News Scrapbooks 1977-1979



Tuesday, December 5, 1978



SMALL COLLEGES Start's By HANK WESCH s1a11 wrtter, TIie San Dino UnlOft

s rs

·But USO Promise hows

Flu Frustrates usu Tri ons, l/n,' ol') By H NK WESCH Slaff Wfiltr, TIit Sa~ Ditoo Unloft and pieces from San Di go's mall college sports ·en Res! enc to lnflu1>nza may rate somewhere near bounding ability when University of Gallforma San Di o coach Barry Cunningham and United States Inter- nation Univ r lty's Mik McDonald se k basketball re rults ror coming asons. That•~ 1f th y hope to avoid situations like th y've been placed In rec nUy UCSD'. routm • two-gam Of its first nine games 1n to the Pacific orth USIU ha play d eight on the w t d v loped compllca- road and lost The Western- tions wh n stx of th 10,man er ' lone win came at home. trav lllng squad came down "I've learned a lot about with an unspe 1fl d variety scheduling," says of nu Cunningham· Tritons McDonald, concrotng that had to po tpon a gam playing nine of the first 12 against PugPt Sound from away from home Isn't to be last Thursday to last night recommended. "It's been whll • walling medical v ry tough to ace pt, part1c- cl ranc for th players. ular because the kids on this "We'd had som problems team really d rve a few with guys being . lck before win . They work hard and \\ I n, but It r ally hit th m car about one another. wh n we got up h r ," said "It till may work out that unnln ham by phon from th experience we'r getting Tacoma "Th y w r all now may prove to our ad- runn)ng t mperatur and vantage when we play our had ir throats. It was a conferenc games later on. real m trying to find a We Just have to try not to get doctor to xamin them and down and keep Y.orkmg." like om thing out ot The We!>1.ern r tonight M• •s•H wh n we finally exercise an opportunity ot to u,e offl which has been an object of "Th n h ord • ed all ot anticipation for th m ince th m not to play." th ason's begmnlng-play- Th lx player -Chris ing at th Sports Arena. At 4 \\ hington, Kevin Douglas, p.m. th y square off against Bob l<'razl r, Dana B dard, Spring Arbor (Michigan) t v Turn r and John Cox- Colleg •, a tPam that will r cover d ufflclently to play thr games this we<>k v nture out Saturday In San lliego Coach Bill a •alnst S attle-Paclfic. All Bockwllz' Spring Arbor but Wa hington play d and squad enter with a record or d, but were under- or 6-5 and has 6-3 guard Tom n®bly sub-par in th Tri- Kragt avPraglng 31 pomts a ton ' 7-57 lo game It' a bad time in th USIU has had everal son for U<.:SD players to player -Pat Kn u r, Kevin be t anyth ng I than Williams, John K ntera and maximum effk1 ncy phy J. Anthony Moran among cally. In th n xt II day th m-fort-ed to ml · games they face four games, two at or prat11cei; with aUments home and th .n two In Texa ranging from bronchitl to gains! Southw st Confer- the flu and two players, jun- en • affillat s T xa. Chris- ior Darryl Jones and fresh- tlan and Southl'rn Methodist man Chris Plazak were dispatched home by ir aayont ran understand McDonald in hopes of speed- Cunn ngham's ituation, it' mg th1>lr return to health. SIU's McDonald Ills W~t- "W had seven of 14 peo- erners have also had a siege pie out for one of our of llln ss latel.y, and have ga!ll ," says McDonald.s. "I exp r!Pnc d lb of kngw ha (Cunning- playing away from home ham) 1 omg through. . '

To ig

at 8

last year (UC-Davis)

