News Scrapbooks 1977-1979


~1+\82.N c_t2.Cr::,~ At commencement ceremonies \10\ TV correspondent, judge to address USD gradua~es rt\A-'i ll l't 1

Ti rrey Pines eo/ogy study o be offered A grology field study excursion to the beach cliffs and terraces or Torre,· Pines State Park is hE'1ng offered by the ?\atural Hi lor} .\luseum on Saturday, June 9 Led by Dr Ric-hard Phillips of the l r1\W~1L, of San Ou go, the half-day !rip Oller. part1c1p,111t walk along rock datu g back to the EocP11e (35 m1lhon ,ea ago con la1111ng fossil remains A pllrnned two mile walk and climb will pnhide an undE'r landing ol the cdimentary rock which form a la1 gP portion of co,1stal San Diego The study \\ 111 he held from I until 4 p m w1lh advance reservations rE'qu1rc-d The co t i $5. Call the museum for m- lormat1on, 232-3821. ex- tension 48. )


756 LawDegr e To B Award d at 3Campu e R r •

Newsman Delivers USD Address

Appeals, Fifth District, will be the commencement speaker for the School of Law ceremonies at 10:30 a m. on the west lawn of the Alcala Park campus, over- looking Mission Bay and Point Loma. The law school will award an honorary·doctor of laws degree to Judge Wisdom

SAN DIEGO-An appeals court Judge and a telev1s1on network news correspond- ent will address more than 700 graduates of the University of San D~go in two separate commence- ment ceremonies on Sun- day, May 20 Judge John Minor Wis- dom of the U.S. Court of

and will gtaduate 277 students who will receive the juris doctor degree. At ceremonies beginning at 3 p.m. on the same west lawn. .NBC's Bob Aberne- thy, who broadcasts the news on the "Today" program, will address 465 undergraduate and grad- uate degree recipients and receive an honorary doctor of human letters degree. USO will award 344 students with bachelor's degrees and 121 with master's in arts ,md sci- ences, business adminis- tration. nursing and educa- tion. Bishop Leo T "Maher, as chairman of the USD Board of Trustees, will address graduates in both cere- mon I es and aid in the presentation of degrees/

COe.DNA-1::0 ~RNftL ~-'54 -l Four earned degrees !Arom USO May 20

Four Coronado residents ~ere among 344 seniors who graduated recently from the University of San Diego. Daniel Joseph Delaurentis, a 1975 graduate ·Coronado High School, received a degree in biology. Maureen E. Downs, a 1974 graduate from Marian High School received a degree in psychology. Jay George Forst earned his degree in history. Forst has been a Coronado resident for 30 years. He is a graduate from North River High School in

Marie Joanne Peck received her degree in psychology. Peck graduated Coronado High School in 1975.


from/ ;


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Master Chorale \



MAY 3 11979

Diego, Alcala Park.

The an Diego Ma ter Chorale .,.;11 give two perfor- mance~ of the B MINOR MAS by Johann Sebastian Bach on June 15 at 7:30 and June 17 at 2: 30 at the Im- maculata, Univer ity of San




Charles Ketcham will con- duct the La Jolla Chamber Orchestra, with soloists Pauline Tweed, Soprano, Chnstopher Lindbloom, Bar- itone, arni Clark. Me:no-

;1<\ Four earned degrees from USD May 20 Four Coronado residents were among 344 seniors who Marie Joanne Peck received her degree in psychology, Peck graduated from Coronado High School i 1975.


graduated recently from the University of San Diego. Daniel Joseph Delaurentis, a 1975 graduate from Coronado High School, received a degree in biology. Maureen E. Downs, a 197 4 graduate from Marian High School received a degree in psychology. Jay George Forst earned his degree in history. Forst has been a Coronado resident for 30 years. He is a graduate from North River High School in Brooklyn, N.Y.

16 USD graduates' are from La Jolla


Peter Mohrhardt will receive a B.B.A. m business ad- ministration. George Albert Pflaum III, will receive his B.B A. in busin economics. Ruby Anne Shamsky will receive a B.A. in Spanish. Ardelle Catherine St. George will receive her B.B.A. in business economics. Dana Christine Thisted will receive a B.A. in psychology, Joseph Uphoff will receive his B.A. in history. Michael Scott Vollmar will receive a B.B.A. in business ad.ministration. Addressing the344 seniors and 121 master's degree students will be NBC ews correspon- dent Bob Abernethy. He will receive an Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree.

