Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945


ar Department

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f Southern Cr ss J-. Fathcr Stack lngeniou Prie t- ill Repro- duce Drawing of Pacific War Zone Altar Asks Continued Support of War Effort A few days ago this paper, received a communication di ct from the Office of the Chief of Chaplains, War De• p tment, Washington, D.C. Reference was made to the story "Fr,ther Stack Pens Graphic Picture of Holy Week In War" which ran exclusively in "The Southern Cross" on May 29. Th War Department thanked us -,.:,

amedDr. LockeReports Columbia Legislature Son Of 1942's J II D d' , ToEr-ectMonumentTo AmericanMother 0 a e 1cat1on Catholic Archbishop :ordained Priest (Continued from Page 1) BOGOTA, Colombia, June 1. - NEW YORK, June 5.-Among D of the illlmense importance of re- the 31 seminarians ordained to an iego, former pastor of this !igion in the life of a •o!di'er and The Legislature of Antioquia, in h h t e priesthood by the Most Rev. urc , who presided in that therefore how much he and his an official tribute to the memory Th raceful and adept manner that of the recently deceased A1·ch- omas J. Walsh, Archbi~hop of felJow officers valued the work N k · c•t p · characteristic of him. The pro- bishop of Medellin, the Most Rev. ewar , Ill .:> • atnck's Cathedral the Church has done and is doincr here th R ,,,·11 ram had two parts, one patr1·0t1·c ,., Tiberio Salazar y Herrera, pre- • was e ev. , 1 iam N. for the men in his camp. He was B J • nd the other religious the two sents him as "a luminous example erry, r., son of ,.frs. William followed by Dr. I. L. Burnas, N B f G lements that go hand 1 ·n hand 1 ·n to present and future genera- · crry, o reen~boro, N. C., President of the La Jolla Chamber h atholic life. First came the pre- f tions," and provides for the erec- w o was chosen a few weeks ago o Commerce, who brought greet- th "A · entation of an American flag and tion of a bronze bust at Granada as mer1can Mother of ings from our non-Catholic fel- ' 1942" fine flag-pole given by the Ra- 1 his birthplace. It e.lso voted to ' · ow citizens who appreciate much on F. Moreno Post and its Wo- the addition to the beauty of La endow a chemistry laboratory at ·----------.:.~ en's Auxiliary of the U.S. Vet- J I the Bolivariana Catholic Univer- 0 Ia which our attractive parish rans of Foreign Wars. His Excel- b - 1 sity in Medellin to be known as m dings have brought and who ency, the Most Re,·ei·end Chai·le.• · • the "Monsignor Salazar Hall," and Dug's Beauty Sho ., reJ01ce, as we do over the mutual · Buddy, D.D., blessed the flag to equip e. "Monsignor Salazar goodwill that has existed be- R " hich was then raised by the Col- tween us. oom in the library of the Nor- D, COLLINS, Proprietor • l'i(H'ciali,in.i:- Tht _Xrw Curl~· Cut or Guard. There followed the ma! School of Antioquia. ounding of "Taps" by a bugler All were gla,' when finally the f C leader, in the none too easy task rom amp Callan, succeeded by the singing of the National An- now happily finished, the one who th had borne the chief burden in FIRE EXTINGUISHERS em by all those present, ac- All Latest Tl·pcs companied by the St. Augustine carrying it through to success, Parts & Service High School Band. Next, Father ~ather kClarkin, stepped forward SAN DIEGO FIRE Jl<'u•rsf' and ~ptral ,,<'rmanf"nt Wa,Ps $3,50 and up Opf'n };, enings hl Appointment • 519-20 'First Xational Bank Bid£'. l'l1one Franklin 6060 San Diego, Calif, Musell of Camp Callan made a o sp0a . In a w words straight f"QliIPJ\lENT co most interesting and patriotic from his own heart he moved the 106 B st'. . l!'-4205 Memorial Day' address. hearts of all present. He first Squabs Sea Foods Th spoke feelingly of the goodness of e second part of the program began with the blessing of the our non-Catholic friends: the first ~_.,~t..w_ o_ checks rec::eived

for our cooperation, stated that such support of its military per- so nel is of great value. Here is th full text o! the letter: "June 6, 19{2 D :ar Sir: n un- fl'here has been received in this ss re- of ice the May 29, 1942 issue of hands • he Southern Cross", containing 0 the front page an interesting pro- tlcle headed "Father Stack Pens con- G aphic Picture of Holy Week in and ar" and showing an illustration ibute the altar improvised by the in- gus- nious priest. part: W ill you be so kind as to send ·edits , a long with your permission to 1 the produce same, either the photo; two raph of the line drawing or the '!too.I line drawing itself? ness, We feel sure that this article the nd illustration attracted consid- and I rable interest so we are desirous the f adding our word of commenda- make

Part of the Cadet's Prayer (West Point) is: " us choose the_ harder right instead of the easter wrong."

taken with the Moat Reverend Bishop of San Diego is something that this newly mar-

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Your support, directly and n- irectly, of our military personnel oodcd ! St.


