Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945




r/____....~.,..;:_------ :; Most . Bishop I Eulogizes Educators ; Augustine High School · a The St. Augustine High School Commencement, held at 2 :30 p.m. on Monday, June 15, was a most elaborate pontifical affair. An un- usually large graduating class re- ceived its diplomas from the hands of our Bishop. At the conclusion (IIJ'[ the pro- grem His Excellency offe,ed con- gratulations to the graduates and parents, and then paid his tribute to the splendid staff of St. Augus- tine educators. He said in part: "Besides the recognized credits of St. Augustine High School the graduates are bless~d with two outstanding endowments, spiritual strength and moral uprightness, faith and &"ood works. Once the light of faith is extinguished and no light appears shining in the darkness there is no port to make for. These young men take with them the shining skield of St. Augu~tine's SOl!J• L red - blooded Amencans as typified by the gold star heroes of this institution. In the aoodemic honors awarded them this afternoon they witness- ed, that there is no conflict be- tween faith and science because the two move along in parallel lines and both have God for their author. Materialists have nothing to offer the gradue.te because the materialist is narrowed down to the outer edge of the only world he knows. It is not·a belief which flatters the pride of ma;.n; it gives him neither a respectable origin nor an honorable ending. It leaves man to take his standards from G. plan anywhere between the tad- pole and the philosopher. It leaves him to sink or swim in the end- less combin•ations of chemical changes. The man with no re- ligion is like a plane without a pilot. The man with a false re- ligion is like he mariner who ignores e North Star and fol- lows the '8tar ln his mind's eye." - ,

Bishop Leads Diocese !n Tax Expert Outdoor Adoration Of A Convert M Bl dS Dies In N. Y. . ost esse acrament ALBANY, June 5. - Mark The above eight-column photographic streamer contains

U.S. Supreme Court Kills Oklahoma Sterilization Law

WASHINGTON, June 2. -The Graves, retired New York State United States Supreme Court, in Tax Commissioner who has just a unanimous decision, yesterday

declared unconstitutional a 1935 died here, was received into the four candid camera shots of the long Corpus Christi proces- Catholic Church by the Most Rev. statute of the State of Oklahoma sion held last Sunday, June 7, on the grounds and. su.rround- Edmund F. Gibbons, Bishop of Al- authorizing tr{e sterilization of ing streets of San Diego's Mercy Hospital. The photograph bany, just two weeks •before his certain classes of habitual crim- on the left shows a few of the many Sisters who participated; demise, members of his family inals.. , next is a view of some of the have revealed. The noted tax ex- The Oklahoma statute author-

priests who took part in the proces pert's death at 64 followed a long ized sterilization of persons con- sion-Pastors in cope, Assistants illness in the course of which he victed for the third time of "crime in chasuble; third shows one of studied Catholic Doctrine and pre- amounting to felonies involving the auxiliary outdoor altars - in pared for Baptism. moral turpitude" a nd exempted foreground is 4th Degree K. of C. A native of Allegheny County, offenses "arising out of tile vio- Guard of Honor, u. s. NavY. men d . lation of the prohibitory laws, Mr. Graves entere State service Revenue Acts, embezzlement or carrring canopy; in last pictu1·e in 1907. When the personal in- political offenses." are adorers kneeling at one of the come tax law of New York State auxiliary altars along the Wa!'f for was enacted in 1919, Mr. Graves The case on which the Supreme sterilization of a man convicted and direct the income tax bur- School Band, kneeling in cope His eau. A member of the State Tax once of stealing chickens and Excellency the Most Reverend twice of robbery with firearms. Commission from 1923 to 1931 , Justice Douglas, delivering the e was ma e u ge 1 · Court's unanimous opinion, said Bishop of San Diego. h d B d t D'1•ector un The many parish societies, .each der ·Governor Franklin Roosevelt the statute was condemned by with its distinctive bant1er, gave and Tax Comrnissioner by Gover- "its failure to meet the require- length and variety to the proces- nor Lehman in 1933, ments of the Equal Protecti'on sion. There were three separate Mr. Graves' death was a great ' clatise of the Fourteenth Amend- choirs: Me'l:cy Hospital Nursing .a::,," L 1 l.-Y.AciCI.'tt::d -1-i.~ C'•- Benedl ·cti'on of the Most Blessed ·ament _ at r·i'ght foregt·ound POI ·ti·on o:f St. Augusti'ne Hi·gh G Court gave its verdict involvei;l. was appointed by former over- . an Oklahoma court order for the nor Alfred E. Smith to organize sact

Royal Soc\ety · Decorates Card. Villeneuve TORONTO, June .5.-His Emi• nence R·odrigue Cardinal Ville- neuve, O.M.I., Archbishop of Que- bec, tJ.S made an honorary Fel- low of e Royal ·society of Can- ada at its sixty-first annual con- gress, held here. The society is made up of some 350 Canadian leaders in science and letters. Maryland Keeps Free Buses For Parochial School ANNAPOLIS, June 1. - The Maryland Court of Appeals has upheld a decision of a lower court which ruled that laws empower- ing the Commissioners of St. Mary's Country to provide too.ns- portation for parochial as well as public sch9ol children are valid.

School, Cathedral High School, and Our Lady of Guadalupe Par- Episcopal Chapel ish. C~ngregational singing was i'rancis '. McHarry Beeler, Jr., in vogue w hi 1 e the procession , of Dr. and Mrs. F. M. Beeler, was in motion, at each Benedic- San Diego, and Miss Mary Eliz- tion of the Most Blessed Sacra- 1th Kernel daughter f D d h . d'd f , o r. an ment the separate c 01rs I oui·- Karl Kernel f I d' 1· • , o n 1anapo 1s,

part hymns and motets. The clos- iana will be marr1'ed Sat d . . . b H' , ur ay, ing Bened1cbon was given Y is he 20th, in .the Bishop's private Excellency at the huge altar er~ct- pel. Mr. B¥ler attended Rose Man is ~e only animal, that ed before the main entrance to the' ytechnic Thstitute in Terre blushes. Or needs to.-Mark Twain hospital. ute, Indiana, and the Curtiss-

ight School of Aeronautical En- gineering, Glendale, Calif., and is now employed as an engineer at Aireresearch. Miss Kernel is a graduate of St. Mary of the Woods Col~ege, St. Mary-of-theaWoods, Indiana. Parents of both parties and immediate families will be present at the Nuptial

At I

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1011 SIX'ni AVE. P Haan, and Mrs. at their ri------------~·shop, at Catholic ains When the as-

Mass. Attendants wi11 b Joan Beeler, sister of the and Somers Blackman.

your famil}I and trainee hope u n:

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