vista, government, Sa'n Di~go Chargers dr.frn:ive tarkl Louie Keicher, prof •ssional sports, Mar- tha Contrer.tS, Mexican Amerlcan relations: San Diego State tailback David "Dl'acon" Tumer, unJverstly athletirs, and Abn1tiam Ratnrr Industry. •


USD Topped Expectations

Foul Shots I n Final Seconds Put_ Ice On 77-71 Decision In Quarter mos f \

ty HANK WESCH Writer, The San Oleeo Union C'Cret, before the start season, Uruversity of 1ego basketball coarh rovelli proJected the r of vlctorif'S for his :ured we would win re from 15 lo 18, de- on the Intangibles," related yesterday. prognosticator, he pretty good basket- h. ason ended in the JSlon II guarterfi- \hekend m 0rlan- but not before the ad rung up 22 vic- Jturday 's Joss to 1 1977-78.

USD's strategy or play. • I don't think we'd do any- thing dif!~rent if we pla~·ed them agam, • he says. ''WP made more field goals than thPy did, we outrebounded them by 12 and we madP fewer turnovers than .Flori- da Tech. Under those cir- cumstances, you'd normally expect to win. "The difference was at the foul lme, where they out- scored us 25-5, that hurt us, and we only shot 32 per rent where we'd been around 50 per cent from the field all year long. "It wasn't a case of bad shot selection, we got some excellent percentage shots, but the ball Ju t wouldn't go down." Though lt will Le discussed on campus possibly for years to come, the recent season 1s history now, and Brovelli i turning his gaze toward next season and the rebuilding job that has to be done before then. Seven seniors depart the Torero fold, four of lhf m tarters In the team•~ three

away rrom Pete Krull over the sideline. Spivey retu~~ to the line and ~t 1Y 77~ and shot that made 1 • that was the game ooth coach Jim Bro- r USD and his Toreros, \e wis a heartbreaking de- ~eat but still representehd best season in the SC 00 , history. Brovelll 5 tr,~

°' 000

s,ec1a1 To Th• san ORLA"'lDO Fla - da Tech;s '.\'like Spivey made four straight free th rows m the last four seco nd s t~~ft. his team to a 77 ·_ 71 VJ I") over the University of San union . non-


1 orr~~ei~t~

Diego '1' terfma s O

ff here last

II playo



mt~y Prather wafo~h~~~ offensive weapon with 23 pomts an rebounds, bu\~~o~~sg or d 12 the

th e

team had




pl~t;ur ·kids played th eir (Cootlnued on H-10, Col. l)

ut the game th at . Pal moments . th e Im art who had

rree- th row

Spivey away (n

vn uy lllKe .Strode With Flonda Tech was only the

Jrn BROVELU ...proud of 22-7

seventh of the year for the

52 left. That proved to be

Wilham st ewthe· Toreros, 22 pomts r~thln two, at 73-

last lead of the e, e~g Alcala Park S<'hool.

They had gone further In for USD and for themselves "CAA tournament play than back there In Florida " ed more wins than any pre- manv times in his mind the vious assemblage, and saw 77.7f loss to Flolida Tech, Brovelli has gone over

the Toreros. Prather s

conds on the

pulled_ US~ th clock, but to unravel._ 71, Wl

se thmgs began np shot and a pa1r of free

th ~

and set any prior !JSD team, record-

two teams -ows made Jt

the 'stage for the fmal frantic

e from

traded miss:s arent steal ~nds of act10~. field until a~ttr brought a ,SD had on of Its roldest two of their 'llumber-Ron particular!) the final 14 sec- by Buzz H ul call and sent nes or the season from Cole and Buzz Harnett-a!- onds when a two-pomt Flori- disputed fo r e with a one- floor hitting only 32 of 99 forded All-Distnct honors da Tech lead became pomts Spivey to th e m rt voiced h!S ts, the most taken 1n any USD's absenre from the a the result of a rontrover- and-0ne. ~te;~ call and was ir thJS year. The Knights nat!onal Division II finals sial foul call agamst Harnett obJ~iodnr O a technical that >n 80 of 72, or 42 percent. this weekend in Springfield, and an ensuing technical

The Starlight Singers and mimr Mark Wenzel provided entertain- ment.