It's players. Bob Bartholomew,

of Torrey Pines High, scored Lorna's Tony Tyson _has con- 14 points off the bench nected on 31 of 51 field goal against Laverne and came attempts (60.7 per cent) ~d back to tally 10 in a similar ts 13-fo~-13 from the foul line capacity against Dav s. m leadmg the Crusaders in Whitmarsh, a 6--4 guard who sconng in therr first four prepped at Monte Vista contests. The PLC bench High also got 14 against provided 48 of their ~09 Lave~e. points again~ Bethany, with After moving two 'home" freshman Jun . Freeman, a games to Umversity High, Bomia Vista High grad, ge,t- the Toreros can look forward ting 16 • . . Thursda.y s to moving back to their own game at USO will be the frrst gymnasium, where refurb- San Diego showmg for USI~ ishing work on the court !Jas The Westerners, who don t just been completed, Thurs- have an on-campus gym, day when they host United have seven straight games States International Univer- on opposition courts before sity their first "home" test at For USO the road to sue- Mira Mesa High against cess may start at home. Whittler on Dec. 15. . . J:'ilr• • • • ther study has been adVi.sed for the proposed league of SMALL_ COLLEGE University of California NOTES- Pomt Loma Col- schools a grouping that lege guard Pat Hedman set could p;ove favorable to the a school record With 14 as- University of California San sists in the Crusaders VlCt~ Diego. ry over Bethany Nazarene -....;..~-=-:-:-=-::-=---r last weekend. Jeff Arm- COLLEGE strong set the previous BASKETBALL mark 13 in the 1976 season. ToaiuhnGame ' ' · - JU'IIOR COLtEGES Hedman has 39 assists m lmi>enat vann a1 son o,ego Cfty COi· four game. Poln_1 _,eve ________:-:-:. "'

very tough to take a group the f>-7 sophomore forward- Of the six teams Jim B~ that hasn't played together center out of Kearny High, velli has taken mto basket- and win away from home. was prominent in the group. ball asorus at the Umversi- "Now that we h.ave sev.en "Bob's been playing great t ball," said Brovelli. "When ty of San Diego only two In a row at home I may give hav started wtth less than us a chance t? gather OIJ!· we're able to g~ the ball to three straight victories. selves and see 1f w,e, can gam him something good usually Hi first Torero team some momentum. happens." (197l !74) an y losing two Broyelli's ,been pleased The "something good'' of t r.e And this year's ~th hlS s play o~ occa- was reflected in Bartholo- team has don llkewJSe. SJon, but 1t s the tean:i s con• mew's 19.6 points per game The toau ral Brovelli- sistency that he defines as average for the frrst three coa ed d didn't fare the most critical missing contests. too poorly fo t long haul, mg:ed1e~t. The. cure, he Junior college transfer wtnr I g J o! 2 ames. And believes, 1s exJ)Cnence. Russell Jackson also showed Brov Ui ittle reason to "Our coordmat1on as a some ability on offense The fear for th current edltl:m. unit hasn't been what we 6--4 forward out of Oxnard JC • h r h • h hope it will be "says Brovel- got into foul trouble in the • uc o w at s ap- li, "we tend U> try to do the opener against Loyola bu.t cond home tlvely. We"ve been able to pener and Rusty Whitmarsh game of the year. "I knew get the tempo we want and have looked capable in. re- we w re a young team and It get ahead-we were up by serve roles. was unpredictable how we'd eight ag..mst Loyola and five "They're both very mtelll- play this early in )ear. against Davis-but at critical gent players and thetve "We'v lost on the road to time.s we've made mistakes picked up the sy tern quick- an •·cAA Division l team and tu overs." ly," says Brovell "The only (Loyola or Lo Angeles) and Indi dually, Brovelli t~ing they need now.. is a a team that went to the encouraged with the per- IIttle more experience Division II West Regional formance of several of his Capener, a 6-5 forward out urdoy, December 23, 1978 pened so far ha been antici- pated," aid Brovelli yester- right thmgs, but we're still averaged 19.5 per game m day a his Toreros prepared sitting back and to take on Tabor College last rather than reacting instinc- thinking the next two outings. And freshmen Don Ca- night In their

