Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945



Old Cathedral Rededicated Extensively 'Remodeled San Diego Church Opened at Ceremony 26.-Re- modeled so extensively it is vir- tually a new stri.tcture, the.90- year-old St. Joseph's Cathedral opened its doors today as one of the most elaborate Catholic edi- fices in the Southland. With Bishop Charles Francis Buddy of the San Diego Diocese in charge, impressive dedicatory ceremonies were conducted in the earthquake-proof Spanish renaissance-style building, recon- structed at ·a cost of $100,000. LONG PROCESSION Army, Navy and marine repre- , sentatives joined a procession . of clergymen, Knights of Clum- : bus and local civic leaders prior to the Pontifical Mass, celebrated ' by Bishop Buddy. Graduation · exercises of the Mercy Hospital , College of Nursing featured the · public celebration, attended by '. more than 1000 persons who ' _ thronged the enlarged cathedral. · PRIVATE CHAPEL l 1 Among unusual features of - the imposing building is indirect -. lighting and a private chapel 1 able to accommodate 60 sick and infirm worshipers. Practically all equipment in the structure, including mahogany pews with rubber-cushioned kneelers, three marble altars and art-glass windows, was fabri- cated in San Diego. SAN DIEGO, Jan.

ELABORATE-Bishop Charles Francis Buddy conducts services at alto; of re-~odeled church.

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