~//4 /·.,

tournament games. Between USO Auxiliary them Cole, Harnett, Stewart,


Missouri wasn't detennined foul against William Stew- until the final 14 seconds of art

whistle gave Spivey a or ie Torero had th e ad- ange on the boards with plien before Tech could· superior height, outre- - bound the ball, Ron_ Cole ding 1(:ho led the Toreros with 25

~- 7 •

Rick M1chlemore and Mikt- the University of San Diego Strode, the maJonty of the Auxiliary will meet at 11 a.m . next Thursday at the senior contingent, accounted Atlantis for an election lun h d I · h Nominees include Mrs. James F . Mulvaney, mg talent at all three front Mrs. John Comito, Mrs . Peter Hughes Mrs. line positions and one guard William E Betts, Mrs. Anthony Ghio and Mrs post will occupy Brovelli'• Robert Epsten. · time in the immediate Guests have been asked to bring a;ft- ped future , .. 1 ... wrap He'll be attending the jun- gree~ e ~phants. Mrs. John M. Murphy of La 1or college late tournament Jolla 1 s chairman of the luncheon. which starts tomorrow in Mrs. Charles W. Melville Jr. is auxiliary Members of for 58 of USD's 71 points ir. , , H OO I e the season finale. , , c eon an ns Y · Replenishing the depart-

I r l 0 a Ii

"There were a lot of cnti-

their conte t at Florida

the smaller but Tech. and under circum- cal plays and some critlcal stances which would set calls that didn't go our

way," a!d Brovelli. "Thf're were a rouple of things Iead-

ints) picked up a technical also had the advantage some coaches to howling. pohen he slapped the ball 11overs, 17-15, and had But not Brovel11.

'.als. The 64 rebounds foul on Buzz 1e second highest total but that's the way things that might ha, c been called happen," said Brovelli. "I'm our way, but vou i·ust have to , so proud of this team it's live wlth it." As he refuSl's to second "lt was a tough way to go, mg up to th , n Jor USD - incredible. "The kids played tough guess the game officials, Borr1>orome.. 6 and they made a great name Bro, also isn't mclined to for West Coast basketball, second guess anything about ,.;;~1J~t's'loc~::~'l'~t°t,7,; ~r{~:, n, •~11~5i'.~:u11J1-rn. Ru., 3 IHI 6, S.!vtt S 5-9 IS. Joctcson 8 2-3 18, HoHum. SCClre-FlorJdo Te-ch 37.


---••= 05 "'',r"-o_r_th-e seaso

wore on The Toreros had

trouble getting msde early in uso 1111 he gair.e and Tech cai: al- to race lo a 20-10 advan-

Bob Bartholomew a fresh ' man and part-time starter NlJ( nl-2 ,. Totals 30 17-25 77 t,..,~ season, Camr Off the •

Long Beach, then plans re- president. cruiting S\\.1ngs to the San Franeisco Bay area and Los Angeles following the con- clusion of the junior college tournament.

ill') l,SO 3'. Tau,J foul..._ USO 25, Florido bench at 1::22 of the first :0~'~.,;~::!::tt .. "{~''i.;ff"'•· USD POSTPONES DECISION

ON CAGE PROGRAM DIRECTION The decision regarding seeking !\'CAA Division I status for USD's basketball team m future years has been delayed until May 19 according to Tom Burke, the school's athletic director. The school's administrative board me last Friday, but at the request of Burke deferred a decision on the basketball program's future until its quarterly meeting in May "We have some more polishing to do on the proposal, and need the time to get things as well thought out as passible before we ask the board for a decision," said Burke. "There are other ramifications to the idea that affect not only basketball buf the baseball, golf and tennis programs, and the women's program as well." USD, currently an NCAA Division II affiliate operating independently of conference ties, has been researchmg several possible courses for the team m the future. Included among the possibilities are mamtainmg Divi- sion II status and seeking membership in the California Collegiate ;'-thletic Association (CCAA) or petitioning for NCAA D1vis10n I (maJor school) status in the spart. If the Toreros were to seek, and be granted, Division I status, they would have two years to upgrade the schedule to where the team would be playing 75 per cent of its games agamst major colleges by the 1980-81 season

E:UE/0 f l\)G, T'2.t l&J~ e USO COACH PAYS PRICE OF VICTORY The University of San Diego bas- ketball team, which departs Thurs- day for its quarterfinal NCAA II playoff game against Florida Tech m Orlando, Fla., is in the best physical condition it's been in all season, team officials reported today. That is, except for Coach Jim Brovelli. Brovelli, it seems, suffered a broken rib when he was exuberant- ly lifted off the ground by Conner player Steve Honz Friday night sec- onds after the Toreros defeated Northridge State 70-67 to win the