Cross-town rival .S. Inter national l!' will visit the> U or San Diego lor a baskc>tball game tonight at 8 in thp usn Sp ,rL-; C<'nte1 Gymnasium, At long last the Torc>ros gc>t the <'hanee 10 play in llwir own building. USD has b<•en for('('cj to hold its pres<'ason practices and games at local high schools in the area du<' to repairs of the floor at the Spo1'ls Cl'ntel'. The !1001· b<'· came wai·ped following a flood from onP of the rt'sident apartm<'nts in the building, The Toreros are coming off an impre siv<' 76 - 69 \'ictol'y o\'er Tabor Co!Jeg<'. Jn that gam<> junior, forward. Russell .Jackson <'xploded for 19 poi11ts, 8 r<>bounds and a resounding rlunk to pace the Torerns. As;;iHling him wP1·<> Fi-ank Walsh and Earl Piet·re, who toss1•,1 in lO points ear·h, a

s son high for both players. USIU is coached hy first yt•ar lead"r Miki' M<"Donald. M1•Donald, a fo rmer a~sistant c·o;1C'h al the local university u dc>1· Bob Kloppenberg, haq hu t1•am playing fast hr<'ak 1Jask<'1 ball after lra<•king down some of the best talent in the S<'hool's history. McDonald's tPam has the misfortune -0f pl ying its first eight gam<'s ()Jl th<> roa

_,. • ,, eu1cat1on


of nursing school set The University of San Diego will dedlcate Its new Philip Y. Hahn Scllool of NurSing in two clays of re- monies Jan. 11 and 12. The $2 million building _ l was constructed wlth <¥ matching funds from a San Dlegan, Muriel Marsh .• Hahn, ln memory of her <. husband, Philip Y Hahn, and the U.S. Dcpartmf>nt of Health, Education and Wel- fare. Ceremonies wlll Include the prese11tat1011 of the buUding to the unlve1sity tours of the .school th~ conferring of honor ry de- grees and an op 11 forum on the future of nursing. Honorary degree:; will be awarded to Dr. Ro2('Jla M. Schlotfeldt, professor oC nursing, Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing Case Western Reserve Uni'. versity, Cleveland; and Dr Jessie M. Scott, assistant surgeon general, director of diviBion of nursing U s Public Health Service Both Schlotfeldt and Scott will be principal speakers at the nursing forum.

USO Topple Xavier 78-65 . I .i./;;. 'J / 7~ U,-.;o"' Freshman Joe Evans scored 19 points and grabbed 12 rebounds and s nfor Mike Stockalprr < hipped in anoth- er 16 points last night as thf> l.inivt>rsity of San Diego won its seventh game in a row by whippmg Xavier, Ill, 78•6-5. l D led by only one at the !Jalf, 35-34, but StockalpPr and Evans led a fast-break- ing offPnse early in the sec- ond hal! as the Toreros pulled out to a IO-point lead USD, now 8-2, was outre- bounded by Xavier, 42-34, but held the Cougars, a !){'r- imeter-shooting team, to 34 percent from the field. The Toreros also got dou- ble-f1gu re performanc1>s from Earl Pierce (15), Russ Jackson (12) and Don Ca- pener (12). XAVIER, ILL, {65) RlmPSev 8 2·118, Kruszko 12·2 4, SOndlln J J.l 9, Sivler l 9·12 IS, Dlz-ki 2 J.; 7, Shimko • 2 • 10. Goodrich I 2 Toto11 22 21·2'65. . USD (71) Stockoli,er 7 2--116, Pierce 71·2 15, Jock• son 60--012, Bartholomew20--0 ;, Ev011s 7 s- 61',.Co?ener 52•312. Tolols:W 10-1378. Xavier,............................. J4 31~S USO ................................ lS 0-71 Fouled out-Evans, Sondlin. Total tools-Xavier 20, USD 18.


