News Scrapbooks 1977-1979

Toreros, 'Div/.,. f •i ~t.a ,, w e'lrel-ners both lose

Morri Acting Dean ,O{J/77 . Of "CSD Law , ~ .sa--,;t

~½ /O- 0-n USO football to host Boys Clubs Boys C,ub r,1embers with adult supervI~I0:1 will be admitted :rec to thr University of San D1ego- Az us a Pac1f1c College football ame at 7.30 pm Saturday Oct 22 at USO stadIu'l1 on Linda Vista Road As many as ' 000 to 1.500 boys tould be in attendance on Boys Clubs Nights as guests of the USO football progra'll, said Paul Mendes.sports information director Boys Club members and t.1pervIsors are asked to be at the stadium before 7 pm

5 .D,E'l&1iM ir i vu.rie. J 10/1/11 USD faces bum's rush from Poets run- ning the ball with any con- sistency all season, the Uni- versity of San Diego foot- ba 11 team travels to Whittier tomorrow and, you gue d 1t, plays a Poet team whose strongest suit is rushing defense Whittier, 2-1, uffered its lone loss last Saturday to Azusa-Pacific 14-7 but limit- to Azusa to 65 yards rush- ing Meanwhile, USD, 1-3, lost Occidental, and, 1n doing gained only lll yards r htng on 45 efforts Torerp coach Blll Wil- liams remained und 1d d who to start at quarterback since hJS three top players at that position - Jim Valenzuela, George Calan- dri and Andy Silmak - are all healthy for the first time this year. Having had troubl

Five hundred and fifty o en - make that almost 550 women and three or four men - gathered at the Hilton Inn this week for the annual USD Auxiliary fashion sho and a h artfell Uibute to Ell n Jackson former. al columnist who pumped llf into many a lagging benefit urlng her years With The San Diego Union. Elle n's husband, Everett Gee Jackson, and their daughter, Jerry Wllliamson, were a\"ong the capacity crowd. President Author Hughes of USD pre.sen n with an engraved silver wine cooler, and 1 Davis re- viewed high! gilts of her career. Julame Anton was chairwoman of the event, with 1arge Hughes, wlfe of the USD president, as her honorary chairwoman. Funds raised by the annual fashion sho , featuring clothes from John Hogan, go to aid students at the univer tty U.t\• \ -, - '7"1

- Stoff Photos by Dan Tltllonehuk Hi~een Ja,kson, rop left, wab honored at rhc U5D Aux1li:uy fa h10n show tJ.luch was chaired b; )~Jaine Anton, wp nght. Among the 550 gue5cs were husband Evercu Jack n, boctom right, and chcir daughter: Jerry William.ion, bortom left '

• • •

Actingdeannamed for USD law school

s ace r toug~y

Torer anoth

Morns received AB and JD d r s from Syracuse Univ rs1ty nd Iii LLM from ~arv rd Law School Sine moving to San 01 go 1n 1973, he has org n1z d a , w nd psych, try section of the Assoc1 lion of Am ncan L w School a"ld Is n dJunct prof or at University of Cal forr1a, San D1•go

~ //J-6- 77 Acti~g dean named for USD law school - ~

'GODSPELL' CAST-"By Popular Demand Players". a newly formed touring company from San Diego appears in costume for their production of "Godspell". musical rendition of St. Matthew's gospel, at 8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 8 and 8:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 9. Camino Theater, University of San Diego. General admission is $2. The players are from left, top row, Lisa Doria. Marty Johnson, Betty Bourus, Eric Smith and Ron Elliott; bottom row, Kristi Durbin, Irene Rogers, Sue Flahive, Chuck Martinez and Colin McColl.-Dave Green photo

Coach Bill Williams says his University of San Diego football team is facing an- other "class team tomor- row In Northrldge State. "They're big," aid Wil- liams. "Their oU nsive line averages about 255 pound and they ve receivers who run 40 In 4.5 and running ba who have 9.9 speed lo th 00." Northridge has a 4-2 rerord and operates out of the I f rmatlon. It also u the r option series o good effect, said Williams.

