News Scrapbooks 1977-1979

Sunday, October 1, 1978

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• ,n art, music and playbills.

Highlights of the month's fare and drama-the times, places

elude: a job fair given by employers who offer advice on the job market and future opportunities to both undergrads and graduate students; a "Law Day" program which will be geared toward high school and undergraduate students interested in pursuing the legal profession as a career, and, three guests speakers. include Junius Williams, of the National Bar Committee· Nathaniel Colley', Regional Counsel from NAACP; and, Tom Todd, respected Black lawyer from Chicago and past executive vice-president of PUSH. For information concerning the BALSA Far West Regional Conference, contact Sam Reid at USO Law School. ,1 The speakers

Black Law Assoc. to hold confab at USO Saturday, October 21, the Black American Law School Association of University of San Diego will present the Far West Regional BALSA Con fer!'nce in the Moot Courtroom at the USO Law School. The conference starts at 9:30 a.m., and the community is invited to join in a full day of ac- tivities sponsored by BALSA. The theme of the conference is: "The survival of a Black student in the post-Bakke era.'' BALSA plans for a big crowd to take part in the festivities, which in-



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olion Support Com- Brother Malcolm X: of a Black Revolu• YWCA, 5040 Logan


I Grekhen De Boer continues in the lead ,ale in "Woit Until Dork" in th, fiesta Din- .a ner Theater, 9665 Compo Rood, 7 . . Continuing: O,T,W.

Ave., Patricia McBride end Jean-Pierre Bonnefaus dance in the East County Performing Arts Center, El Cajon, 8. I Krapp's Last Tape and On the Harmfulness of Tobacco opens in the UCSD Mandeville Recitol Holl, 8.. Continuing: O,R,T,W,

I The Son Diego Opera opens Hamlet mthe Civic Theater, 8. 11he La Jolla Civic Univer,ity Symphony and Chorvs performs 1n the UCSD Mande- ville Auditorium, 8, also Oct. 8, 3 Continuing: H,O,R,T,W, '

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I Otherwise Engaged opens in the Globe Corter Center Stage, Bolboo Pork, _ ..,,,,._ '"""'"

I 1he Joe Marillo Ensemble and tht lutch Lacy Quartet perform w,th othe, roup! 1n a 1au ftilivol fo, the benef,t of the lo Joi a (lVIC Un,vetl1ty Symphony 1n the UCSD Mondev1lle Aud, tor,um, 1 • Conhnu,ng. R,W,

8:30. I Meuo-sop,ono Marni Clark and p,anist Michiko Bishop perform m the Central Public Library, 820 ESt, 7:30 •. Continuin , W.

I Ekhings of Rembrandt and HiJ followtn a,e displayed m the Fme Arll Gallery, Bolboa Pork, through Nev. 12.

I Folksinger Pete Seeger performs m the Son Diego Stole University Open Air Theater. I Organist Ron Rhode ploys in the Southlond Music Center, 3"59 lmperiol Ave., 8 .. Continuing: O,T,W.

Gui~iertt~ performs

1n hi of the Iguana opens in the Grossmonl College Slogehouse Theater, 8. I Poets lob Jones, Jill Kagan, Yolanda Luera ond Joyce Nower read from their works in the Central Public library, 820 E St., 7.. Continuing: O,T,W. WIC ,

I Jou group Directions, featuring Jock De.Johnette and John Abercrombie, performs in the Son Diego Stole Universi ty Bockdoor, 6 and 10:30. I Savoy Brown plo)'l in the Roxy Theoler, 7:'YJ and 10,30 Conhnumg, H.

S~-~ .-,.1c,-n- tage design expert' 8 work: to be exhibited SAN DIEGO - The first /o

I Deatherage Quartet performs ,n the Centro! Public library, 820 E St., 7:30 . •. Cont,nu,ng: T,W.

en Bi$hop per·


Roxy theaters m New York The pieces on exhibit a;e no.t sketches but finished parntmgs. The 35 pieces in- clude designs for Igor Stravinsky's ballet "Petrouchka" and the 1927 production of "Funny Face" at the Alvin Theatre in New York. Therese Whitcomb, director of the USO gallery, arranged an.d hung the exhibition. She said the paintings are fine art works in themselves. They were obtained from the col- lect,ons of the Metropolitan Museum in New York and the Museum of the City of New York. The gallery 1s in Founders Hall and the campus is on Linda Vista Road.

m Colifolma Theofer, ll 22 Fourth Ave., 7,'JJ. I Actors Quarter Theaier opens Mrs. Warren's Profes- sion ot 480 Elm St., 8. I Poets Fran Adler, Alurista, Candice Glass ond Mary Montgomery read from their works in the Centro! Public library, 820 E St., 7. .. Continuing: B,O,T,W.

