News Scrapbooks 1977-1979

2 Friday, September 29, 1978 Nader says ~AA to blame for crash

Sub Peters Ignites USO Leadership Proves Vital In Last-Minute Victory



after he threw an intercep- al's initial football win oC th lion for a touchdown we de-

By HANK WESCH If Writer, TIit San Diego Union



-0 over LaVeme,

and season,

clded not to dill •dall

with arm control. York has tried unsucces,fully to get on television to air his views, but cannot. "The electronic media i inun- dated with trivia," ader said, "and the networks present nearly id ntical points of view. They will never reali1.c their potential and become a u,eful public forum, Why not'' Their ratings would drop 1,. When ask d who he would vote for ir, hypothetic.tlly, it came down to either Gov Brown or

by Lesli S hotz


was ndotl a thing 91 beauty, accor ng to Westerner

One oft-quoted football give Peters a chfnce Y


that there's no sub-


st! ute for winning "Peters oesn't throw as coach Shan Deniston, but In notching Jts first tri- hard, but he's a smart play- was nevcrthele the season last er and Is used to coming out ab!;· . weekend the University of on top._ On one play he had . The defense did a good San Diego showed there his pnmary receiver cov- Job but ov rail \\C didn't could be victory through ercd, the secondary fell P!ay a good f~~ball game," sub~itutlon down, and he still eluded one said Deniston. We have the Bill Peters, substituting tackler and found the swmg talent to, be a great team, for starter Jim Valenzuela man for a first down in a but 1 don t know ff our play- was the guiding force behinct fourth-and-eight situation." ers have the desire." two Torero scoring drives in Having routed Pomona- Team captain Jason t final quarter which pro- Pitzer 34 -0 last seasou the Dunn, a Junior from NatJon the Toteros to a 27-23 Toreros expected victor ~I City and San Diego City fort't. 0 [! 0 mfna-~i~er but the difficulty by which ~t ~ollegi1, was selected as the . ason after two e was obtained was anythmg w estrnDer player of the "BIil i · but exf)('Cted f'C unn, a convert d .. s_ Just a super · nmnJng back playmg light accept- utoph of Defensively, I thmk we had praised for their work by tei~ a httle letdown and maybe Denfsto~ included lineback- tra~s~e~ ~roni were looking ahead to Occi- er Regg1e Robin~n. a fresh• J~ 8 ~\: back Jim Goldstone for his com1~g off the bench in the flve-yarder in gthe final defensive work, and· praised team s first contest, and de• inute to .John Dudek receiver John Dud~k and the fe~ders Jeff Walton, Jon Peters directed a thl d. intenor hne offensively. Etmgoff, DoylP -Lucas and r Greg Dunn touchdown drive as USO Goldstone played with a · pulled out a late-game victo sore ~houJder but renderf'd The Toreros cmploved ry after losing twice previ- good coverage on Pomona ~emor Gerald Trhomas· at ously In tho c'osmg minutes. receivers and mterci•pted quartrrback In all but three ·~ pend a lot of time one pass. Dudek caught fivi plays again t Verne. Jun- "".orkmg with our quarte~- passes, three in key th1rd• wr Wayne Adarns, who was arks on pre--snap reads, • down s1tuat10ns a well as to have seen action in the ys \\ lll1ams ' That means the game win111•r. The line's cond half, in3urea an ankle nowing what CO\erage the work contributrd to 225 after only three plays. The defensive backs arr in by the yards ru hing b) the extent Of the 1n;u1-;y is not ay they hne up before the Toreros, thl'ir be t output of known, but Deniston thinks tralllng 185,pound Menlo dental this week." man from Hawan, who has did single out earned n starting spot after two toJc~~~~iolleg_e, th rew Willlam atder to Ken ~,~rr• conrfcr!~· s:11~. USD roach Bill "It's just as much to end made four receptions, as uneofthemal4-yard<-rfora We exh1bitedpomona's credit howed hec!astgos~it~e fi~~ ~nything,"' said Williams. ~~a~~down, to catr the tithe Ile step·"'"''"""'= the hu . They b.l, 1mprowid 500 · die coo and evervlhin u worked well~' f 7} 7 ; 1 t r 18 ·th h" h per cent ln a year and c played a very tough game. Other USIU players Coml/ ·n

