Cedarville Magazine Spring 2013 Volume 1 Issue 1

“I made it my goal to get a balloon from Dr. Brown at every homecoming parade during my four years here at Cedarville. ” – Kristen

“My friend Kimberly and I would love to have lunch with you before you leave. You’re the best. ” – Molly

“Normally I hate the color brown, but you’re awesome.You have redeemed all things brown in the world.”

– Kendra

“Your humility, Christlike character, and commitment to intellectual and spiritual growth have been such a great example to me of who I want to be.” – Morgan

“Thank you for speaking in chapel every Monday.Your themes have been challenging and exciting to me.You’ll be greatly missed as President.” – Mike

“I love watching you and your wife interact, and I hope to have as godly a marriage as you seem to have.” – Taylor

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