
Walk On 1

honor each and every one of you for being here. Many have left and rightfully so, gladly so, because it’s difficult to do this work that we’re all doing with a scattering of consciousness and desires. It’s difficult to do it when there are those who are only in it to make a better human identity, but don’t really have a real commitment to themselves as spirit beings, as gods; those who are just dabbling or worse yet, those who are really just trying to take energy. We had that. Tobias particularly had it, those who came to the gatherings just to take energy; really didn’t hear a word, really didn’t feel a connection, but they felt this was a great place to steal energy. It’s not. You’re not allowing it. You’re not playing that old game anymore, so they’ve gone other places, or they didn’t have enough fascination happening, magic tricks, or there weren’t enough aliens. Aliens. Now, I could sell tickets with aliens, if we were going to talk about alien beings and talk about these other realms. But in fact it’s not even important. They’re not in human form. They have not gone through the experiences. They’re nowhere near as conscious or as Overtheyears,they’ve gone. They’ve left because it’s not a real good energy-stealing place anymore.


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