He lists two players m the Bay Area, each 6-8 or taller, as very likely prospects and thinks the shooting guard spot may be filled, though he's hesitant to list names. Marian High center Joe Evans has already been con- firmed as a top-priority re- cruit for Brovelli in the San Diego area. "I'm a firm believer in a freshman program, but With the voids we have to fill we'll probably have to bring m a eouple or Junior college players," says Brovelli. "We'll l'iave five or six new players next year " How will the Toreros fare in 1978-79? "I really don't know," says Brovelll. "There's so much to be determined yet, and I'm not a very gOOd predictor."


F orida Tech Ousts USO From Playoffs

C' h I J. 1 l'f /f{

"St. Matthew Passion" at 2:30 p.m. next Sunday in the Unlveralty DI San Di.go lmmaculata. Henry Mancini will conduct the orchestra In a pops concert at 8 lomorrow evening in GokMn Hall. SAH DIEGO SYMPHONY SOLOISTS - Members of the orchestra w,11 play at noon and 12:30 p.m. tomorrow in the San Diego Slate 4 Unlverally Scrlppa Cottage. SONOR - The contemporary music ensemble w,11 play at 8 p.m. Tuesday 1n the UCSD Mandeville Auditorium. SOUTHWESTERN COLLEGE BANO AND JAZZ. ENSEMBLE - A performance by the groups is scheduled at 8 p.m. Thursday in Iha Southwntem College Mayan Hall. WESTMINSTER CHOIR - Organist Virginia Cox will perform wrth the singers at 7 p.m. next Sunday In the First PrHbyterlan Church, 320 Date St. SAN DIEGO SYMPHONY -

Foul Shots In Final Seconds Put Ice On 77-71 Decision In Quarterfinals SPtClal To TIMI san DlHO Un Ian 0RI.ANUO, Fla. - ~1ori-

away from Pete Krull over the s1d lme. Spivey returned to the line and cooly sank the shot that mad ft 71-71, and that was the game For both coach Jlm Bro- velli or USD and hi Toreros, 1t was a h artbreaidng rte- feat but still repre nted the best season In the hool s cage history Brovelll's squad finished at 22-7 and advanced farther than any USO team had in the playoffs. "Our kid~ played their (Cootloued on f!-10, Col. 1) DETIWIT (AP) - Mike Tully, one or the first UCLA athletes to compete in the SCAA Indoor Track and Field Champ10nsh1ps in the meets 14-year history, soared to a world record 18 feet, 51 14 Inches m the pole vault yesterday, while Te.xas El Pa so won the team title for a record fourth time The refreshing Tully, who on Jan. 7 broke the indoor (Continued on H-8, Col. l) TULLY SNAPS VAULT MARK

da Tech' Mike .Spivey made four straight free throw. in the last four seconds to lift his t am to a 71-71 victory over the University of San Diego Torero fn the quar- terfinals of lh . NCAA DIVl- lon 1I playoff here la t night Jerry Prather wa the big offenslv weapon tor Tech with l3 points and 12 rebound , but It was the fre throw shooting of plvey that put the game ll\\ay In thermal moments.. Wilham .Stewart, who had 22 JJOlnls for th Toreros, pt.!..ed USD \\ithm two, at 73- 71, with 38 s conds on thP clock, but then things began t unravel The two team rad d ml es from th f Id unlll an apparent steal by Buzz Harnett brought a d uted foul call and nt plv y to the line \\ Ith a one- a11d-one. .Stewart voICed his objection to th call and was whistled for a technical that gave Spivey a three-point play Th n, before Tech could Inbound the ball, Ron Cole ( ho led the Toreros w1th 25 points) picked up a technical wh n h Slapped the ball

