News Scrapbooks 1977-1979

The Quick And The 'D' It's USIU _Speed Vs. USO Defense In Big Game Nov. 3 11/r Larry Morgan and Greg meeting bet\\oeen the two lm_issed last week's USIU te:-t Perkins represent the squads. with a sore hand. When m strengths of the United Perkins was off to a fast action the junior transfer States International Univer- start this season-he was from the University of Pitts- sity and University of San named the top perfonner in burgh has completed 20 of 44 Diego football teams. the Toreros' second game of passes for 311 yarc!S. Morgan, Perkins and their the season maklng 10 USD's 3-4 record at this teams will meet Saturday tackles, asststmg .on three time makes the current afternoon at Mt. Carmel others and recordmg three team a possibility of becom- High, and it could very well qu~rterback sacks-· before Ing the first contln~ent at the be that the battle of the ~mg hobbled by a knee school to post a wmnlng sea- individuals will be a decid- mjury· . . sonal record since 1973. Ing factor in the outcome of Aff:er bemg resle~ b~efly, "Nothing will probably the contest between the two ~erkins was back m ?pera- vindicate the season," says teams. lion last week in USD s 47--0 USIU coach Shan Deniston. Morgan, a 5-8, 175-pound victory over a team from "But a win against USD junior tailback, has the Edwa rd s Air Force Base, would certainly help." / speed and galloping ability and should be at near peak I of the breed of horse that efficiency for tomorrow's shares his name. A sub-IO test. second man in the 100-yard "He was at about 80 per

/ri 610,~ ,nday, November 6, 1978 USO rolls over USIU lor o.5 University of San Dir.go will wind up its football season Satu rday at 2 when it entertains St. Mary's on the heels of a 38-20 victory over U.S. International Uni- versity at Mt. Carmel High . Counting an easy win over Edwards Air Force Base, the Toreros are 5-4 for the campaign The Westerners droppr,d to 1-7. USD scorca 10 points in the first period and never trailed. They did in most statistics, though. USIU led in total yardage 403 to 324, In first downs 21•l 7 and m yards penali1.ed 170-84. Too many mistakes - five turnovers to USD's none - led to the Toreros' easy victory, leaving them 3-5•2 in the series. Jim Valenzuela played brilliant- ly at quarterback for USD, hillmg on 15 of 22 passes for 220 yards. Al one time he completed four m a row USIU will take on Cal Poly of Pomona Saturday at 1 at Mt. Carmel, then finish the season Nov. 18 at Azusa Pacific.


'AND/EGO------. SportS Scene


BYD VB DI, 'l'EL Tlm11 Staff Writer

\7 USO University of Third Age OJl TV so ~:.,.h·t.T t\ C.o..s A documentary on the "University of the Third Age," a continuing edu - cation program for senior citizens at the University of San Diego, will air at 8:30 p.m., Friday, Nov. 3, on KCST-TV, Channel 39. The documentary was filmed on the USO campus during the six weeks of the program conducted this past summer. First conceived and util - ized at the University of Toulouse, France, 52 senior citizens and 10 under - graduate students partici- pated in the intitial USO program.

dash, the 5-8, 175-pound Jun- cent efficiency last w~k, 1or from savannah, Ga. who and Greg at 80 per cent is I transferred to USIU from better than a ~?t of guys at Porterville JC has been a full st~~n~th, . says W1I- consisten t1 y productive hams. Hts qmc~ess and I runner ror the Westerners. toughness make hui:i very :'.!organ strung together g~d at both containing the four straight games in which wide runs and rushing the he ran for more than 100 passer·" . . yards th season, an his Though neither coach IS total or 590 yards on 90 car- set on a sta;1"ting quarter- ries (a 6.5 yard per carry ,b!lck at this time, the likely average) tops all Westerner s1.gnal,callers will be senior backs. ' Jim Valenzuela at USO and · It is the speed of Morgan, Wayne Adams at USIU. and that of teammates Keith Valenz~ela got ?ff to a some- Morgan and Johnny Dodge what d1scouragmg start, but which worries USD coach I has completed 55 passes m Bill Williams on the eve of 118 a~tempts for 718 yar~s the battle for bragging and f1v~ touchdowns while , rights between San Diego's being intercepted seven two small college football timAeds. h bee h bbl d teams. . ams as . n. o e "They have the kind of with an ankle mJury and team speed that they could

Join Mom On Job Two San Diego moth- ers, Kathlyn Ebert and Anita Simons, have come up with one solu- tion for working moth- ers - take the babies to work. Ebert, at right, with her promising young typist daughter, Corinne, 4 months, and Simons, being observed by 3- month-old Stephanie, above, essentially share the same parttime job each day at the Patient Advocacy Program at the University of San Diego's Law Institute. But just wait until those two babies start crawling, huh?

