Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

,l)L'l'. 10, l -i1~ ipwrecklumbe 1Made IntoChurch At Ar y Outpo t U.S.A. Chaplain Stack In Latest Letter To Bishop Describes Ingenious Construction Of Pro- Cathedral "Somewhere In Pacific War Zone" May 31, 1942 . The Army's Santa Claus in the form of a supply boat arrived the other day with plenty of mail for all and especially your kmd le_tter of A~il 29th. My tropical tinted face assumed r~acty seasoned th e o~u """\ a deeper hue of red in a genuine did the rest. The altar is ~ade I blush when I opened The Southern matched ma~ogany on which I Cross of April 17th and saw "be- carved a celtic cross and an al1 loved Father Stack's gripping and omega, and then we made < storv" staring me in the f I t · t f 1· d t · ace. qwn s am ou O gaso me an must confess that mv life in this The whole effect is ?e_auLiful outpost t>unded mo~·e heroic in the altar contrasts stnkmgly w priRt than it actuallv is, on the the antique effect of_ the i~ter other hand I can re 0 alize that it walls, these we left 111 th eir_ may have had its effect at least soned, weather-beaten cond1tl in moving the good people o! your The mahogany by the way ca Diocese to pray for tl · unusual fr~m the s~lon of the wr:c pa torate of mine. 1 have long ship. The idea of course is been convinced th:ita. ·ou are close make the altar the focu$ of att O the Holv Gho.;~ for in the p st tion and in this I think we h He has guided u in extraordin- succeeded. In solving the prob ary ways, thi , then, is perhaps of seating_ capacity .I think we h another manifestation of the Pot- something quite new in ch1· ter moulding the clar. architecture. It was out of Build Pro-Cathedral ' question to build a church Your Pro-Cathedral is almost enough for the _at~endance ready for its Divine Guest and Sundays for ?- bmldmg that now I am happy to say that we would be a fine target for_;have a home for the real Com- Japanese preth:ren. So th1 mander in Chief that is second what we did - we bu.j_lt slil to none. Until I can send you a ~oors that enclose the church picture of it· perhaps you \vould mg the week days when I am like to see it through the eyes of and convert it into a pri the pastor. In the first place let chapel for the soldiers pem me say that i was built with one visits to the Blessed Sacrnm saw, two ha mers, a square, and this accommodates approxima a spirit level. These were all the forty, then on Sundays the d< tools we ha d and considered our- disappear and the entire churc selves luck to get them. We had thrown open and thus upwardr no lumber and no prospect of five hundred can hear mass getting ally so we scouted around once. In other words the front and na t ure came to the rescue. of the church comes off and l\Iany r rs /Iago a ship was wreck- soldiers can hear mass under ed on hese shores and most of trees in perfect comfort and at the lu her washed ashore so in same time they make it ha our few free hours we hauled and for the Japs to machine-gun ti haule until we had enough to The idea of being bombed and (Continued on Page 2) at while attending holy mas, _ probably an innovatio1: too, but [ ;~;:h~olyv:ils..will- b-;-a;preciated then we must be nract1cal. . : 1 as I haYe been usmg last year's , Seed Sown l right along. There is one thing, Pardon my unseeming pride in however, that we cannot get the new St. Joseph's but it was enough of and that is prayer. I great fun to lick each construction have made a special point of im- problem as only the building of a pressing the soldiers with the church in the war zone can pre- necessity of praying for each other sent. I intend to assure Father for the grace of a happy death, Hurd that I haYe no designs on and also for the wayward breth- his job when I return, after all ren. With you augmenting these imitation is the sincerest flattery. petitions we are ready for any- This chm·ch like yours is dedicat- thing. My Dear Bishop:




of Peace Academy #»J'llb!J11iii 4~ - _,. ,,.,.......,.,......;::,IF m r ,1 4tn~~- ·

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ith, Mary Margaret Cumming,r, Mary Lorraine Johnson, Irene Faas, Ger- ault, Yolanda Elias, the Moat Reverend Bishop, Jean Marie Jermy, Mar- Rechtsteiner, Mary Lucille Kelly, Patricia Rose Thomas, Mary Isabelle a Kelley, Virginia Elizabeth Gruver, Ann Marie Jackson, Mary Virginia lison Clarke, Mercedes Elias, Mary Josephine Adams, Elizabeth Chaote , Carol Marit Occhinero, Katherine Moebus, Sybil Josephine Chapman, ois Marie Lattimore, Theresa Catherine Walsh, Betty Ann Frank, Mar•

Theresa Malarkey, Marcella Lucille Dzajic, Carmen Mar- Gorski, Margaret Angela Mulhern, Merle Frances Worth•

ed to the glory of God and the

·with kindest regards to all back ,.,.,.,,,«:,,,,,,"',,,.,,..,,.

honor of St. Joseph a d it will home and begging your episcopal

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have only one purpose arrd that is blessing, I am


Velasquez, Carmen Wallis, Beatrice Romero.

Second Row:

to brin!!: the meu closer to the Blessed Sacrament ·and foster fre- quent cot}lmunion. At least when I am go1j8 ,from this sector there will be 'tangible evidence of the

Respectfullr yours, , ~is Exc~llency, The Most Rev~rend Bishop Charles F. Buddy, D.D., Barbara §il.~~ -Chaplain Kenneth G. Stack Richard Riddell, Very R~v. Franc1S C. Ott, V.F., Rev. Michael A. Keane, Milton B rn~n,

Headquarters Detachment

A.P.O. 915

San Francisco, Calif.

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