News Scrapbooks 1977-1979

TIMES-ADVOCATE JUN 13 1979' Program of Bach offered SAN DIEGO - The San Di- ego Master Chorale, con- ducted by Charles Ketcham will perform the Bass In 13 Minor by Bach In concerts at 7:30 p.m. Friday, June 15, and 2:30 p.m. Sunday, June 17, at Immaculata Church University of San Diego, Al~ cala Park. Ketcham will conduct the La Jolla Chamber Orches- tra, the JOO.voice chorale and soloists. Soloists will be Marni Clark, mezzo-sopra- no, who has perfonned with opera companies In San Diego, Denver and Arizona and with symphonies; Chris- topher Lindbloom, baritone; Pauline Tweed, soprano; and Leonard Johnson, tenor. Tweed Is known in North County as soloist and music director of the Rancho Ber- nardo Community Church, and has appeared appeared as soloist with the San Diego Symphony, Opera Under the Stars and on tour with the Tweed Family Singers.. Johnson is director of the University of Michigan's Men's Glee Club and a sea- soned perfonner In opera oratorio and symphony con~ certs and a recording artist. Lindbloom, who has per- fonned with opera groups in Boston, San Francisco and St. Paul, is assistant profes- sor of music at Point Loma College, a frequent winner In voice competitions and a doctoral candidate In voice at San Diego State Universi- ty.



Sunday, June I0, 1979

BMinot Mass, 'I Lomb_ardi' ach, Verdi Dates Stir Interest ed rick Augu~tus II.

;Bae wanted to be named court capellmeister and in It: 1 tter that accompanied the gifl he wrote, ''To Your Royal I lghne I submit in deepe t devotion the present ljght labor of that knowledge which I have achieved in ·iqu " and went on to request that Frederick Au- gl u "grant me the favor of conferring upon me a title ol Your H1ghn 'ij Court Capelle, and would let Your Hlgh Command for the i wng of uch a document go f

led by Charles Ketcham.

Son Diego Mosler Chorale,

tained a lifelong interest in Bach's music - particularly the preludes and fugues of The Well-Tempered Clavier, and he knew of the BMinor Mass and expressed a desire to see a copy of the score, but was never able to secure It.




Son D,ego, Fndoy, June 8, 1979

Give chorale an A for ambition

But the entire work was nev r heard m Bach's ~1me. In fact the fmt perforrnaneP took lac~ almost a century after Bae-h's death in BP I' There the first half was heard m 1834 an%'rt~n; SPcond, a y ar Jat r. e

Ketcham, a native San Diegan who began his con- ducting career in Europe and returned as associate conductor of the San Diego Symphony, is regular con- ductor of the chorale. Tickets for the concert may be reserved by calling the Immaculata and are $6 gener~I admission, $3 for scats m side s~tions and $4 for students and senior citi- zens. JUN J Q 19]9 The San Diego Master Chorale will present two performances of ~.S. Bach's Mass in B mmor this week. Charles Ketc- ham will lead the Chorale, orchestra and soloists Fri- day at 7: 30 and next Sun- day at 2:30 p.m. in The Immaculata on the campus of the University of San Diego. Soloists will be Pau- line Tweed, soprano; Marni Clark, mezzo-soprano; Leonard Johnson, tenor; and Christopher Lind- bloom, baritone.


Soloists the Son Diego asf r Chorale this week will be, from the left: in performances by