(} II ,Oh


8, 19~°\


USD, Mesa, Pendleton Annex Wins Led by a 21-point, 14-re- host Pasadena City C'.ollege, spite playmg only half of the of the contest, to secure the bound effort from 6-9 fresh- Bf>-77 contest. 10th win against eight losses man center Joe Evans, tile Evans, a graduate of Mar- Mesa had a lot tougher for the Marines. Pasadena University of San Diego ian High, was starting his time of Jt despite 23-point City College is 2-10. .) Toreros won their sixth second game and he re- performances from Jonath / : straight last night, 84-78, sponded with a season sror- Nicholas and Tim Wright. over visiting Spring Arbor of ing high. It was the third r-;icholas hit a jump shot Michigan. straight 14-rebound game for with five seconds left in reg- It \\as a big night for San Evans as USD improved i ulat1on time. sending the Diego area team:; as Mesa record to 6-2 this season. game mto the extra sess10n. College won its third in a The Toreros jumped out to Mesa promptly scored four row, 66-65, over Palomar a 10-2 lead and were never stra1gnt for a 65-61 lead. College in overtime and threatened in the one-sided Palomar came right back Carn Pendleton sp~nked contest. in the final 26 seconds to By the end of the game, pare the advantage to one, Go sona~ 16 aonin6J.2 USO had three freshmen, a but was unable to set up a 1J:0ov11o,H1Uiomtton60-012,sa1es sophomore and a Sl'nim; 6n play after a time out as the ;?i!6lca1,1r>1!)-02 Benscnll>-02 Totals. the court. clock ran out. Me:i.• !~. N c11o, 103.423 . H 02•2 Bob Bartho ornew add The victory improved 2~wrf911rn 1.223, ~ons2.2'12/~1er1 15 to USD's total while I st Mesa's record to 9-4 whUe .......... 30 29 , _ 65 years Count) high school Palomar, after wmning its Mesa .................... ..... JI 211 - u Plaver of thP- Year Dpn first four games lost its m~.?'lrM~ i/one. Teto! fMs- Pait>- Capener, contributed '12 de- sixth ma row ' PENDLETON {ISi W1ll!S ID"' 26. Beard l 2 • 8. Thomas H· 10 18. Ma!lett 2 7-3 n, Rickmon 4 l).O 8, Smlth2U8, RullmonJl).06_ Totolsl125-J2 as. PASADENA CC Im Pendleton had a fast start SPRING ARBOR {71) behmd 6-7 Keith Willis, the Kragt 10 7-a 27 Oeder 21-JS, Stal v.brth gamP's leading Scorer \\ith Pe,;, 7 1'17" l1 "9 JOHN v4NGER - 35 paintings by the theatrical designer. 10 am. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, through Dec 23. Founders Gallery University of San Diego, Alcala Park. Ph. 291 6480, X4296. Oe.l M,,. N~, flus m u~~m r

USO Scores 71-59 Win Over USIU University of San Diego put four players in double 1igures and moved from a ix-point halftime edge to def at city rival lJ S Inter- naUonal Umverslty, 71-59, 1n the Toreros' gym last night. It \\a the third win of the ason, all at home, against l\\o lo s for U D while USllJ suffered its fifth traight setb:iC'k without a umph. Mike Stockalper led the winner's S<.'Oring Wlth 14 potnts with Bob Barthol~ ew adding 13, Frank alsh 12 and Russell Jack n 11 \\ ill Marsh had 16 for the Westerners and Pat Kneurer 15 points and 10 rebounds. USD led b;- as many as 19 points midway of the second half With Stockalper getting D of his 14 points after inter- mi slon. USIU came away with the better shooting percentage. from the floor, canning 25 of attempts for 57 percent while the Toreros were 30-0f- 62 for 48 percent U. D now lakes a nine-dav break for seme ter examina- tions and returns Dec 16 to host Dominguez Hills m tlie first of five more con cu- t ve horn C'Ontest..


Cx:, f"\/


. FOUNDERS GALLE- RY: 35 paintings by thi,atrical designer John Wenger; through Dec 23 10 a.rn. to 4 p.m. Mo~day th~ough 1-'riday, Umvers1ty of San Oiego, Akala Park. Admission free. lnfoffil{ltion: ,291- 6480, ext. 4296Se~t; 11 " l