League mulls USD, Gonzaga SPOKAJ\E, Wash. (lJPI) - Gonzaga University, a member of the Big Sky Con-, announced yP.ster day tt has been invited to Jom the West Coast Athletic Conference. . School official con- the 1nvitat10n has been extended but said nothmg has yet been decid- ed. Two schools, Gonzaga and the Umvers1ty of San Diego, have been In the runnmg for possible league Both could become mPrn- bers of the WCAC if a nlne- team schedule ca be worked out. Go,,1.:1ga lS a charter member of tfil> lg Sky Conference, along \.Jth Montana, Montana State Idaho, Idaho stale and Weber State. flI1lled berths.

were, 111 his 11p1111on, "a sigrntic- nt cut ,hove your average politi cian."

- Stalt photo by Chria Holme.


d use college as an opportunity to gain 'life skills' and then

ENTS AT THEIR peak idealism• to apply them In the form-of citizen action."

_ Ralph Nader.

"It's lime to combat the pro duction or corpor tion point of v cw, by 111 lead udopling the con urner's point of view," Nad r Id •• tudent al their peak of 1d It m should u college a an opportun11y to g1un 'life kills' and then to apply thc:m an the form of c1111en uction," he uid. N1ulcr uggcst d rcplacin ah tract economic and govern- ment cour cs with "General !Olo 100", (or how to toilet IIll n corporation responsible for 20 percent of 1h nation's pollu- 11011), and "Hayakawa IOI" "Th· ,un is a free source of energy , with unemlmg av·ulab1l- 11y." Nader ,aid, as he cited lhe la k of re. arch and d ·vclopment of olar energy a a perfect exam- pl of orporatc control over our



Saturday, September 9, 1978



Toreros Open Here Tonight NAIA No. 2-Ranked Cal Lutheran Brings 9-2 Record From Last Year The University of San Diego football team opens its 1978 ason tomght, taking on Cal Lutheran at 7:30 at USO Stadium. Coach Bill Williams welcomed 30 lettermen to USD's prcseason camp three Yiceks ago and expressed great pleasure at the progress achieved tn the interim. But t~e Toreros will be underdogs to a Cal Lutheran team that 1s ranked second in preseason polls of ational Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) Division II schools and has four prior victorie over USO to its credit. Cal Lutheran suffered several graduation losses from last year's 9-2 team that advanced to the NAIA Division II national finals before losmg to Westmmster, Pa., 17-9. "We lost all our money players," Cal Lutheran coach Bob. houp has stated . "We lost our first two quarterbacks, thre receivers and all of our backs. In the skill positions. w got hit pretty bad.'' The Kingsmen nevertheless return several ftne players mcluding junior split end Mike Hagen, who caught 49 passes last season, eight for touchdowns, and linebackers Dan Buckley and Sid Grant. USD's strengths include returning quarterback Jim Valenzuela, who had a fine game agamst Cal Lutheran la~t season, two good wide receivers and a traditionally feisty defense-. Valenzuela passed for 171 yards, completing 16 of 29 attempts against the Kingsmen to initiate a 1977 season in which he totalled 1.043 yards and completed 84 passes in 1 2 attempts He will be working behind an offensive line that has quickness. but not great size, and will be arching for a receiver from among a group that includes John Dudek (5-10, 170), Pat Iaccino (5-11, 170) and Chris onica (5-9, 160) Nils Ericson, the team's leading ground gainer in 1977 will start along with Southwestern JC transfer Dave Maynard in the Torero backfield. Defensive end Greg Perkins, l'SD 's most valuable player for the pa. t tYio seasons, leads a defensive unit that prides itself on keeping opponents out of the end zone from c:lose range. "We've had 18 goallrne stands in the past two years," says Williams. "And m scrimmages we've shown that we intend to keep up that tradition." Other probable USD starters on offense include tight end Jeff Flanagan (6-2, 222) and an offensive line of tackles Rod Regalado and Richard King, guards Gary rna and Steve Danton and center Tom Strickland. Defensively, the lrneup includes Perkins and Rod An· drews at ends, Phil Kelly and Chuck Schoepp at tackles and Mike Taylor at nose guard, linebackers Barney Rumps and Jerome Justtce and a defensive backfield of Jim Goldstone, Scott Getty, Joe Schmidt aRd Chuck Pillon


