Joining nations 1947-1990


of the MCT would guarantee its publication through the compulsory purchase of a stipulated number of copies; this scheme was accept– able to the publisher and a new contract was accordingly signed . The Bibliographical Bulletin also suffered from the cessation of UNESCO subventions, but it was primarily developments in infor– mation technology which led Commission VII at Lausanne to propose the setting up of an IIW Documentation Centre adapted to the use of computers and to invite the co-operation of member countries in this undertaking. At the same time it was agreed that Welding in the World, which had hitherto been published quarterly, should appear every two months, starting in l 97 l, the material necessary to fill two more issues per year being the annual reports of the Chairmen of Commissions. Another publishing innovation was approved at the 1970 Assembly when a film made by Study Group 212 was shown at a Colloquium on arc physics organised by the Group and afterwards put on sale. In respect of attendance, the Lausanne Assembly was comparable with that of Kyoto, while further Asian interest in the Institute was demonstrated by a successful application for membership from India. Dr U Guerrera was awarded the Edstrom medal at Lausanne and the Governing Council conferred the same honour on the previous Secretary-General, Mr G Parsloe, at the l 971 Assembly in Stock– holm. On that occasion another medal was awarded for the first time - namely the Goldschmidt-Clermont medal to the winner of the eponymous triennial film competition held during 1970/71.

Prof W Socte, President of the I!W, in conversation with HRH Prince BertiI at the 1971 Stockholm Assembly.

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