News Scrapbooks 1977-1979
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USD Seeking Imp ·ove ns Westerners Roam Afar In Recruiting, Toreros Seek New Team Attitude After Sub-Par 1977 eas I
al Lu ea
hwarts SD's Upse Plans, 13-8
three passes to accx 1 unt for Two mmut s later, HeJ.Jx rendered five Interceptions. 42 of the yards, U e longe t a High grad Kent Puls was CGI \.ultlerlln. .... back to pur.• or Cal I uther- uso.. .. ..... ...... 23 when the Odden kick thr Intermission. Rumps snap from center sailrd over u~fPciii°udck. 6 Poss from valenz 1 i:;tepped in front of a screen his head and into the end uso-samv Mosen tackles Puls n e pass d signed to go up the wne. USD Jqck Mason was 10 1!t... 11o11en, ,14 PoSS from 'iortwtv P rr,idd1 at the l'SD 31, fought on top of 'ws as he fell on fall. 1 a o 6-11 2i. • 0 • 0-1 " ' CL-Hagen, 5 POSS from McF~ USD stormed bark after an al his ow
asm and hav been doing an outstanding job In practice.• The Torero have the makings of a sound passtng attack as last y ar' startln quarterback, Jim Valenzue- la, return along with the top or the pa two seasons Val nzu la comp! ted 84 of 18'.! att mpts la t y ar for 1,043 yards and five touchdown . Pat Iaccino (5-10, 165) wa USD's top re elver In 1976 whll • John Dud k (5-11, 185) earned that honor la ason when lacrlno mt d Ix w k or action with a eparated shoulder. Valenzuela, lace! no nd Dudek arP all nlors la t year's I ading nishcr with 340 yarcl on 84 carries, and ophomore Mark Garibaldi (Hl, 200) are th mo t expcrlenc d or the Torero backfield retur- nee but they ftgur to be sharing duties with a group of newcomers that includes junior college tran rers pa r c Iver Semor 11 Ericson (5-10, 180).
L IL's offensive line !ea- 290) Crouch is a former San tures behemoths Lou Ellsara Diego City College player (6-1, 300), John Congdon who attended USC before (250) and Nick Crouch (6-1, transferring to USIU~ __
fit in a• ti rensive end and
vhlle Patrick 1ilce Bobllt t
linet Hen • from
Stoll Wrlltr, TM San l)it<,o UnlOa
au Diego State ar,d Guy Rlcdardullt from 1 sa -- College are prized reserv feels, will be the team' ab1llty to establish a running game, and how It fares in two d1ff!C'ult games to open •he season against Cal Luth ran and RPdlands. USIU, meanwhile, has bol- stered Its roster for the com- Ing a on wtth players from I SUC'h diverse geographical area a Canada, Hawaii, Alaska, Korea, Georgia and Pennsylvania Deniston feels that the team 1s Improved over the previous edition, particularly rn terms of backfield speed. And the ch dule has been cleans d of two teams ( Los Angele late and Santa Clara) that defeated the Westerners by a combined core of 5~6 in 1977 Last season the West- erners proved to be Jar.king ,n th<' l'li."llling gam , but Deniston feels that Ill may \ prove to be cured with the lnfu Ion or new blood In the backfield and a rebuilt, hefty anc. Tran ·fers I.arry Mor- gan and Jame Johnson. from Georgia and Alaska re ·pect1vrly, are both ub-10 cond runners for the 100 yards, and the Westerners have freshmen Keith , 1or- gan from Mt. llgu I lhgh and Johnn) Dodg from Ha- wau also for use at tailback Brian Q lgley (6-0, 215) and Jay Wedel (5-IO. 190), a pair of JC tran fers, are solid prospects at fullback At quarterback, the Wtst- erner wlr ctoose from r turning nor Gerald Thom- as (6-4, 205), transfer Wa)ne Adams (6-5, 215) from Pitts- burgh and fr shman Jim Foster from Santana High USD SCHEDULE S,pf, 9 Th keys to the srason, \\ Ullam
