Oedzge Atzema, Ton van Rietbergen, Jan Lambooy and Sjef van Hoof - Dynamics in economic geography


An institutional approach to location choice


4.1 Introduction

73 74 77 81 84 86 87

4.2 Institutions, rules of the economic game

4.3 Transaction costs, a key aspect of institutional economics

4.4 Institutions and location choice

4.4.1 Institutions and foreign direct investment (FDI)

4.4.2 Institutions and industrial relocation

4.5 Conclusion


An evolutionary approach to location choice


5.1 Introduction

89 90 97

5.2 New business activity: Chance and agglomeration

5.3 Conclusion

Classical regional growth theory: The importance of measurability



6.1 Introduction

99 99

6.2 Mercantilism: The colonial gold rush 6.3 Adam Smith, the father of classical economics 6.3.1 Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage

100 101 103 105 107 111 114 115

6.4 Basic and non-basic economic activity

6.5 Classical and neoclassical growth theory: Criticism and adjustments 6.6 A revival of classical economics: Porter’s competitive forces theory

6.7 Comparing nations and regions

6.8 A critical look at the competitiveness index

6.9 Conclusion


Place for sale: Attracting visitors, businessmen and residents


7.1 Introduction

117 117 118 120 122 124

7.2 Mass migration and day-trippers

7.3 Place marketing

7.4 The role of geography in place marketing 7.5 Place marketing in the Netherlands 7.6 The hunt for bohemians, biomedics and brainiacs

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