Sixteen La Jollans were among lhl! 344 seniors receiving bachelor's degrees during the University of San Diego's 1979 Commencement exercises Sunday. Nasrolah-Amirteymour, will receive a B.B.A. in business administration. Sherrie Carroll will receive a B.A. m Hispanic-Latin American studies. Donald Daniels III, a 1974 graduate of The Bishop's Schools, will receive a B.A. in history Deborah Anne Dimeglio will receive her B.S. in business administration. Gary Floyd will receive a B.B.A. in accounting. Kevin Haley will receive a B.B A. in business economics. Michael Johnson, will receive a B.A. in religious studies philosophy. Lizabeth Knox, will receive a B.A. in international relations. Cynthia Anne Liliebladh will receive her B.A. in English- psychology.

Dr. Author E. Hughe , p of San Dwgo, and 1 · Hugh at Founders Hall on thf> campu mg for participants in "The Invisible University" series of programs sponsored by USD in _the Rancho Santa Fe area this year. Monthly meetings were held m private homes with USD faculty, t:,ustees and friends lecturing on such subJects as 01! and_ the \1iddle East," "The Historic Ranchos of Califor- nia " and "The Law and Psychiatry." The senes attracted 53 people who receive certifi- cates of completion for the year. The program will re-open in the fall. Dr. and Mrs. Hughes entertained the group at cocktails at their home, Casa de Alcala, pnor to the dinner I •~-~~-- --~-- J . ldent of the t:niver ity gave ::i dm P . ty day

N wly-lnstalled University of San Diego Auxiliary president Pat Ke ting, left, admires gift presented auxlllary chaplain Msgr. I. Brent Eagen while luncheon ch lrman Judy Keelin looks on. (Photo by David Eldenmlller) / \t"IIUIU J.JY UOVIU ,ueu, .. ,...... /


Abby ilverman graduated from the University n Diego Law School last Sunday and was tr ated to a congratulatory dinner at the We tgate hot I by h r husband, orman. What Abby didn't know is that Norman had " ummoned" on legal- looking invitation , more than 100 guests to hare 10 the c lebration. They supri cd her on the terrace, where cocktail were erved accompanied by moked salmon and cavier. A carefully-planned dinner, accompanied by harpsi hord, wa rved in the Versailles Room. Among 1.,a Jollans on hand to wi h Abby well were Pat y nd Dick Carlson, Anne and Bill Otterson, h nd tk Cavanaugh, Merle 01 on (newly el ct d pr 1dent or th L Jolla Chamber Music oclcty>. Ad 1 nd Harold Frank, Maureen and T Shiftan, Harold and Francis Torbert, Stuart and B rbara Brody, Irwin and Judy Jacob, an Rick and Kat Adam . or


JUN 9 1979,~~--- Religious Seminar Slated . . . Three rellg1ous leaders of different denommat1onal barkgrounds will share the podium at vSD for a three- day workshop, "Spirituality in a Fragmented World " June 17 to 19. 'fhe workshop 11.tll explore dimensmns of spuitual1ty, (,'Omm1tment to social justice and prayer from the experience of Catholic, Jewish and Protestant traditions. The leaden, will bf> the Rev. James A. Forbes Jr, a sociate professor of worship and homlletlcs at Union Theological Seminary; Arthur Green, assistant professor or religious studies at the Cniversity of Pennsylvania and a student of Jewish mysticism and theology, and Brother David Steindl-Rast, a member of the Order of St Benedict.



JUN 7 1979





HAZEL TOW EVENING TRlaUNE • Ed , of 1959 and l

USC Offers Courses ummer school this year at Uni ver- ity San Diego i divided into three e ions: June 4-22,J une 25-A ugust 3, and August 1-24. . With Odifferent courses available, the programs are designed tu prm ide both general interest and specialized courses, offe1·ing everything from the history of jazz to graduate financial management. Field work and exten- sion programs, some in foreign coun- tries, are also offered. Advanced reg- istration i recommended. For further information call 293-4524.

of th Un versit) of San

ll1 go reunions Uus month The Class of I ~9 gathering \lnl1 b Saturday and Sunday and the of 1969 reunion will be June 29, 30 and July I bvent ror the Cla or 1959 begin With a ram1ly 1>rach part) at the South :'.'1!1ss1on Beach Jetty at n n Saturday Ther "'ill be a potluck dmner m the ,.. mng mthe homt> of lim1 Zolezzt Edwards and a f m1ly Ma at ~o. Found rs Chapel at 10 a.m. nday with bnmrh to follow III the campus Rose loom ·111 hav

Willi m Pickett, PhD .. has been ap- point d v1c pr1Jsident for university rela- tions t th Un1vcrs1ty of San Diogo . Dr. Pick tt h s h Id th same position at the Univ rsity of Detroit

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