SEP 9 1978
TH SAN DIEGO UNION © T oreros Open Here Tonight NAIA No. 2-Ranked Cal Lutheran Brings 9-2 Record From Lost Year The Uruversity of San Diego football team opens Its 1978 season tonight, talctng on Cal Lutheran at 7·30 at USO Stadmm. Coach Bill W1ll!ams welcomed 30 lettermen to USD s preseason camp three weeks ago and expressed great pleasure at the progress achieved m the Interim But the Toreros will be underdogs to a Cal Lutheran team that Is ranked second in preseason polls of National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) DiVJSion II schools and has four prior victories over USD to its credit. Cal Lutheran suffered several graduation lo from last year's 9-2 team that advanced to the NAIA Dlvi ion II national finals before losmg to Westminster, Pa, 17-9 "We lost all our money players," Cal Lutheran coach Bob Shoup has stated. "We lost our first two quarterbacks, three receivers and all of our backs. In the skill positions, we got hit pretty bad." The Kingsmen nevertheless return several fine players including junior spilt end Mike Hagen, who caught 49 pas s last season eight for touchdowns, and lirebacke"'i n Bucld nd id G nt USD's strengths include returning quarterback J ,m Valenzuela, who had a fine game against Cal Lutheran last season, two good w1de receivers and a traditionally feisty defense. Valenzuela passed for 171 yards, completing 16 of 29 attempts agaim,t the Kmgsmen to mitiate a 1977 season In which he totalled 1,043 yards and completed 84 passes in 182 attempts. He will be working behind an offensive lL,e that has quickness, but not great size, and will be searching for a receiver from among a group that mcludes John Dudek (5-10, 170), Pat Iacclno (5-11, 170) and Chris Monica (5-9, 160) Nils Ericson, the teams leadmg ground gamer in 1'117 \\111 start along 1'11th Southwestern JC transfer Dav Maynard m the Torero backfield. Defenshe end Greg Perkins, USD's most valuable player for the past two sea ns, leads a defensive unit that prides itself on keeping opponents out of the end zone from close range. 'We've had 18 goalline stands m the past two years." ys Williams. "And in -!;Cnmmages we've shown that we mtend to keep up that trad io1 " Other probable USO starters on offense inclJde tight end Jeff Flanagan (6-2, 222) and an offer.slve line of tackles Rod Regalado and Richard Kmg, guards Gary Serna and Steve Danton and center Tom SU1ckland. Defensively, the lineup includes Perkins and Rod An· drews at ends, Phil Kelly and Chuck Scborpp at tackles and 'vUke Taylor at nose guard, linebackers Barney Rumps and Jerome Ju lice and a defensive backfield of Jim Goldstone, Scott Getly. Joe Schmidt and Chuck Pillon/ Soturd
h!S way 01., of a clutch or Cal the ball, a ct the safety gave Lutheran tack! r and raced the Torero tht 8 7 lead they up Lhr sideline to th, vis!- grimly he onto until tht tors 10 yard lme with 5 18 to fateful pas 1th 2 11 left go ;n the quartrr Stati ticall Ca. Lutheran Two p,dys later Jim dominated Ue game, rush- \ alem: la lobb '.I a ix-yard mg for 1!7 ya ds and passing pas t
Novellus plays 7 1 chamber music
San Oego,
rsd9?, September 7, 1978
USD searches for some offense
Ensemble will perform a chamber music concert at s p.m. tomorrow in Camino Hall, USD. Ensemble members are : La Jollan Lori Kirkell, cello; Ann Erwin, flute; Catherine Campbell, soprano; Myrl Hendershott, harpsichord; Pamela Stubbs, piano; and Roy Dymott, violin.