regional finals. - "This ;s quite a dramatic change," and comp_auies doing business in these countries will adapt or fail, he said. Protagonists of the approach argue that the new system represents a collaborative model - unions and manage- ment working together. rather than a conflict model, as there is in the U.S., where the union and management are adversarie ." Unilever has 500 different enlilies operating ln 80 countries, and thus has to adapt to many, many di!ferem local situat;ons. As training director, Markwell has to make sure he company's 350,000 employees successfully make the transformation. Of Europe's co-determination trend, Markwell observed. "It's a system which has worked - i~ West Germany Holland and Sweden it has worked well. Amencan managers overseas wtll discover other modes which may shock them· "The attitudes of young people are different than those or the older managers. In Europe, the young people will say they want to have a career, but they do not want to succeed by pushing anot;1er person down;• Markwell said. Another change ls advertising: Particularly in the Scandinavian countries, "There are very defmite pres• sures to have advertising be informational, rather than persuasive.'' The scandals overseas ( ch as the Lockheed lo 1mbroglio) have caused companies and managers to • examine corporate ethii:s: "This leads to_many dilemmas. For Instance it 1s accepted that companies should ot try to Influence 't1111 pelftlcs of the countries in which they operate. This was the major point o! the_allegaUOl!S - and they were only allegations - about I'IT m Chile. However, at the same time, the United Nations wants_ compames to take a stand against apartheid in South Africa. These are very real dilemmas, and these kinds of lssues face businessmen who will serve In Europe." (1 '-......: 3-7-?o

'CAA status b ginning 650 Battles Florida Tee Winner At Orlando Moves To NCAA Division II Semifinals


C-8 'f I lf1( FINANCIALNEWS TIPS FROM EXPERT Switch Abroad: Union Members Sit As Directors The American executive planning to become a manager .overseas had ~tter get accustomed to CUiture shock: ~1ety 1s changmg rapidly m Europe, and some innova- tions - such as union members serving on boards or drrectors - may be distasteful. These are the views or Don Markwell, who has his ~aster ?f arts and doctor of philosophy degrees from the University of New Zealand and is now director of manage- ment development, educallon and training for Unilever ~.,.e,J.. THE SAN DIEGO UNION By DONALD C. BAUDER Finoncial Editor, The son D~ union

in their o,rn gym before their own fans.' USO has a physical advantage over the Kmghts of coach Gene "Torchy'' Clark. The home club, however, figures to have an edge in quickness and will be m the familiar confines of its 2,800-seat gymnasium. LSD's front line consists of 6-7, 21.5-pound Ruzz Harnett, 6-5, 19.5-pound William Stewart and 6-5, 215-pound Rick M1chlemore. That trio, with assistance from freshman center Bob Bartholomew (6-6, 220) o!f the bench, did the infighting through which the Toreros outrebounded both of their foes in the regionals. Florida Tech's front line, by contrast, consists of 6-4 175--pound Lee Rlley, 6-3, 165-paund Jerry Prather and 6-6'. 190-paund Pete Krull • Florida Tech is a very quick team, great leapers, and they like to apply full court pressure," says Rrovelli. 'We'll have to concentrate on playing half court and taking advantage of our front line people who have been pla•ing exceptionally well." The guard matchup between the starters is very

SPeClol To T~ $an DiHO UnJon

ORL DO Fla -If they put on enough of a how here ff to the Show Me State to shoot for a national championship for the l ruversity of San Diego basketball team If not, it's the end of the Toreros' season. USD takes oo Florida Tech's Knights in a game set for a 5 p (PST) tipoff in the quarterfinals of the NCAA DlvlSlon II tournament. The winner advances to the semlfinal ro~"d of the tournament next weekend at Southwest State College in Splingf1eid, Mo. Tonight s game matches two teams on winning streaks. Florida Tech, the o. 2 rated Dh1sion II outfit, has won 23 straight en route to a 2.5-2 overall record. U D meanwhlle, has won 10 straigljt and carries a 22~ ltsonal record Into tonight's game. The team quali! ed for the quarterfmals by winrung region I cha np10nships, USD topping Puget Sound and Cai State . oi;.thridg to claim the Division II West Regional and Florida Tech whipping Augusta, Ga. and Florida &:\I for the Southern Region title. Both teams are In top shape for the contest. We've been playing except10nally well in the last month or so, a{ld when you're going like that you can't tor. 6 ht, It'

I • •

VSD's 6-4 semor Ron Cole has assumed the scoring wait to g t back out on the court " says LSD coach Jim leadership for the,, Torcros in late season, and carries a B O\elll 16.5 per game a ·erage mto the contest. Freshman Mike • We rf1d an exceptional job of controlling the tempa in StockaJper, a 6-footer, is averaging only 3.7 but JS the the r gional and that's what we'll have to do agam unque Uoned floor leader and recently dished out a interesting. t r cl Tech We can't Jet them control the tempo season high olne aSSJsts (.,( ,.,.,•. , Ma, 41 U 1 /C, "l't Tuesday, Morch 7, 1978 THE SAN IHtvU UNIUN