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The young couple were attended by Mus Mar1!yhn Nu gen;, o t

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Thanking you on behalf of the •t be- Chief of Chaplains for your past ecause and future cooperation, I am Ile! For the Chief of Chaplains: their _,. ,,AR'..E V • .A. CO 'OVER othing Chaplain, 188 the Assistant. ;,wn to

Specialties Fancy Poultry Phone F, 2314

Prescription Specialist R-3136 DREXEL DRUG <;;O. 3733 El Cajon Blvd. . (Next to Bekins) F1lm1 Developed and Printed 25c, Free Enlargement Ernest Piwald, Prop. Free Delivery

I.Military Vic Confirms Me At March Field While In Riverside on Thursday, June 12th, the Most Rev. Bishop 1 Buddy confirmed two groups of .soldiers from March Field in St. Francis de Sales Church at Rivt!r- side. Rev. John Wood, C.S.V., Rev. vValter Sullivan, C.S.P., arranged for the ceremonies which were followed by Solemn Benediction. During his recent tour of the northern part of the diocese, the Bishop, as military vicar, visited March Field and Camp Haan, 1 both camps near Riverside. At March .Field and Camp Haan, Officer, Colonel Davldson and Mrs. Davidson held a reception at their home ln honor of the Bishop, at c officers and both Catholic .....,,......-:,i.:n-Catholic Chaplains as- led.

eeler's Son Married


• world

Bishop Attends Six Services In One Day St. Joseph's Cathedral On Sunday, Ju~e 14, His Excel-

In Ep. opal Chapel Franci!I 1\1 Harry Beeler, Jr., son of D and .Mrs. F. M. Beeler, of San Diego, and Miss Mary Eliz- abeth Kernel, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Karl ernel, of Indianapolis, Indiana, , 'll be married Saturday, June 20th, in the Bishop's private chapel. Mr. B !er attended Rose Polytechnic I titut,e in Terre Haute, Indiana. and the Curtiss- Wright School of Aeronautical En- gineering, Glendale, Calif., and is now employed as an engineer at Aireresearch. Miss Kernel is a graduate of St. Mary of the Woods College, St. :Mary-of-theaWoods, Indiana. Parents of both parties and immediate families will be

Miller's Sea Food

1047 7th St. Sao Dlero Paint, Wallpaper Sale T ONGLIFE PAINT for exterior use, covers m one 1 • ~nt for this climate, hard wear- $225 I practice of birth conb-s,olors er gal. _ __ l Q '-.-;Jr mel that make4jtc~ 11 r• ap~.d

lencv officiated ~ix times at St. emical Jose~h's Cathedral. At 8 :00 a.m., no re- ·r· I L -.I hout a there was a pont1 1ca ow ,. ass at which the Bishop himself lse re- •r who preached. Again at the 9 :00 Mass, nd fol- 11 :15 l\Iass, and at the 12 :30 1 eye." Mass (the latter two were over- __ flowing into the vestibule) 'the I sermon was delivered by His Ex- cellency. ADULT CONFIRMATION At 3 :00 p.m., the Sacrament of Confinnation was administered to adults of the City of San Diego. Approximatelr 200 men and wo- men were confirmed, among whom were many sailors and marines. The gold braid of •·aval officers, acting as spon. ors, was much in 1 evidence. Several Pastors and l\Iil- itary Chaplains were present in the Sanctuarr, COLLEGE GRADUATION The sixth and last episcopal

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Very Rev. Wi!blll.' Kirk


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' a Bkurla, Pauline Pena, Verlaine u~h, Nora Paredes, Rosemarie Ortiz, and Agatha Sick. Sopho- more fin~lists are: Doris B"ugh. ton, G!ona Hickey and Th D · • eresa av1s. All sisters and priests in I :d tlonaI work in San Diego art mvlted. Junior fmalists are. Mi Ev s • sses

present at the Nuptial :\lass. Attendants w H Joan Beeler, sister of the and Somers Blackman.

function of the day ·was the Ca- thedral College graduation at 5 :00 p.m. Each of the younJ?: ladr grad- uates, very chic in her cap and gown, knelt before the Bishop's throne to receive her diploma.

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