By NICK CANEPA Defense IS the word at the Un,vers1ty of San Diego. Ah, but if only it were offense. Or maybe a little of both But such life at Alcala Park, where Bill Williams begins his third term as football coach of the Toreros During his first two years as coach, Williams's teams compiled a mediocre 3-14-1 record. But don't forget, USD had dropped the sport for a few years and every- thing was brand new when Williams took over. So he's still rebuilding and, accordmg to Williams, USD isn't far away from being a dam good small college football team. Thir- ty lettermen return m 1978, and W1lllams expects any- " here from 85 to 100 ath- lrtes vying for jobs this fall. "The biggest question mark is offPnse, meaning offensive production," said Williams. "Mainly, moving the ball on the ground. We have people who can throw and catch, but to be com- petitive we have to prove we ran hammer people on the ground " Doing the throwing will be quarterback Jim Valen- zuela a former St Augus-
tine High star now entering his senior year at USD He completed 84 of 182 passes a year ago for 1,043 yards and five touchdowns, despite missing half the season with injuries. •'If he's healthy . . . " said Williams, "Jim could be something. We expect a fine season from him." Doing the catching ,,.,111 be experienced receivers Pat Iaccino and John Dudek. Iaccino paced the Toreros in receptions in 1976 with 38 for 526 vards and four scores, but a shoulder sepa- ration kept him out of ac- tion six weeks a year ago. Dudek then became the No. I receiver, grabbing 29 passes for 277 yards and three scores. The two leading ground gainers return in Nils Eric- son (340 yards on 84 car- ries) and Joffre Chess (90 carries for 399 vards in his career). Sophomore run- nlng back Bob Garibaldi also figures to have an ex- cellent chance of startmg. "Being that our team was trong defensively, our big recruiting push was toward offensive linemen,'' said Williams. "So we expect to be Improved consi (24 transfers and 26 fresh- men come in). I thmk we may have the best defen- sive backfield we've ever had here." The defensive backs who have Williams exC'ited are strong safety Joey Schmidt, free safety Art Jupiter and corners Scott Getty, a transfer from Mesa, and Jim Goldstone, a transfer from Saddleback. Up front, fine defensive end Greg Perkins returns for his senior year to solidi· fy thmgs and start1I1g lme- backers Jim Gozalez and Barney Rumps also return. How successful will the Toreros be? Well, the schedule will have a lot to do with it. USD opens Sept. 9 with Cal Lutheran, which} has been picked by a least one publication as the No. 1 NAIA Division 11 team in America. "The schedule really isn't that bad beeause we pla;: our two toue:hest opponent 1 ) - Cal Lutheran ana Red· here early," Wil- liams noted. "In the old days, Cal Lutheran would smash us 50-zip. They beat us 25-18 last year. Last year, Redlands only beat us 3-0 "Really. if we can just split with those two we should have a fine season. Th kids are cager to turn things around up here. All they need is some early $UCCPSS" lands - USD USD orchestra seek musicians The University of San l Diego Cal Lulhern, 1 JO P.m. at Redlanc11, 1 JO p,m. Pomona, 7 30 p.m ct Occldenlal, 7. JO p,m. Whitt er, 7 JOp,m. at Clartmonl, 1 30 p.m. of Azuza, 1 :JO P.m. Edward$ AFB, 7·J0p.m. at USIU, 1P.m. SI Marv S, 2 p.m. Ocefdenlal 1 o m. LoVeroe 1 p m. Redlands, p m. at Clartmonl, 7 p m. .QI~ I et, ]~ m. ~I. Marr's,, om. Cat Lutllem, ' P.m. USO,' Pm. Cat olY Pomona. 1om. al Azuzo, 1pm. 5,pf. 16 S,pf, ll 5191, 30 Oct. 7 Oct. 14 gg t Nov • Nov 1 US/U SCHEDULE • SAN DIEGO CLIPPING SERVICE j/) ~'f-t?