USO Tourney Starts Today

Ltd., the huge ($16 billion sales) overseas enterprtse which is the 12th largest company in the world according to Fortune magazine's 1977 rankings. Markwell was Interviewed at USD, Where he is talklng to busi- ness school classes and preparing to be a faeulty member at the Western ~anagement Institute classes for business managers this sprtng. He will also be sending Unilever execultves to the USD program, he said. "It is depressing to· find how unaware US businessmen are or co-determmatlc,n In industrial de-

Sixteen rollege tennis teams will participate in thr :,1xth annual San Diego In- tercollegiate Tennis Tourna- ment starting today at the University of San Diego campus and San Diego State. Included in the lineup will be USC, UCLA, Pepperdine, UC-Irvine, Brigham Young University, Utah . Arizona Arizona State, USD, San Diego State, Long Beach State, Fullerton State, Colo- raJo, Dominguez Hills (Los Angeles), Fresno, and Santa Barbara. According to tournament director Hans Wichary, use and J'PpPf'rdine are expPcl- ed to be the toughest com- petitors and will be arrivmg today with a full team.


Brovelli Praises USDTeam Discipline By IIA~K WESCH Staff Writ,,, Tht Son 01119<> Unlorl urday agamst Florida Tech ln Orlando. idea that this Torero team is is of no small way impor- like him but he is proud of tance to the team's success. the fact he hand-picked it. "I loved· Stock th~. frrst "l look for a player who's ime I saw him play, said and only

capable front-line players,

three starting

"Good tournament teams are the ones that play with discipline and consistency," Brovelli sald. "The up and down tPams don't make It because whe~r they might hoot the lights out one night, they can bt' off the nc-xt Ami you car t afford that off mght m a tourna- ment. In th la t month th (l :sD J team has progressed unbeJJev bly and w ·v ust cratc"ed the surface of what w can do 'We've won IO straight ard every gam we've played a httle better than thC' last Agamst Northridge we played in control, then we'd spurt for a few bask ts control. spurt . rontrol .spurt. With three minutes left we we'I· to our spread-court offense and got a basket or free throw off ft e\·ery time down It was Just incredi- ble." Basketball trnms, some contend, reflect the person- ality of the head coach. Bro- ve I doesn't embrace the

s~~e choice boiled do\\.n to freshman Bob Bartholomew, filled a startmg berth for much of the season and played well, and semor Rick Michlemore. The 6-5 M1chlemore had played strongly off the bench much of the season and superbly ID filling a starting spot when regular · Buzz Harnett in jured an ankle early In Fet,,. who had

a tough competitor, dedicat- Brovelli. "He had a _ knack ed to the game, and whose 'or going ahead with or personality will mesh and lreaking _ off the fast break complement the others that you Just can't teach. around. •·And in any en ti cal situ~· When Brovelli seeks out tion he wanted the ball. \\ e players, he doesn't often al- knew we'd need a coach on ways follow the established the floor tlns season and path. Last year he showed Mike has done a great Job. I considerable interest in a want~d 1ike for ~If, guard at Marian High, Mike theres no ?,USrantee I II get ockal r, hough ome Joe Evans .. people insisted there were The Stockalper dec1s1on other guards in lhe county wasn't the only one m which who figured to have more Brovelli's instln~ts have college potential. prov~n correct. Prior to la~t There was also speculation week s regional he. was m that Brovelli's pursuit or the os1t1on of havmg four

Europe," he_ said. heading mexor-

DOI\ 1\IARKWELL mocracy

There, society

ablr toward the notion that "control of a bUSiness should be mmany different hands," he said. e oards of big public romparues consist of 50 percent representatives of s+,oekholders and 50 percent representatives of labor, with a chairman \\ho is neutral. The European Economic Community ha dratted a proposal whlch wouJ,q spllt board control three wa;s one-third representing ownership, one-third work- ers and one-third public interest (consur1er, envlronmen Jn \\ t G th b es ennany,

ta! groups etc ). ru;ilh Harnett ba"""•.A--r.iil~-1:---------.......~- strength. the choice wa:; Brovelli's. 'I couldn't justify takmg Rick out of the lineup." said Brovelli.

Stockalper was camouflage for a deeper mterest in his Marian teammate, 6-9 Joe Evans. Stockalper is starting for Brovelli this season, howev- er and his floor leadershi

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