OY performs in the Jewish Community (en• ler, '°79 5-ith St., 8. I Children's theater production Andrades and the Lion opens in the Son Diego Stole Un,versity Dramot,c Arll Building, 1 and 3:30, also Oct. 22 . . Continu,ng, l,L,O,T,W.

West Coast exhibition of the work or theatrical scene designer John Wenger will be a.t Founder's Gallery, Univer- sity of San Diego, Alcala Park, starting this weekend. The opening reception at which persons associated with the late designer' including h1.s daughter, will be present, will be open to the public from 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 21. The gallery subsequently will be open from 10 a.m. to 4 Pm weekdays through Dec. 23 : · Wen.ger is credited with changing the direction of stage designs with his work f~r the Metropolitan Opera, Ziegfeld Follies, Paramount Studios and the Rivoli and

I Groumont College Band per forms ,n the Eosl County Performing Arts Center, El Co1on 730. I St. Andrew'1 ly the Sea Episcopal Church Choir perf01m1 ,n the church ot 1050 Thomas A,e., Cont,numg H,T,W.

I San Diego Chambtr Players perform m th Fiesto Dinner Theater, 9665 Com Rood 8.

I Country singer Merle Haggard performs in the Sports Arena, 8. I Orgonisl Gay- lord Carter per- forms m the Cali- fornia Theater, 1122 Fourth Ave., 7:30 .. Continu- 1 n g l,C,l,L,O,T,W.

I Rock bond Styx pays 1n the Sports Arena, 7 30. I Gro,sm011t College Sinfonia performs ,n he East County Perform ng Ms Center, E Co1on, 730 Contmu1ng. l,l,L,T, W.

I Picnisl Gary Graffman ploys ,n the Son Diego Stole University Montezuma Holl, 8 . Continuing, B,T,W.

Key to Continuing Performances • • ••

8 - Globe Spreckels Theater 'The Robber Bridegroom C - California-Pacific Theater 'Count Dracula' H - Son Diego Opera 'Hamlet' I - Son Diego Opera 'Rigoletto' L- Coronado Playhouse 'Ladies at the Alamo' 0 - Mission Playhouse 'Otherwise Engaged" R- Coronado Playhouse 'The Ritz' S - San Diego Opero 'Casi Fon Tuite" T- Globe Corter Center Stage 'Otherwise Engaged" W - Fiesta Dinner Theater 'Wait Until Dark'

OCT 2 I 1978 j,/).

I Pop Singer lilly Joel per- forms m the Sports Arena, 7:30. I The Cage opens 1n the UCSD Mcndev11le Rec,tol Holl, 9 Conlin• u1ng· 8,5,T,W,.

USIU, USO Seek To End Loss Skids Westerners Tangle With St. Mary's; Toreros Travel To Azusa-Pacific ~tates lnterna~ional University will be games m~:.1tfgs1:n!t. Mary' a 1:00 starter .at Mt. Carmel scheduled to be;~':~~~ 3 J~ at Azusa-PaCJf1c in a contest Coach Shan Deniston's USIU team has co . record with narrow losses to Redlands CJ mpiJed a 1-4 and Whittier in the Westerners' must r~nt~tont-Mudd Morgan, with 100-yard plus rushing totals in ~ry ga![1es, has been the USIU offensive standout ee uruor Wayne Adams who tran f d · the University of Pittsburgh will ~e~e to USIU from '.f~e 6-5, 215-pounder recover~d from aa boatht quarterback. mJury to st ff ersome ankle for 155 yard~ii IO of 19 passes Jason Dunn has been the w , oss at Wh1tt1er. receiver of late, catching S:;!~r:i;:1 3 :ostJ'1Yficient pass USD, 3-3 for the season, has had fiv/:r / ast week.. season decided in the final two . ix games this expect another close cont:t~:n~ f-~atJs~~ ba~:c}~fft~o~~:ro(~:f~:~~a!t we_ek wer~ junior running receiver John Dudek (eight n six fan-ies) and senior ::~~: tototuaclhtod 30). Dudek lea~:c~Jie i~e:~s rsri:Cri~gs . own recept10ns. USO is expected to start junior Biil Peter pounder, at quarterback with . . s, a 6-1, 185- avaiJable for r . senior Jim Valenzuela of 111 eserve duties. Valenzuela has completed 52 has hi~~~; J 7 ~ 0 t.fs~sy~~~sfi edtotuhchdowns, Peters an ret touchcto\\r.s. to shooting th sa 1 n Diego ~!~:~~~s!nfw~~~~~t~':1f; i:1i;bia1Jversity of s afternoon.