-1'( Coa st Chronlcle SEP 2 11978 Inn Of Court The Fifth Annual San Diego Inn of Court, a bar sponsored program designed to improve lawyer skills in the courtroom, opens at Joseph P. Grace Courtroom, U.S.D. School of Law on September 26, Kevin Midlam , bar pr e sident , announced today. The Inn of Court, named after the English Inns of Court where barristers trained professional y, will offer courses in direct and cross-examination of witnesses, voir dire examination of jurors, opening statements and closing arguments. William G. Bailey, who will chair the faculty of disting- uished local lawyers and judges, said the course in Advocacy will cover a six week period. It involves night school at the University of San Diego and five- Saturday sessions of actual courtroom training at the co unt y courthouses. For information phone 236-1711. SAN DIEGO CLIPPING SERVICE LEMON GROVE REVIEW SEP 7. USO Enrollment Up Over 1977 REDLANDS NIPS USD, 24-22 Oxy Tops USIU, 2 -0 Unlver ity of San Diego home to ball e Pomona next fot.r.:I its ame at Redland Saturday Um\ersity l:52 too long last United tate Intemation- mght as the Bulldogs scored a University mounted a wtth that much left In the total offens of only 133 contest to earn a 24-2'2 v1cto- yards at Balboa Stadiam ry ovPr the Toreros. yesterday and visiting Occi- Runr. back Nils Eric- dental College reacted with son scored twice for USO, a 21 0 victory in the season hi second one wl'll about open r for both chools. v n mnutrs remammg in Quarterback Kirk the fma: quarter giving the wru; a con tant w rry for the lo r a 22-17 advantage westerners as h rompletcd wh n he dro\e sev'n yards 12 of 18 pass attcnpts for 120 for It. TD yards and one touchdown Howc~er, Redlands came The latter produced Oxy's back with Ch t _Conley pass- first score when Ouncas mg the final five yards to tossed nme yards to Tim J ff vuy to pull the game Bond early m the third quar- o E Ii th T h d ter after a scoreless first ar er oreros a half opening period but a third down play saw th ball fum- bled Into the 0J-..'Y endzone and the visitors recovt'red to halt the threat The Westerners also mis:;ed on a 45-yard field goal attempt In th rr other drivc into enemy temtory. Occidental amassed 211 yards In total offense with Higuera gaining 96 or th1; ground on 12 carne . Bond caught six passes for OX) for 75 yards. USIU stavs home to enter- tam LaVerne C01lege Satur- day at l p.m m Balboa Stadium. USD ......... Col Lulhern, 7:30 p.m. at Redlands, 7:30 o.m. Poml)r'(l, 7:30 o.m. ot 0cc dental, 7:30 p,m. Whittier 7:30 P.m. at Claremont, 1 :JO p.m. al Azuzo, 1:30 P.m. Edworas AFB, 7:30 p,m. at USIU, 1p,m. SI. Mar,-s, 2 p,m Sept, 16 S,pl, 23 Seo!. JO Oct.7 Od.U Oct.21 Oct. 28 Nov, I Nav.11 INSTRUMEN; A: A: VOCAL <\ CHAMBER MUSIC, a chamber music concert by the Novellus Ensemble will be pre~nted Friday, September 15, 8 p. rn ., CammoHall, USO, Alcala Park. 453-3338 or 273-6625. NEIL MORGAN 1978 FOOTBALL SCHEDu1.ES R ADY The University of San Diego reports an enrollment increase of more than 10 per cent for its 1978-79 academic year. The University expects some 4,000 students to register, an increase of 400 students over the last academic year. Of those 4,000 students, 1,000 are law students, 2,600 are under- graduate students and 400 are graduate students. They will compose the largest student body in the university's his- tory. "The increase is definitely due to a new awareness in our own community, the innova- tive programs of the universi- ty and the attraction of Sou• them California," a university spokesman said. Interested in who's play- ing who this season? The Tribune has just the answer. A pocket football sched- ule - containing season schedules for the NatJonal Football League. San Diego Chargers, San Diego ta•e, USIL, USD, l!CLA, USC, junior colleges and high schools - 1s yours for the asking They may be picked up at the front counter of the Union-Tribune Building in Mission Valley or any U-T community office. Or, you . can mail a stamped, self- addressed envelope to Foot- ball Schedules, Community Relations Department, L nion-Tribune Publishing Co, P 0. Box 191, San Die o 92112. HOT WHEELS : Bill Ritter of USD's public affairs office was drafted to chauffeur safety crusader Ralph Nader back to bis room at the Westgate after last night's speech at Camino Hall. But It meant some swift diplomatic maneuvering. Mind- ful of a favorite Nader target, Ritter made a last-minute trade of his Pinto for a friend's Volks- wagen bus. ..,.,. •"'1 t ''"'1:t t"~.,. J ,;,ac.dtfc? READER SEP 211978 tallied on a two-yard smash by F..rtcson, a 35-yard fiPld Later m the third period, goal by Jin Goldstone and a Ron Higuera ran four yards 15 yard pass from Jim for a second visitor~ score. Valenzuela to John Dudek Higuera tlJen raced another Redlands • NOON CONCERT, the Woodwind Qui,:w· et wtll perform selechons byHindemith lbert and Nielsen, Wednesday, Septem~r 27, ' noon, French Parlour, USO, Alcala Park. 291-6480 x4296. ,elo ,1, USIU, USD coaches must make choice !