The Toreros, with a 1-4 r cord, will have Jim Va the helm. The quarterback has,completed 34 of 63 pa.sses this season for 470 yards and one touch- down. f~l'exJ.IJE Students will work lor seniors mverSJty of San ·u be available to ""~~""""' odd jobs and mam- t n services on the w kends of Nov 12 and 13, and 19 and 20 , mr citizens who are in n d of such services may contact the City of San Diego's Semor Citizen Pro- gram. Students participating in the program will be identi- fied by a USD Community Service armband and their student I.D card Earh stu- aent is cov red by uso insuranre Three to eight students wm visit each home to clean ~ou e or garages, wash windows, mow lawns and mo e heavy objects, paint, shop or perform any service elderly people have trouble attending to. Any form of donation will be accepted by the student workers who visit the home. a mmumty service nlor citizens, students

Grant Morns has been appointed acting dean of the University of San Diego law school for this aca dem1c year, announced Dr. Author Hughes, university president Dean Donald Weckstem 1s on sabbatical and will return for the 19 78- 79 academic. year

Morns received AB and JD degrees from Syracuse University and his tLM from Harvard Law School. Since moving to San Diego in 197•3, he has organized a law and psychiatry section of the Associat10 of American Law Schools, and is an adjuJlct professor at Uni rsityofCal1fornia, San o· o.

? /.2'f/7J

Friday, October J.4, 1977



I ,

us Volleyball Club Ey

e "eo I n°' TrCbu.rle

Another Big Year

USO Meets xy od A revenge-minded Untver- SJty of San Djego football team ends a one-year wait while United States Interna- tional University Uies for the fourth straight week to notch Jts first win of the year in small college action tomght. U D will host Occidental at the Toreros' stadmm at 7:30 SlmultaneQ sly USIU will be challengfng thr Um- verstty of Redlands at Red- lands Las year USD lost Lo 0 fd ntal, 19-18, on a hotly- d lsputed safety In the game's cloSing S('('()Dd As Torero coach Bill Williams relates it his s :aff and team have been sma Jng to right the Injustice for 'the la 360 some days" USD en~ the game with a 1-2 recored fresh from a 34-0 victory m ts lasf outing against Pomona-P1trer. Oc- c!dental is 1-1, having a prior victory over USIU before losmg last Week to Azusa- Pacific 28-14. 'It's amazmg ho history repeats," says Williams "At the end of the year last year we all thought that our sea son turn d on the Oxy game and thing could happen unn5n ,t>-71

rot,1/11 USD, USIU both lose One game was close and the other never was as both United States International University and University of San Diego lost football games over th weekend. usn; jumped out to a 14-0 lead against Whittier atur- day, but i:ouldn'l hold it as the visitors came back to score a 26-23 victory Wide receiver Ken Har- vey caught three touchdown passe , two from Jimbo Harris and one from Roy Blakeway. But the oung Westerners fumbled the ball away three times and had two kicks blocked in cootrtbutlng to their own demise. USO traveled to Northridge Saturday night and received a rude wel- come as 'o dge State handed the Torero a 56-20 pasting. Earl Robinson returned a kick 92 yards for one TD - second longest return in USD history - but other- wise It was all Northridge as it built up a 35-7 lead at the half and never looked back.

