Head's Newsletter 10 November 2017


Day 5 – Wednesday 18 th October “Wednesday was a day full of excitement from battling the East Bovey River, some groups tackled depths of 22cm, its fair to say they got a little wet. We then staged a precariously boggy walk on the moor up to Bellever Tor, invoking the wrath of Mr Horwood in the most Tiffinian possible way, with some questionable navigation skills.”

After a walk down to Lanacombe Bay where we looked at relic features as a result of level fall, we drove to Slapton for lunch, where we treated ourselves to pizza and chips. Following this, we walked around Slapton Ley and learnt about how lagoons are formed, and the development of the hydrosere. We then returned to the hostel for our last supper.” I think it is fair to say we all had a great week away. The boys were exceptionally well behaved, engaged and inquisitive. They worked very hard and bonded as a group.

Day 6 – Thursday 19 th October “ The final day! We started off at Kingsbridge to get a better understanding of rias, as well as how the tides operated.

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