I Tales for the Twilight Hour, featuring mus,c, m,me end readings, is presented ,n the Lomb's Players Theater, Notional C,ty, 8, also Oct. 31.

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A-Pacific Romps By USO, 35-6

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rito s Interested n

Texas lo meet Southwest Conference foes Southern Methodist and Texas Chris- tian (Dec. 27-29), USD host- ing Alabama-Binningham in the return of Conner UCLA coach Gene Bartow to South- ( rn Cahfornia, and Pomt Loma hosting both a home- corrung doubleheader (Dec. 1 2) and its annual tourna- ment (Jan. 4-6). USD will be shooting to go out in glory in its final sea- son of competition as an NCAA Division II school. The Toreros are the defend- ing Di\'lsion If West Region- al champions. USIU, UCSD and Point Loma will set their sites on grabbing NAIA Southern Divi<;en and dis- trict crowns....

real Count Dracula. The presentation is sponsored by the USO Associated Students speakers bureau, and is open to the ublic.

•There would be confer- ~n\'lable idea- joining surh ence involvement to include hools as Whl tier, Pomo- both our men's and women's E·Pllzer anl3 others in the athl_ellc programs," Sweet ulh m California Jntercol- begms, •·1t might make lt egiate Athletic Confer- easier for the pubhc to Iden- nee.was quashed by that tlfy with the UC system and raguc's lack of interest in could inr.reasc on-campus In- . pans1on, according to terest In our athletic pro- sweet. . . ractlce is underway at all be nice to know you're com- four San Diego small col- petmg with others whose ac- eges with opening games ademic and athletir philoso- slated for the weekend of phies are comparable to Nov 24-25. One major your: ." preseason development was lJCSD has previously the decision of twin brothers looked for alternatives to .its Utchell and Marshall Lilly current Situation m which to leave Point Loma College. major teams arc al gned Mitch ll topped the county in with th atlonal oc,a- coring in his senior season lion or Intercollcglat Athlet- at Madison High. find em Dlv1slon Put thP most UCSD makmg a to gram· Preseason baslt;etball "Phychologlcally, it would JCS (NAIA) District 3 South- Schedule highlights

At a time when most people turn their at- tention to ghosts, goblins and witches, students at the University of San Diego will get their own dose of Halloween fright as Dr. Leonard Wolf speaks about vampires tonight at 8 in USD's Camino Theater. Dr. Wolf, author of the bestselling ''The Annotated Dracula," is an expert on vampires, their history, folklore, and their religious, psychological and sexual connotations. His lectures weave a fascinating story of t',I

S nloa Notes ol all sorts n San DI go's small cnlleg\: ports: A longtimr. aim or the Uni- ver ty of an IJ1eg became real ty recent!} h n the Torrros were ar pted l11 the Coast Athl Ile Confer n begmn111g with the 1979 80 11caden11c year Though th reality IS still som time in the future, th po bihty of the l.:niver. lty or California San Otego ob- taining a prev1ou~ly stated goat- alignment with sever- al other UC hools in a mutually beneficial athletic conference- is growing. UCSD offers no athletic scholar h,p and . 1me of the hool ':; teams, most notably basketball and ba eball, somctim s surfPr m the won- lo column from contmuous I r, TIit San D

SPldal lo The San Diego Union AZUSA - intercepted two passes, returning one 50 yards for a touchdown, and quarterback Greg Gano passed for three scores yes- terday as Azusa-Pacific de- feated visiting USD, 35-6. The Cougars, now 2-3 on the season, scored in every quarter in sending the 2-5 Toreros to their third straight loss. Except for 28- and 30-yard field goals by Mark Kelegian the Toreros offered htlle in the way of offense. The losers went through three quarterbacks, who threw 42 passes, completing just 16 for 202 yards while suffering four interceptions. Contrarily, Gano hit on 14 of 24 passes for 191 yards and the three touchdowns. USD's rushing attack was so inept that it did not record its initial first down on the ground until the fourth quar- ter. The Cougars opened up a 14-3 advantage at haUtime, with Paul Nath taking a I- yard scoring pass from Gano and Slosted picking off an errant aerial and romping lead to 21-3 at the third- quarter mark, marching just 15 yards after recovering a fjjmble by USD quarterback Bill Peters. OSD ...',.................. . u J u ,_ 6 -ac,1,c .................. 7 7 7 14-35 p - Noth i ilOSS from Gano (Jones I J AP - Stosled 50 interception return !Jones klckt USD - Keleglon 28 FG •P - Holre 6 pass from Gone {Jones kl ~p - Moore 11 ooss from Gono (Jones kl so - Kelegion JO FG • P- Kistler 5 run !Jones kick!. Linebacker Norm Slosted