Law Briefs

Inn of Court In Session

The Fifth Annual San Diego Inn of Court, a bar- sponsored program designed to improve lawyer skills in the courtroom, was enrolled to its 108-student limit when it started yesterday, said William G. Bailey, who heads the program faculty at the USO School of Law. "This program teaches the law school graduate how to become a lawyer and how to develop good habits. The program is self-supporting and is separate from the bar association," Bailey saie yesterday. "Our program has been copied in seven

other U.S. locations that I know of." .,.-,;

Adams WIii be ablP to play

play. Val was still havmg the season. -ouble reading defenses a11d

• • •

United States lntematlon- Saturday against Redlands.

EVENING TRIBUNE SEP 2 51978 ~---' Both USO, USIU get first wins



NORTH COUNTY LIVING SEP 1978 New USO Auxiliary \ Two women recognized as com- munity leaders have been elected to head the major functions of the Uni - versity of San Diego Auxiliary for J 978-79. President Ruth Mulvaney has lon g been aCLive in civic and charity affairs as a board member of the Globe Guilders , the Women's Association for the Salk Institute, and COMBO. She was selected a "\Voman of Valor" in 1970. She has served as a Library Commissioner for the City of San Diego from 1969-73 and currently is a member of All Hallows Board of Education. Bea Epsten (Mrs. Robert M.) has been appointed chairman of the USO Fashion Show luncheon scheduled for Thursday , September 28. The 22nd annual event will be the last gala to be held at El Cor1.ez Hote l. "Fash- ion Flash" wi ll benefit the USO Fi- nancial Aid program which assists 56% of the undergraduate studems. Mrs. Epstcn also has se rved the San Diego commun ity as a member of Temple Beth lsracl, the Globe Gui ld- ers, and Klee Wyck of the Museum of Man. In 1975, she was named a "Woman of Elegance" and in 1977 served as chairwoman of the Sym· phony Ball. he is the l ':!77-78 season ticket chairwoman of 1he San Diego Symphony and a member of th e Board of the Women's Committee. The University or Sa!1 Diego Aux· iliary is composed ot com1~rnn1ty ~ vomcn interested in furthering the causes of USO.


Ralph Na to lecture Wednesday The country's most noted consumer crusader, Ralph Nader, will bring his theories of corporate power and public advocacy to San Diego when he speaks to students at the University of San Diego's Camino Theater at 8p.m. Wednesday. Nader first made headlines in 1965 with his book "Unsafe at Any Speed," an indictment of the nation's auto industry for producing unsafe vehicles. He and his organization have been responsible for at least six major federal consumer protection laws, the recall of millions of defective motor vehicles, and for regulations in the areas of safety, sanitation, pollution control and advertising credibility.

down passes, the final one a five-yarder to John Dudek with 1 32 left to play. USO, now 1-2 on the year, will travel to Occidental this weekend. Meanwhile, USIU grab- bed its first win, using a strong defense to upend LaVerne 13-0. The westerners allowed the visitors just 116 total yards. USIU got on the board on a 14-yard pass from quarterback Gerald Thomas to receiver Jason Dunn in the first quarter. Larry Morgan's 50-yard scoring jaunt iced things for the Westerners. Now H, USIU will be at home Saturday against Redlands. 1

The University of San Diego and U.S. Internation- al University football teams found out what it was like to win Saturday as both clubs captured their first victo- ries of 1978. Reserve quarterback Jim Peters came off the bench to ignite a USD rally as the Toreros scored 13 points in the final quarter to upend Pomona-Pitzer 27-23. Peters tossed two touch-



READER SEP 28 1978

600 SET FOR(I.\ TRIBUNE PLAY The University of San Diego will send nine of its best men and women tennis players to the annual Tri• bune Tennis Tournament at Morley Field next month. The tournament will run Oct. 13-15 and Oct. 20-22 when some 600 compete in the 33rd annual event.