artln shrugs. "Several of the smaller some of our new freshmen lcolleges in San Diego Uied to got some early experience, form a conference this year, since we had to practically so the top league teams completely rework our would go automatically to "Well, '

scheduled, says the coach. "We have a warm up, with a lot of stretching, and jog- ging, and we work on block- ing, passing, ball-handling drills. Then, we have team drills on service return." . Wright, who views her teammates from the side- Imes as her ankle mends, comments, "After watching them closely, I've seen the team play well offensively, moving well as a team and covering the court. They're also talking a lot, and that's important - to keep the communication open on the court." eanwhile, Carnes' two- for the team loss to UC-Irvine was, 'y.e choked." "We weren't mentally pre- pared for that game, even though everyone knew we could win It," said Becky "I think the team may have to try harder. Last year, we all felt we had something to prove, about how well we could hit or set-up But now, people aren't trying to prove word explanation

their talent, and that's made a difference "We're not what you'd call a 'fast team.' We run the low set in the m1ddleseomtimes, but I'd say we re more a combination of speed d power," says Becky. The team responds when the coaching is t high-pressured she 1hinks. "I've learned a lot o! ferent volleyball techmqu from different coaches. ' think that helps the team, plus I'm tall and strong,' says cames "But it also takes the coordmation seeing the ball, knowing where to put 1t, and how hard to hit it. Carnes has been lnfonnal- ly chosen by her teammates as the senior member of the group. That means she can criticize and suggest playing ves, without causing a court upr1Slng. She accepts the responsibility gladly. "It makes me play harder, I know a lot of people are counting on me to help the team"

We'll pull lt togeth-

the volleyball regional ," said Martin. A new AIAU


E:. VE.N NG T &!Ne USD plays for grudge Umv rs1ty of San Diego plays Azusa Pacific m foot- ball at 7: 30 tonight at USO m what Is billed as a grudge game "We don't like them and they don t like us very much," said USD coach Bill Williams. "It should" be a hard-hitting gam " The Toreros 1-5 on the season Whll Azu 2-4. It is Boys Club night and any Boys Cl b m mber ac- comparu d b adult super- vision will be admitted free. /0-27.-77 USD Football f To Host Youngsters .The University of San Diego football team will host Llnda Vista and Clarremont Bo s' Club members and th e1r parents Oct. 22 when the team play Azusa-Pacif- ic College here.


year to the rule requiring a minimum of

Returning t


teams per conference

team, which won the second place trophy last year Region S, are: Susan

eliminated that Idea.

But Carnes, who Martin

Admundson, 19, the "key offensive hitter L1sa Roach, 18, (l>-8), player," says it's experience a setter, Joan! Klein, 19, (5- that will make USD a winner 7), a hitter; Julie Werner, agam this season 19, (5-5), a tter; .Mary "We have a lot of lndividu- Winters, 18, (5-5), a hitter; al talent, but there's nothing and Becky carnes, 20, (6-0), that takes the place of the Most Valuable Player experience," says Carnes. last year as mid-blocker. Martin agrees. "Mary ewcomer · are: Shari Winters, who played for us Anchlch, 18, (5-7); Terry for the first time last year, Gibb , 18, (l>-8), a hitter, has improved 100 per cent Emily Wiley, 18, (5-10), a over the summer. Now, I m1d-~1tter, and Shella v.ant her to work on the Wnght, 20 1 (5-8) a setter confidence. I tell them they Last r Ince D is can't play well without (5-11), a calls

lndep nd nt and without a relaXing." cont r nee, the t am had to qualif) at-large b !ore enter-

The team practices more

.:s.p, UNtDN lO/W/17

than two holll'S everyday, mg the regionals, where It and practiced four hours a survived a double elimina- day during pre-season. r tlon tournament. Practices are strictly TV TO FOCUS ON FRIEDMAN

L.A. State's Defense Is Tough, 9-0 Cal State of Los Angeles scored all of its points in the first half and went on to blank University of San Diego, 9-0, on the Toreros' field last night. The Diablos, who Im- proved their record to 3-4, scored in the first period on quarterback Bill Duck- worth's one-yard keeper. Then Bruce McClain boot- ed a 29-yard field goal in the second period' to conclude the scoring. Duckworth completed seven of 16 passes for 82 yards and had two intercept- ed in the defensive struggle. Raymond Butler \(las the key runner for the victors, pick- ing up 71 yards on 25 carries. USD quarterback Jim Valenzuela was quite active, connecting on 13 of 32 passes for 166 yards. USO threat- ened in the final period, get- ting to the enemy two. How- ever, peoaltles forced the Toreros back until they were fourth and 33. Col State, L.A. ... • . 6 J O 0- , USO ............. 0 0 0 0- O C:~LA-Duckwortl! 1 run (kick falle