-6 EVENING TRIBUNE (2) San Diego, Friday, September 29, 1978 tark Haertl cored tw c f r th Bulldogs, each Lm on a run of wo yards 80 yards for another SIX pomll In the fourth quarter. In tackled In th rrdzone for a to accm,nt for the USil' Jim Johnson \lits fety J. p. 1'k ,13.s ,.r~ 'f/;/fi It was th cond le. l D tarts for llll many whi h ,ost its opener tu Cal remaining Oxy pomts. L.ith ran In another ciosc usn: drove to the 01:cl- truggle Tile Torcros return dental three yard 1 nc m the ENING T,RJ UNE EP 25 l~t Last week, U.S. Interna- tional University and Uni- versity of San Diego found out just how valuable sub- stitute quarterbacks can be. Each school's footbnll team scored first victories with backup pilots. Tomorrow, those area teams put such modest suc- cess on the line. USIU meets Redlands at 1 p.m. at Mt. Carmel High in Rancho Penasquitos and USD's Toreros travel to Occiden- tal for a 7:30 clash. The Westerners were forced to use Jerry Thomas agamst LaVerne because starter Wayne Adams had a sprained ankle. Thomas threw a touchdown pass to Jason Dunn to open the scoring for the 1-1 team. coach Bill Williams must decide on his starting pitch- er - Jim Valenzuela or Bill Peters. Valenzuela, former prep whiz at St. Augustine, was ineffective last y,eek against Pomona-Pitzer. Peters entered to marshal two fourth-quarter TD drives and deliver a 27-23 win. "He showed he was the boss the first time he stepped into the huddle," said Williams. "Bill doesn't throw as hard, but he's a The Westerner defense ~eld LaVerne to ll6 yards m total offense and five first downs. "It. was one great team effort," noted defensive coordinator Jack Duby. On the other front, USD hard player, " he noted of the transfer from Menlo JC. The Toreros, 1-2, will be meeting an opponent which shut out USIU earlier this fall. "We might have been looking ahead to them when we played Pomona, " decid- ed Williams. SAN DIEGO CLIPPING SERV ICE LOS ANGELES TIMES SEP 2 'l i9li • READER nui Ritter, former be underground 1•oins tbe PR DEL MAR NEWS PRESS :-sEP 14 1978 81978 --- --· . • . reporter tor t SEP Ralph Nader to Give Speech on Consumer Protection at USD spaper Door, SD BUSINESS ACTION SEP USD this week. ... new stall at · . - . PIANO RECITAL, Nicolas Reveles will preScnt a solo piano reci tal, Wednesday, October 4, 12:15 p.m., French Parlour, Found,•rs Hall, USO, Alcala Park. 291 -6481 x4296. \,c\ MUSIC EVENTS USO - Robert Austin, vocal reotal. Noon, Sept. 20. French Parlour, USO/ Ph 291-6840 ext. VOCAL RECITAL, bass-baritonE:' Robert Austin will present a vocal recital, Wednesday, September 20, noon. French Parlour, USO, Alcala 291 -6480 x4296. ......---::::.. 1978 Bill Ritter, who has written for Newsweek \ "'\ and San Diego magaz ines, has been named news and publications writer for the University of San Diego. He'll report to PR Director Sara Finn LOS ANGELES TIMES There Konyn of Valley Center has been selected Ca.ifornia 's Dairy Princess for 197S-70 by members of .)!strict 13 of the California Milk Advisory Board and will represent her district in statewide competition for Dairy Qu en beginning Tuesday m Anaheim. Adams reportedly is fit ~------~ again, but Thomas may t.tSv ~'-n J19 UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO MUSIC DEPARTMENT CONCERT (Camino Hall, SDU campust. Music faculty and guest artists will present African ethnic rhythm pieces. Saturdayat 7'30 p.m. ---- draw the starting cnll from coach Shan Deniston.
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