Membership eve~ for USD auxiliary The University of San Diego Auxiliary's an- The Oliver home and terraced gardens on Armada Terrace in

nual membership tea is planned for Tuesday from 1:30 till 3:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Lawrence Oliver. Invitations have been mailed to mothers of n~w students, faculty wives, and other prospective members. Members and guests will be greeted by Mrs. James F. Mulvaney, auxiliary president, who will present honored guest, Sister Viriginia McMonagle, first principal of the Convent of the Sacred Heart in El Cajon, who is returning to San Diego to work in university relations.


Point Loma overlook a view of San Diego Bay. Chairwoman Mrs. Doris Porto will be assisted by her mother, Mrs. Oliver, as well as hostesses Mrs. George Wolfe, Mrs. Edwin Ferguson, and others. Planning refreshments are Mrs. Carl Avilla and Mrs. Joseph Madruga. Others on the com- mittee are Mrs. Leo J. White and Mrs. Walter Wilkins, reservations· and Mrs. Marti~ Barrett, Mrs. George Lightsey, and Mrs. William Betts, mem- bership.

USD Coach Ed Collins sent In entries for Vicky Jensen, Susan Wright, Dana Rowe and Susan Beatty, among the women, and Milos Dimitrijevic, Rick Goldberg, Scott Lip- ton, Par Svensson and Jay Massart, among the men. Entries must be in by Sept. 30, Tourmament Di• rector Dick Treat said. TIMES-ADVOCATE SEP 2 O1978 . \ Gonzaga, USD headed for 9-team ft'CAC S_AN ~RANCISCO (AP) - Gonza g ~1vers1ty and the University of s!~ iego apparently will become members of the West Coast Athletic Conference next year if a nine-tea basketball schedule can be km out. wor ed Both have applied for admission but a spokesman for_ the WCAC said ruesday no formal invitations have een made. Nevada-Reno is dro . ?~t of the_ conference next sumnit:~~ Join th e Big Sky Conference. The conference now has eight medmbers, competing in basketball an a few other sports. The Executive Committee of the WCAC took up the question of expan- s10~ at a meeting here Monday and decided scheduling problems would have to be ~orked out before Gonzaga and San Diego.

·SEP 281978

On The Way Up

. -



Saying gooa~ to the 50- year-old El Cortez Hotel - it will become a world evangelism center Oct. 1 - at a fund-raising "fashion flash" luncheon show today will be members and guests of the University of San Diego Auxiliary. Clothes from Bullock's, in- cluding a print wing- sleeved tunic worn with black silk pajama pants and ,1 black crepe draped dress with velvet cocktail hat will be part of the 1p.m. show which follows an 11 a.m. social hour and jewelry showing and noon lunch- eon. funds raised will help support USD's financial aid program which aids some 56 percent of undergradu- ate students on campus. -Stoff Photcs bt Dennis Huls

HOT WHEELS: Bill Ritter of USD's public affairs office was drafted to chauffeur safety crusader Ralph Nader back to his room at the Westgate after last night's speech at Camino Hall. But It meant some swift diplomatic maneuvering. Mind- ful of a favorite Nader target, Ritter made a last-minute trade of his Pinto for a friend's Volks· wagen bus. /



. . .

\: The fifth annual San Diego Inn 0 Court, a bar association-sponsored pr?gr~m designed to improve lawyer skills m court, opens in the courtroom at the University of San Diego School of Law Sept. 26, according to bar association President Kevin Midlam. The course in advocacy will cover a six-week per_iod. It involves night sc~~I and five Saturday sessions. Wilham G. Bailey will head the faculty of 16 judges and attorneys who will serve as faculty members for~ the program. L...J •


The Products Liability Advisory committee an adv . ~ry ~roup 10 the Joint Legi allve Committe~ on Tort L1~bll1ty, will host a meetin from 9 a.m to 5 Fnday Joseph p Grace Court Room at the Univer~~- of San D!ego Law School. The group will discus.s pr~duJ liability is.sues and legislation.

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