J~;m' 2· 14 , Sfliftt 26 points, and Mike Thomas, u!l!:JIJ>tr 10-0 2. Pier~ 3 0-0 ,. Joctsan who added 18, before .Pasa- s 0-110 1 Bor!nolomew 6 u 15, Evonsi11-1 dena City College frnally 21, COOIC 02·3 2, Whilmorsh l 0-06, CoP+ner talt d I t 60-012. wa1s11s0-110, TotatsJ'6-15&t s e a a e run ria9Arbor ................ .... . 30 <11-11 Duane Magett took control 4l-l4 of the boards, pullmg down 50 t: 8 N. one. Total touts:Soring 10 rebounds In the final hall - uso ............................. 41 •r~rled17 , uov

ISiand lol-4 IO, Nichois 86-122..Smilh 12 • •· Hobson 10-12, Sloddord Sl>-010, Lowe62· 5 1,. Powell J 0-0 ,. Wace 2 t. londrv Io- o 2. Totals JO 17.27 n Pendleton,. ,-................ • I 44-85 Pasadena .... ..... ... .... ..... JO 47 - n Fooled ovt. w,111s, Beard. Stoddard. Toto Fouts· Pendleton 26. Pasadena 29



The University or San Diego basketball team's re- ults of the past few days-- and tonight when the Toreros ho:.1 Hayward State- •Will likely be closely scruti- nized if they are considered for an at-large berth in the NCAA Division II playoffs at season's end. Last night's Torero foes from UC Davis and Hay- ward are both Division II members.and victories over th m have clout with playoff select on committees. "As an independent every a e's Important they look at our total won-lost record," says USD coach Jim Brovelli. "But they also consider how you do head-to- head with other Division II teams so these two mean a litUe extra." Brovelli has been pleased with the progress his young team has shown in the past two weeks, progress which was manifested with a victo- ry over Cal State Dominguez Hills last weekend. "I've felt all along that this was the kind of team that would continue to im• prove and grow week by week," said Brovelll. "We've shown better coordi- nation as a unit in the last couple games and as the players get uSPd to each other they're starting to gain in confldence."


, paintings by th

t .

e.i near and

enger,_ best kno\.vn Z1egfold Fol)", R Metropolitan Oper~ ' res, n·ol, "nd R 1·h . ew York and p oxy eat res in continu.- through ~aniou~ Studios. wil) Gallerv, USO, A J eccm r 22, Founders , a a ark. :2,91-6480 X4296. Di:c.], 117_&

Dr. E. Jane Via or the USD rellglous studies depart- ment will speak on "Be Not Afraid: A Message of Comfort from St. Luke," at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in De./ Sales Hall at USD. //~/7~ /



,< I ·Jr i bu 11 '4


l>e.e. .II

Son Diego, Thursday, December 7, 1978

h Un a 1 npy oops ers h t

".4n $8,NO check will

pre nted to University of Sao





USD U • Rival coaches are singing the blues, but·the Universi- ty of San Diego and the U.S. International University basketball teams will show up for their first meeting of the new season tonight at 8 in the Toreros' revamped gym. "We have played well, but we're not shooting well," Mike McDonald, coach of the Westerners, said. "Our best percentage so far is 41." "We are playing in spurts and I'm not satisfied," Coach Jim Brovelli of the Toreros said. "We haven't been able to acguire con- sistency for a 40-minute pe- riod so far." The teams didn't clash • last season, but before that . . row from the Westerners. USIU yet has to breaK into the win column in four games, while the Toreros are 2-2. USIU's chances of stop- ping the Toreros aren't bright with Tom Cody, its No. l guard, on the sidelines with a pulled ligament in his eft shoulder McDonald said Greg Popp would re- place him. . "I do see an improve- ment in the team with each game,'' fcDonald said "We must control the qmck tempo of the Toreros nd be exceptionally sharp if we are to win. "We have had to scram- I