Marni Clark, Christopher Lindbloom, Pauline Tweed and Leonard Johnson,

Jass I



that is p ofes-

tackled - swnally -

by local choirs (The last full-scale produ _ tion mounted here was m

Scripture institute· ,, s heduled Recent developments in Old Testament studies will be the theme of the third annual Scripture institute Monday through June 19 at USD. The sessions, sponsored by the USO Continuing Ed- ucation Department, are scheduled for 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily in Camino Hall. Teaching the course will be the Rev. Roland E. Mur- phy, a Roman Catholic Car- melite priest and professor of theology at Duke Univer- sity, and Dr. Henri Cazelles of the Catholic Institute of Paris. Murphy is author of "The Dead Sea Scrolls" and was a member of the team that translated the Old Testa- ment for the New American Bible. Cazelles ls d rector of higher studies f r Semitic religions at the S rbonne in Paris and Is a n ember of the Pontific~ Bib cal Com- mission The course, for "hich the fee is $100, Is one ol several being offered at l SD this month and next. Among the offerings are three J ne 18- 22 workshops. The first, on personal and spiritual development, will be conducted by Dr. Thom- as A. Downs, director of adult education for the Orlando, Fla., Catholic Diocese. The second, on lhe church and youth, will be conducted by John Roberto, director ·of the Northeast Center for Youth Ministry of the Paterson, N.J., Cath- olic Diocese. The third, on government aid to elementary and sec- ondary students, will be led by Joseph P McElligott, direc or of education for · the (, fc rnia Catholic Con- feren r Sacramento. D\\ E. Petty, profes• sor o 1' llsh literature at USO, wll ch a June 21 to July 21 ' e on the Bible as literatu . Aworkshop on adult par- ticipation in parish lite Will be conductea July 8-13 by Dr Christiane BFussel- mans of the Catholic Uni- versity of Louvaln, Be,gi- um, anti four other facilita- tors. Fees for the courses range from $45 to $120.


, b~ Robert Shaw and

the Roger


\\ agner ) Realisti- cally. ch rch ,choruses wor on a volunteer basis and .Just can t conJure up the kind of capital reqmred for soloists' fees profess10nal musicians conductor construction costs technical manaoer' etc. h , . The a Pr Chora e IS cognizant of the risky s1tuat.Jon of Jaymg down $20,000 for this presentation -:- but be! ves th effort will final.Iv launch the right I image it needs if it's to surface a an Diego's profesJ .al c What hurts, accordin o th group's president Margaret Goodmg, is that the chorale is seen merely as an appendage of the ymphony (it sings twice a ·ear (tr bscrip!wn symphony programs) when_ really it s .a free-standing entit • which should ~ake its place with the other maJor performmg arts m this town. ''Other slzab cities h re and abroad hare their symphon ... their ballet ... their opera and th~n- professional choru. ,'' Gooding ays · · · The problem rn San Diego IS that choral arts have nevf'r been established on a pro'e . I basiS " A d ,, s10na · n recUfy that frame of mind, the chorale IS now thinking big and m the long range· Ketcham' CQntr.act has been renewed for another two yepr A ,core of a least 16 paid profess10nal singers will support he already-existing small choral chamber group. A regular season of three concerts has been ~heduled,,to begin in_ wmt r, mcluding Havdn's r,eatiqn (on par with the Bach Extravaganza) perJormed 1 May. 1 An annual choral fest1va is in the plannmg 1,tage t will Include the mer ·ng of nationally know~ c oru s, gu st conductor and workshop :Pssions. And a Palm Sunday tradition will be initiated alter~atmg Bach's "St. • fatthew's Pas ion .. "St' Johns Passlon" and the .. Tass in B Mmor.'. . The hefty ambition begins to ta e form with next week's Bach" rass."


JUN l .3 1979


San Di go Master Chorale Music Director Charles Ketcham will condu t Bach' Mru in B Minor for two performanc in The Imm culata at the University of San Diego. The Choral will be joined by the La Jolla Chmaber Chamber Orche tra in th pecial pr ntation at 7:30 p.m. this Friday and t 2:30 p,m. on unday, The chorale h ign ti .a two-year contrac-t effective thi ptember 1 for th continued services of Ket- cham.



Tbe San Diego Master Chorale performs Johann Sebastian Bach's "Mass in B Minor" to- night and Sunday in the Imma- culata at the University of san Diego. Tonight's performance is at 7:30 and Sunday's at 2:30 p.m. . The 100-plus voice chorale will be joined by the La Jolla Cham- ber Orchestra, conducted by Charles Ketcham. Guest vocal· ists are Pauline Tweed, Christo- pher Lindbl m, Marni Clark and Leonard Johnson. Tickets are $6 for general admission, $4 for students and senior citirens and $3 for side seats.

