Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

he desire .ot our Bishop to erect a church th re as soon as po D fense and war work have mad Lmda Vista one o! the ! stest growing commun ties inl the State ot California. s ble. Fa-1 And Ab. tincnce /DLpcn. eel .!Hay 30 I a turd Y, . lay 30, Is an Em- I I bt>r Dar. Because it Is also I Memorial Day, His Excellency l ha,; di. pen ed Dioce. ans fro~ l th0 fa t and ab tinence. /




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Five fine pictures of the Solemn

St. Bernardine's Church, San Be nardino, honoring Pope Pius XII. (1) Bis -Excellency with train- bearers Joseph Cervantes on the left, Manuel Servin on the right. 1 (2) Color Guard. (S) Bishop with Deacons of Honor, Father Kl,18' on the left, Father l\Iatthews on the right. (4) Bishop with Military Escort of U. S. Army Commis- sioned Officers. (5) Same Guard of Honor.

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