Diego President Author ifughes by the the USD Auxiliary at 1I ?·m. Tuesda,Y at the Kona Kai Club to help the school s fmanc1a1 aid program. San Diego Union reporter,.,"' ,..c.. Burl Stiff 11 be the si;eaker. y 1 t "


well," McDonald said. "He has been shooting 51 per cent so far. Kneuer and Williams also have aver- aged seven rebounds." USD's season has been a two-man show so far - Bob Bartholomew and Russell Jackson. Bartholomew, a center, leads in scormg with 65 points ( a 16.3 aver- age) and also is No. l in rebounds with 31. Jackson hae been torrid in the last three games, scoring 58 of his total 59

points for the season. He also has turned 'in 26 rebounds, closest to Bartho- lomew. Third on the USD scoring list with 26 points is Rusty Whitmarsh. The teams will be per- fonning on a new floor this evening. Many other im- provements have been made in the gym. Women's teams of the two schools will clash in a 5:45 opener. -- fA

1 , .i..;[~~7(,i:J:ic~L. DEs1cNs OF JOHN J 'i scenic designer ri:::t~s by theatrical and I for his work for the Meenger•. best known ? y NZiegfeld Follies, Rivoli an°:~!ryt;;~i;:ra: continue throu h D amount Studms, will t.~ Gallery USO Alg aJecember 22, Founders ' , c a Park. 291-6480 x42%. ew York, and Par . srn

Ii/~ 7'6 On1·ori. Jackson's 19 Leads USD Over Tabor Russell Jackson scored 19 points last night as Universi- ty of /,an Diego evened its record to 2-2 this young bas- ketball season with a 7&-69 victory over Tabor College of Kansas. Jackson, a &-foot-5 for- ward, also led the Toreros with eight rebound:;. USO jumped to a nine- point lead at halftime and held a 56-40 lead midway through the second half when the visiting Knights roared back to close within two at 71-69 with two min- utes to play. However, Mike Stockalper scored five points in a row as. USD held Tabor scoreless. Tabor, nqw 3-3, was led by 6-1 guard Dave Nahirny with 27 points and center Bill Rid- dle with 24. Earl Pierce, ~·rank Walsh and reserve Joe Evans each scored 10 points for USD. TABOR {6') Slutzmon 12·2•• Nohirny 11.5-527, HollbS 1 l).O 2 RoDer J 0-2 6. Riddle 8 8-12 24, Brv rO , Ringler O 2-22, Dennison 12·2H. s 19•15 69. USO (76) Slociatpe 2 3-0, Pierce 5 o-o 10, Jackson 9 l·l19, WolSll 50--010, Bartholomew2 2·26, Cook I 0--0 2, Whllmorsh •0--0 8, Capener 12· 24.Evons0-210 Tololsl310-1376. Tabor ............................... 27 42~9 USD ........................ .. ,.... 36 40-76 Fouled ovl-Borlholomew Teom tovls- Tobor 15, USD 23. Technlcal Foul-Jack• son.



"THE THEATRICAi. llESIC,NS Or JOl!J WENGER," JS pi1int111g, h~ rhcarncal anJ scen ic

University of San Diego. December 8 al 7 p.m.' I Annual Posada with mariachis & pinalas; re- ception following in the Student Union. Will be held in the patio between USO Law School and Serra Hall. Open to the public. Info: 291 - 6480 ext. 4296. Dec. . l'i 7'{. ,-J.C,.,..t ry t.:vc,.< _ . Bill Ritter, Sa a Diego press secretary in To~ -, Hayden's losing bid for Senate, ls 1 'l. asterlng the politics of accom- ,: modation. Last week, Ritter's job 1 at USD had him handling press 76 for a speech there by Sen. S.I. Hayakawa, the man who beat/ Hayden.

The Umversity of San Diego basketball team stood even today at 2-2 after they outraced and outshot a Tabor College team of Kan- sas la~1 night in the Torero gym. Russell Jackson, &-5 for- w:ird, showed the way with 19 points and also pulled down eight rebounds as the Toreros coasted home de- spite the closeness of the score. USD, which held a 56-40 lead at halftime, never were threatened after it zoomed out to a 1~ lead early in the contest. TAIORl"l Stu1zm0111 2-2 • Noll rny 11 S-S 71, Hob1!5 I l).O 2. Rabor l 0-2 6. Riddle 8 ~12 2t Bf'fbochtr O l>-0 O. Ringler O 2-2 2, Dermison 12·2H Totals 2S 19-1S69. USD {76) SIOc:k IPtr2~7,PierceSl).010,Jockson 9 1-319, Wo SIi S l>-0 10, Borfholomow 2 2·2,. Ceo, 11>-0 2, Wlulmorsh 41>-0 8, COPener 12· 14. Evans 0 ·210. TotolS JJ 10-13 76. r-, ........................... 77 42-1, USO .. , • .. .......,............ M ..... 71 Foulfd out-Bortho omew. Team fouls-- Tobar 15. USO 23. Technical Fool-Jock• son