just explode agamst some- body some game," says Wil- liams. "We 're hoping they do against whoever they play Nov. 11. "Defensively you try to take away what the opposing team does best, and that's what we'll be trying to do against USIU." And that is where Perklns comes m. A 6-2, 215-pound defensive end, Perklns has been the Toreros' most valuable de- fensive player two seasons in succession after being the team's leading tackler both years. He was also the out- standing defensive perfonn- er in USD's 13-7 triumph over USIU in last season's

IV~r 1t;h1Ar."-' Sexist reporting seen\ Editor: Once again The Tribune (10-31-78) has provided me with an example of sexist rPportmg with which I can supplement my high school curricula. I refer to the an-1 nouncement of the appointment of several new USO trustees. Describing the professional responsibilities/accomplishments of each new trustee was informative and undoubteclly relevant. To de- scribe Joan Kroc, however, as "wife of Padres owner Ray Kroc and founder of Operation Cork, an organ- ization aimed at helping alcoholics" is a journalistic practice that rein- forces and perpetuates the existing stereotype in which a woman is defmed first by the accomplish- ments(s) and/or identity of her hus- band, and only secondarily on her own merits. That Ray Kroc owns the Padres is certainly newsworthy - in an article about Ray Kroc. In an article about Joan Kroc, the individual responsi- ble for founding Operation Cork, an organization aimed at helping alcoholics, the identity of her hus- band is only as "newsworthy" as is the identity of the wives of the other two gentlemen also named to serve as trustees with her. -JOSIE RHODES Social Science Department Mount Carmel High School Poway Unified School District

Olh r rlub lhc I' drcs

Virginia Woolf Festival festival to ccl('bratf:" th;, works and t he life of the famous feminist and Bloorn,C bury Group author, Virginia Woolf. Speakor5 Include: Dr. A nwar Oil, author of "The Precious Sanity of Virginia Woolf" and Dr. Sulanne Henig, editor ot tha Virginia Woolf Quarterly anrJ a Professor in the School of Literature ~t SDSU. Dinner will follow, conslstlng of thP. foods mention~rl 1 t e w o rk s of Virginia Woolf. From 4 p. A



5 i n Do Seidt Hall at UC






8tron cal l

the Forum 5879. ('/av. J Jt-fT OT the .A: w ) Uni~&f.Ry ~f~:J,n;/ l?t~'r"JCI at 7:30 /J.m Novo, b go film

l"J. I 191'!1

/ 1/ 0 ii•

=>!V, U11 i ort


* Quarterback hctory; Mc a Colle



• wh n he quartcr~ck was a kid fron Patrick Hen· ll oh nam ct tcve Frtlrchtld, who p, cd fc,r cl c t m ht~ two year rommn111ty coll "C carct'r. lit'<' 338 of Gll ottcmpts for 5,039 y, rd J n. ti nal JC r ilnd 34 touchdowns. Fa1rchtld t gone non, bul M a I llfl flying t ugh h, a r. Th quarLcrbakc 1s now 1'ony H1Clcd for Col- orado tale m tcad. A 1t h turned out. however, rairch1ld 1- prorobly pl yin" le than he might haVC' antic• 1atcd at Colomdo tale. A clas 1c dropback pa s r, h pl.iys for 11 team that 1, not part1cularly adept at p s blocking. Lee. a rarnb mg option quarterback. does a better Job of La mg alive. If Fa1rch1ld l at the controls to111ght again t San Diego State' ark Halda, the garn should probably b playetl at Lindber h 1!'1 Id There will he enough pa mg M scoring to keep the faithful on hand until midnight * Big Litt! Game: IL 1 not exactly Army- avy or use. UCLA, but USIU and USO arc playing for lherr little chunk or the city today at 1 p.m L Ml. Carmel Ihgh chool. "JL's n good old hometown local rivalry," ·1d the man rom U IU. ' his 1s the one game we hope to wm every year.'' "It' a fun hlUe game," said lhc man from USO. , eith r tc m seem hcarled for the Super Bowl this year. lntcmatJonaJ Univcr 1ty is 1-6 and has five straight I n Diego 1s 3-4 with three straight lo · ,, not counting a win over a rv1cc learn la l wel)k. But litUc guys Ii c this throw out the record book when they meet, JU t hkc the big guys do. U IYs Grc~ Perkm did fl one-man JOb on Lhc cro to,1 n year go, m king 15 una 1sted tackles m a 13-7 wm. U IU's fru traL1on with Pcrkms built until one of its players chppcd him n the game's final mmutc and set orr a br wl. Perkin still around for the rematch. · U8IU I I d by a coup! or guy named Morgan 1n the backfi Id. LIil ry 1s the ta1lb ck rom Savann h, Calif., und Ketth ts the fullback f . 1guel lligh. One of the quarterback 1s Wayne Adam~. who tran fcrrcd from Pill .ifler backlnR up M rk <;,vanaugh a year a,w. \'1 SD Law Student Get U.S. Funds fJ oll, 1" 1 l'f'1<( cGPJt, Nm 1e1 nvol