BUTCH LACY STRING CONSORT - The jazz group will play at 9 and 11 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday in the Catamaran Hotel 3999 M,ss,on Blvd. ' JOHN MAYAU - The blues guitarist will perfonm at 9 and 11 p.m. Tuesday in the Catamaran Hotel, 3999 M,ss,on Blvd. 10 C.C. - The pop-rock band will pertorm at 7:30 p.m. Friday in the Fax Theater, 720 B St Dance KATHRYN POSIN DANCE COMPANY - The ensemble will partorm ballet. jazz and rock dance works at 8 p.m. Friday in Jhe UCSD Mancl4vltte Audltortum. Also... ALPINE PLAYERS VAUDEVILLE SHOW - Performances of lhe variety program are scheduled at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays through Nov 18 in the Alpine Elementary School. GEORGE CARLIN - The comedian will pertorm at 8 tonight In the The comedian and pup- peteer will perform at 9 and 11 p.m. Friday through next Sunday in the Catamaran Hotel, 3999 M,ss,on Blvd "FOOTLOOSE IN NEWFOUNDLAND" - The travelogue will be screened at 2 and 7:30 pm Tuesday in the EHi County Performing Arll Center, El CaJan. POETRY REAOINGS - Karen Glenn, Steve Kowit, Shelley Savren and John Simon will read from the,r works at 7 p.m. Wednesday in the Central Publlc Library, 820 E St, in a program sponsored by the Feminist Poetry and Graphics Center JAN POPPER - The opera ..Cosi fan Tutte·· will be discussed al noon ,n the Hou" of Ho1pltallty Ballroom. "TALES FOR THE TWILIGHT HOUR" - Halloween music, mime and readings will be presented at 8 p.m. tomorrow and Tuesday in the Lemb'1 Players• Theater, National C,ty V VIRGINIA WOOLF FESTIVAL - Richard Kennedy. Anwar Dil and Suzanne Henig will lecture. and aclress Sarah OeWitt will perform during the fes11vat at 4 p.m. next Sunday in 1he Untn,.lty of San Dt-sio De Sate • Hall. . San Diego State Unlveratty Gym. WAYLAND FLOWERS AND MADAME -

A young University of San Diego football team will en~age the hard-charging Edwards Air Force B F!Jers tonight at 7. 30 in USD ·stadium. ase be out to square their season record at The Toreros will

COUN~DO~N: Dick Phillips, th e new ftrst vice-president at the Natural History Museum, saw two ha~less baby birds fall from a tree lunb outside his USD office the other day. He took them home to La Jolla for his daughter Ann, the family's rankmg bird- lover. But they grew up to be pigeons. Sadly, Ann took them to Balboa Park one Sunday and release? them; they were back at Cammo de la Costa before she was. Last week Phillips went to Ramona and released them. They were back this time in th ree hou:s. On Friday morning Phillips air-freighted the pigeons lo Detroit, met them at the air termmal there (on his way to Toronto), and released them. The countdown is on~--

the 50 yards to the end zone. 4-4, enabling BiU ".\'illiams to become the first USD coach Kelegian popped his 28-yard smce Andy Y_mri m 1973 to chalk up that many victories field goal in the second quar- m t campai~n. The Rattlers are 3-3 their wins r. me udmg dec1s10ns over Cal Poly of Pomona and Victor Az P if . Valley. usa- ac 1c upped the

Williams plans to alternate Jim Valenzuela and Bill Peters at quarterback. The fonner has hit on 55 of 118 pas~s for 718 yards and five scores. Peters has connect- ed with 42 of 85 tosses for 617 yards and four touchdowns. Two backs have carried most of the mail for the Tore_ros. Nels Eric_kson has rushed for 304 yards in 83 car'.1es, scormg. twice. Jeff Morgan has packed the ball 64 times and gamed 309 yards, also scoring twice.

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