"The Mas Charles Ketcham conducts The La Jolla Chamber Orchestra in Bach' great work. Soloists: Pauleen Tweed soprano; Christopher Lindbloom, baritone; Marni Clark, mezzo.soprano; Leonard Johnson, tenor. Friday at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday at 2:30 pm. in The Immaculata, on campus at the University of San Diego. Tickets on sale at the Turntable. 29~ 7593 In B Minor" -

LA JOLLA LIGHT JUt'-1 4. 1979

Group schedule Bach performances Orchestra conducted by Director, Charles

l ,

at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow and at 2.30 p.m. Sunday. The San Diego Master Chorale, Cformrely known as the Symphonic Chorale), will be joined in the productions by the La Jolla Chambe•

The San Diego Ma ter Chorale has scheduled two performances of Bach' Mass in B minor in the Immaculata Chapel at the University of San Diego. Performances will be

Chorale Music Ketcham.


SAN DIEGO UNION JUN 1 71979 • • • The san Diego Master Chorale, Charles Ketcham conducting, will sing the second of two perfonnanc- es of Bach's Mass in B Minor today at 2:30 p.m. in 1

The Immaculata on the campus of the University of

san Diego.


JU '1 Chorale to prese t Bach Mass i Oi979 ------- -~-


t The enormll of the work leaves no question that hi is on of the noblest ach1e~ ments in sacred music 1story. The four ·t1ons - the "Missa " "C d " "Sanct " d " • , .re o us an gnus De1" - are further c;11bdivid- ed mto 24 s,nall, sel!•sUffiC'ent parts. It's " b1endin of ol~d and new music, with some of it derived froJ ear 1er church cantatas. The Mass came into being when Bach made a bid ~or the composer's post at the Saxon Royal Chapel rn,1733..H submitted two movements of the Mass as a tnflmg example of my kill." The .\fass remamPd m it<; abbreviated form until 1747: when Rach finally became rnterpsted in rom- r pletmg the pro ct The fmal three port10ns date rom the last years of his life.

chorale will be joined by mezzo-soprano farni Clark, baritone Christo pher Lindbloom, soprano Pauline Tweed and tenor Leonard Johnson. The four soloists all have p~ viously performed in San Diego. Charle Ketchum, Master horale music director, will conduct the La ,lolla Chamber Orche -tra for both per· form nc . Ticket t ( 4 for students and senior citizens) and $3 for side seats. For information, phon 295·75!13.

The performances will be at 7:30 Pm. Friday.June 15 and 2:~ p.m Sunday. June 7 m the lmmaculata on the nivers1ty of San Diego campus in Linda Vi ta.

Th San Di •go Master Choral , accompanied by (our well-known gu t artist. and the La Jolla hamber Orchestra, will perform 13 ch' " Ma. s in Minor" twice thi


CHURCH ROUND-UP Workshops slated on baptism rife

READER JUN 14 1979

Workshops on the Roman Catholic rite of baptism will be held July 8-13 and July 15-20 ~t the University of San Diego under auspices of the USD continuing edu- cation office. Among the workshop leaders will be Dr. Christiane Brussel- mans of the Catholic Uni- versity of Louvaln, Belgi- um; the Rev. Dennis Bro- deur of the University of Rhode Island; the Rev. Al- bert J. Benavides of San Antonio; and Sisler Eva Maria Sanchez of the San Bernardino Catholic Diocese.



JUN 2 O lS79 • • • The Labor-Management Relations Center, designed to engage in research, education, training and public service in the field of industrial relations, has opened at the University of San Diego School of Law.

USO professor Iris ugslrand is at work o a book about San Diego th the Chamber of Commerce wilT pub- lish next year. She's head of the history department, and her multimedia show on Old TO\rn ~Ill ake Its debut In October, then become a feature or Old Town State Park. lty

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