USO Wins; Kelegian Sets Mark Mark Kelegian establish- ed a consecutive field goal record yesterday as the Uni- versity of San Diego closed out its first winning season in five years with a 27·111 triumph over St. Mary's on a muddy turf at USD. Kelegian set the school mark of five in a row with a 25-yarder to put USD on top 3--0, then missed before con'. necting again on n 27-yard boot in the fourth petiod. Meanwhile, Jim Valenzue- la's passing and Dave Maynard's runrung led the Toreros attack as they won their fifth game of nine encounters. In 1973, USD fin- ished with a 9-2-1 record.. Valenzuela connected on 14 of 24 passes for 182 yards l and a touchdown, a 28-yard aerial to Don Dudek which enabled USD to reclaim the lead, 10-6. Maynard gained 113 yards on 11 carries with his 67-yard touchdown giving USD the 17-9 cushion with 9:45 remaining. USD scored 39 seconds later on a halfback pass Nils Erickson to Don Green' for 47 yards. ' Oliver Hillman, a transfer from University of Califor- nia, led the losers with 89 Yards on 28 carries. St. Morn ............... . o 6 3 2- 11 USD .... .................. 3 7 O 17- 21

Start Photos by Barry Fitzsimmons

Alumni to gather at USO .The University of San Du!go homecoming week- endis schewJed Nov. 11-12. A fen 1111 game between 'he ' Torercr, and St is sche- duled at 2 p.m. Saturday in the university stadium. A coektail party and dinner dance are scheduled beginn~ at 7 p.m. Satur: day, Nov. II in the Town and Coudry Cooventi011 Center. Afamilymass frr alumni will be celebrated at 9:30 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 12 in Foundt!''s Chapel followed by a brunch in the faculty dining room. Fer more infcrmation on bomecmiing event , phone 291~ Ext. 4294. ~A::... /1-¥::1r workshop on the pope as poSSJbJe leader of a unit- ed Christianity Will be held at 9 a.m. Nov. 14 in Salo- mon Hall at the University of San Diego by the San Diego County Ecumenical Conference and other groups. The principal speakers will be the Rev. Dr. John H. Elliott, a Lu- theran and theology profes- sor at the University of San Francisco; and the Rev. Kenan Osborne, theology professor at the Franciscan School of Theology in Berkeley. Mary Jlege

USD, USIU Grid Ba tie 1'~ Today At Mt. Car el /Ve v. '1 11 ~ By HANK WESCH {,/ nlol'\

REPORT CARD ,,., ·hSchoo/ and Youth Notes A workshop for {u t scheduled for 9 a ms;:t~ 0 J 6 of exceptional children Is Diego's faculty di~ning rO:mayDin the Uruv~rsity of San Transition Home Project at F !lWn Noll, director of the the coordinator. arrview State Hospital, is ../ ~')(. II- ll-7'{" Roi pe Faces. St dy In Workshop A WC', 'kshop e~amlning •he qJ1st, Luther n, Leonard roleoft 1 1c PopemrelatJonto Richardson, C'hnstlan all Chnst1ans v.,lli be held at Church (Dlsc1ples of 9 a.m Tuesday !ll Um- Christ); Wayne Sanders, ,ers1ty of San Diego s Salo- Episcopal, and Dr Gerhard mon Lecture Hall. Belgum, director of the Cali- The program \\I focus on forma Lutheran College's the concept of the primary Center for Theological and infallibility of tlic Po~. Study. topics of controversy smre Vatican II _ tr, &ti\@.. !lo.-, 13 ff 7-'8 -


Slaff Writer, The SGn Diego Union

In what annually represents the game for both, the United States International University and r.sity of San Diego football The o ning klckoff is scheduled for I p.m at Mt. Cannel High's USD has had the more successful campaign to date, winning three of seven contests. Two season-€nding victories would stamp the current Torero contingent as the school's first to post a winnlng record since 1973. USIU, meanwhile, has won but once in seven outings. The teams have faced five common opponents with USD having posted a 1-4 record, scoring 74 points and giving up 87 against the quintet while USIU against the same foes is 0-5 with 54 points for and 146 against. USIU's offense has on occasion been potent, but has also shown tendencies toward self destruction. Wayne Adams, a 6-5, 215-pounc ·un- ior transler from the Univen. J of Pittsburgh will start at quarterback bi Uni team .collide today. field.