Thund•y. December 11, 1978

News Press



11 .tc>O M f

'11>eatrical Dtslgns of John Wenger 35 parn~- by ,cen. 1c designer. John Wenger, who allered c Mecropolllan Opera, /1cgfeld foll1e,, Rivoli and Roxy theatre, 1n Ne w York. and for Paramount rudios . co 11nue on e,h1b1t thru Dec. 23 at the ounderb allery , ~D Mon .f•n . 10•4 / ing. direction ol ,tage illu"on, 1n h' d .1s 1 th es1gns or

lloaAn"elea l?rc-e..



BOB BARTHOLOMEW ble so far. We'll try our hardest and give them a good fight." Cody's loss has put a big load on Barry Sayles, McDonald pointed out, but he thinks he's doing a fine job. USit:'s leading scrnrers are center Kevin Williams with 54 points and forward Pat Kneuer with 50. "Kneuer has been playmg

Fri. Dec. 8, 1978-


~IJNDERS GALLERY (Uruversity of San Diego): Paint- mgs by theatncal designer John Wenger. Open weekdays _!:om 10 am. to 4 p.m.

Tues., Dec. 19, 1978-

San Diego Defeats UC Davis, 83-67 SAN DIEGO-Bob Bartholomew scored 30 points and grabbed 10 rebounds in leading the University of San Die- go to an 83-67 win over UC Davis Monday night at the USD Sports Center. Joe Evans added 17points and 14 rebounds for the Tore- ros, who have won four straight and are 5-2 overall. Mike Stockalper and Earl ~erce each had 13 points for USD.

FOUNDERS GAL- LERY: 35 paintings by theatrical designer John Wenger, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, through Dec. 23, Univer- sity of San Diego, Alcala Park. Admission free. I.n· formation: 291-6480, ext. 4296,



Saturday, D'ecember 9, 1978


THE SENTINEL Wednesday, December 6, 1978 .

t1C\ Papacy Series ·Covers Bishop .Roi

L, c, 1'f La Uni~ersidad de San Diego, Alcala Park tendra una conferenoa en espai'iol, "Hada Un Nuevo Orden Mundiai ... Justida En Las Americas", 6 de Enero 1979 9. 12pm. Asistiendo con el programa Hcrmana Sara M~rrie,; su tema "Llamada A La Ac·d6n"; Padre Luis F. Bernal, su tema "~egundo Enc·uentro Nacional Hi~pano"; y el Padre frank Riley,. que. l!ahltra de "Los_~robl!'ll)as D(• L'l Emigrac·i6n": Contnbuoon $.,.00 porfam1ha. Para mayor!'s informe~ Ila, a l - 291. , ,. ~f\SQ. - .. \

Gary Macy will present a lecture titled "How Did tile Bishop of Rome Become the Pope?" at 7:30 p. . Thursday in the Umversity of San Diego's De Sales H Macy, assistant professor in the Religious tudi Department of the university, will give the histQj:lClll perspective on the papacy as part of a lecture seri sponsored by the department and tbe university Admission is $Z.

USD- Perfonnances ihis month at USO. sb k Cha1;1ber Orchestra Concen , Henry Kolar con- /; dueling , Dec . 3 at 4 , Camino Theatre 14 Christma~ Choral & Madrigal Concen, Dec·. ·,o 3 a1. 3:30, founders Chapel . . . Pianist Fr .l. Nic~la Reveles in reci tal, Dec. 16 at 7, 30 . ~ Carmno Theatre. Free.Lee 7'1 ...-

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