OCT·'71 series will be seen locally on KPBS-TV. The telecasts of Dr. Friedman's lecture ser ies are being produced by station WQLN, Erie, Pa. It will be a sequel to an econom ic series shown this year featuring John Kenneth Galbraith . The San Diego dinner is being pre- sented jointly by the Chamber and the Uni- versity of San Diego,School of Law and will be held in the Vacation Village Hotel Con- vention Center at 7:30 p.m. after a 6:30 cocktail hour. A limited number of tickets are still available at $25 each from the Chamber's Economic Research Bureau . Tables of eight - if available - are $190. Dr. Friedman, now a senior research fel- low at Stanford University's Hoover Insti- tution , had taught at the University of Chicago since 1946 and now is professor emeritus at that institution. He was an economic adviser to Sen. Barry Goldwater and former President Richard Nixon, and is a frequent contributor of columns to Newsweek magazine. He won the Nobel Prize for Economics last year. Earlier in the day he will be involved In the dedication of a new courtroom at the USD School of Law, where the Califor- nia Supreme Court will meet in session that day. Dr. Friedman has written several books including " Cap1tal1sm and Freedom,': "There's No Such Thing as a Free Lunch" and "A Monetary History of the United States." He has been a member of the President's Commission on an All- Volunteer Armed Force and of the Presi- dent's Commission on White House Fellows.

When Nobel Laureate economist Milton Friedman speaks at a Chamber dinner Nov. 7 it will be videotaped for later vIewIng nationally as part of a 12-part series on National Educational Television . The

' forman Scruggs, player representative of the usn football team, said about 200 persons, includmg the boys ' and their parents, are ex- pected to attend the game as guests of the team

USD, US/CJ T(ltlUlt, come out~•~- 77 second University of San Diego saw a 7-7 tie go down the drain in the last 46 seconds while U.S. Internatlonai University was kicked into submission m their football games Saturday. lost to Azusa Pacific 16-7 when the Cougars' Randy Granger kicked a 25-yard field goal with 46 seconds left ln the final quarter. Then, when USD was unable to move the ball, the Cougars went on to score on the final play of the game on the Toreros field. ' Meanwhile, in Moraga, US! watched Kevin Shea of St. Mary's kick four field goals in the Gaels, 19-8 tri- umph over the Westerners. Shea's boots were from 37, 43, 38 and 30 yards. He also successfully kicked the extra point on the Gaels' lone touchdown, a 73-yard pass f om Terry Cottle to Bob Keiper in the second period. USO eventually

USD FACES L.A: STATE TONIGHT - AT USD Because of a late schedule change, the University of San Diego and Los Angeles State football game will be played at USD Stadium at 7:30 tonight, not in Los An.geles as reported m yesterday's edJtions of the Tribune . A USD spo ·esman also announced that Redlands Cmvers1ty has forfeited its 3-0 Y.ln over USD Sept 17 because of an mellgible player. Meanwhile, Los Angeles State comes to tr,wn with a 2-4 record on the season •and a highly unusual tat' r State's quarterback Rick Lovern has accounted to~ !~i his team's touchdowns this year The quarterback has thrown for four touchdown passes and ~shed for another six even thou.,.h his total net yard rushing on the season is just 27 ° . Los An~eles State's defense, which Is anchored by . CAA D1VJsl~n III All-Amencan nose guard Butch Bryant. has yielded an average of only 11 points and 262 yards per game USD is 2-5 on the season.

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