ESB Graded Examinations in Speech Teacher Guidance: Foundation

Suggested choices ESB aims to encourage and realise the potenƟal of all learners and we recognise  the individuality of each learner. Students can choose any pieces of poetry,  prose and drama that they will enjoy presenƟng. However, if you are looking for  level appropriate choices for them, we suggest the following poets and authors:  Poets and Authors for Speaking by Heart: Allan Ahlberg  Louisa May AlcoƩ  for drama (LiƩle Women) Hilaire Belloc  Frances Hodgson BurneƩ  for drama (A LiƩle Princess) Charles Causley  CharloƩe Bronte  for drama (Jane Ayre) Norman MacCaig 

James Reeves   Shel Silverstein  Jeremy Strong   Benjamin Zephaniah


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