Worldline - Registration Document 2016

Financial Information concerning the Group’s Assets and Liabilities, Financial Condition andResults Parent Company summary financial statements

Note 14

Financial result

December 31, 2016

December 31, 2015

(in € thousand)

Dividends received


1,710 1,551

Investment banking revenues

876 555

Other financial income


Total of the financial income



Intercompany loans interests Intercompany current accounts interests Provision for depreciation on investments in non consolidated companies Other financial provisions



Short term borrowing interests


Foreign exchange losses Other financial expenses



-1,323 -1,876

-1,415 -2,004 1,409

Total of the financial expenses

Net financial result


Dividends received in 2016 were paid by WL Bourgogne and Mantis, two French subsidiaries.

€ 0.3 million for consulting fees to Rotschild. Other financial expenses include mainly non utilization fees related to the € 300 million Revolving Credit Facillity granted by Atos and

Note 15

Non recurring items

December 31, 2016

December 31, 2015

(in € thousand)

Selling price from disposal of financial investments 1



Reversal of provision for tangible assets


979 534

Reversal of provision for trade accounts receivable


Other income



Total of non recurring income



Net book value of financial investments sold 2


Provisions for liabilities and charges


-1,927 -25,833 -27,760

Other expenses

-17,173 -23,948 244,485

Total of non recurring expenses

Non recurring items -24,067 Impact of Equens carveout: FPL Equens shares received for €+245.6 million and Mantis and Arabor contribution to Equens €+2.2 million. 1 Impact of the contribution of the Mantis and Arabor entities to Equens for € 6.7 million. 2

to the Radar project for € 4.7 million (disposal compensated by Team) of € 10.65 million and the disposal of fixed assets related correspond to the re-invoicing of the Team, Quadrant and reversal of provision for € 5.5 million). Other revenue mainly Marsh costs. Other expenses mainly include Corporate costs (Quadrant and


Worldline 2016 Registration Document

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