for the We , rners He is well-re- garded as a passer, haVlng complet- ed 20 of 44 attempts for 311 yards and five touchdowns. Adams is re.- turning to the lineup after being sidelined with a hand injury Tight end Jason Dunn leads the USIU The Westerner backfield, mean- while, is populated with speedsters. Larry Morgan has been the most successful of the group, having rushed for 590 yards on 90 carries. USD, may have to rely on its passing game since two of the Toreros' leading rushers, Nils Eric- son and Joe Henry are injured. Ericson suffered a concussion and ls doubtful for the contest, Henry has been nursing a lamed knee. In their absence, junior Dave Maynard may carry the brunt of the rushing load. Senior Jim Va_/enzuela will quart- erback the USD offense He has thrown for 718 yards and five touch- downs. Senior ohn Dudek is the Toreros' leading receiver, having made 35 catches tor 436 yards and four touchdowns. ;,....---- receivers.

Alumni 111 to gather at USDSt--.h·~• l . f/tJv- )f1& _The University of San D11~0 homecoming Week- end1s schedJJed Nov. 11 -12 AfMtbnJl game belWc ,; the l ,Torer!ll auu .St Marys u:>llt..,ge u; sche-

The ~peakers are Dr John H. El 10tt, an ordained Lu- theran mm1Ster d p re . sor of thP.Ology at th• Um- \CTS!ty of n Frarclsco, and Dr K na, B. O borne, professor of vstema•it' the ology and preSJdcnt of the I Franr1scan School or Theolo- gy at Berkeley. Kenan JS associate editor for th€ Jour- nal of Et'umcmcal Studies. The work hop is being sponsort'CI by the School of Graduate and Continuing Education at usn the .San Diego County Ecumenical Conference and the Conlinu- mg Theo!og1~l );:ducation C'ommittee chaired by the Rev. hrha l Hlg n

USD-FG Kelegion 25 SM-<:ottle, run (K1ctc foiled). USD-Oudek 28 POSS

from Volenzuelo

• -

(Ktiev,on kick). USD-FG Shea 26.

US5 D-Movnord 67 run [Kelegion kid<). .U ~reen 47 POSS from Ericson ( Kele- g,on kick) USD-FG Kelegion 27 SM-Safety, Flongon slePPed oot of end ,_. /

'--I .. _ USD film takes look at elders La Jollan Mal Raf- director of •

* IIoa Al1.Qete_ •_•_m_e•___ Fr1_ J._1978.-i · irginia Woolf Festival to Be eld at University of San Diego A Vll'gini.a Woolf Festival Will be held at 4 p.m. Sunday in J)eSalesHall at the University of San Diego. The festival, free and open to the public, will include the J;daying of a reconling of lhevoiceo! the Britishauthor, talks by Woolf experts, an impersonation of her and a presenta- Uon by a man who managed the Hogarth Presa with the · velist and her husband.Leona.rd. A $12.50 dinner consisting of favorite foods of the author viii be served at 6 p.m. Reservatioos for the dinner recommended. .• Nov_.

duled at 2 p.m. Saturday in the i.iiversity stadium A cocktail party and diimer da~e . are scheduled, begmn,~ at 7 p.m .Satur- day, Nov. 11 in the Town ~ nd Coudry Coovention enter. .A family mass fer alumni will be celebrated at 9·30 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 12 .in Foundt!''S Chapel followed by brundJ in the faculty duung room b Fer more infamation on 29 omecaning events, phone l-u48() Ext. 4294.

the University of the Third Age, which attempted to integrate seniors into the educational process through discussions, readings, physical exercise, and a re- examination of what it means to grow old in America . The program, which involved 52 students,

was first conceived by a professor at the j University of Toulouse, , France, and was brought to the University of San Diego as an experiment in continuing education. It will air locally over KCST, Channel 39 TV, Friday, at 8:30 p.m. Veteran actor Jock Mahoney acts a~ host.

ferty ' was master of ceremonies at a private premiere showing of

i I 1v,CJ.

Funded,thls y ar for the first tJm , th "law school clmlt'al xpertence program" provides Institutions In 24 stat nd th Distrlrt or Columbia with grants rangmg from $29 000 to $56,000. The money will be u d primarily tor expansion of student internship programs and the lllring of addi- tion I f culty members or lawyers to the programs. -~-

•.-1 Y I





documentary the 44 '$,Y{ "Uruversity or the Third l' M- Age," an educational experiment involving senior citizens last summer at the University of San Diego. Rafferty served as on

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