Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

, California, F riday,


resses ecessity

Religious Instruction In 1 an Diego Schools Civic Leaders Assemble To Discuss rime Wave Among Children "Let us be honest and look at the facts. We have not been fair to the children. Most of the observati_ons _made h~r_e_ this afternoon have dealt with the effects including exccllent plans for. recreat10nal fac1ht1es to prevent idleness among the youth of our land. But why not exam1~e the cause of. the p:esent crime wave which has increased 1 O 1 % in the last year ai:d sex crimes among minor girls are up 61 c-roaccording to findings of J. Edgar Hoover Director of the F.B.I." _____________ .=______:::.__ __:::__ __'::___:....::__:..:.::' Thus declared th e Mo st Reverend reaping the fruits of Godlessness You must know, however that even Bishop of San Diego, who was in- and irreligion·, materialistic phil- vited by Dr. Crawford, Superin- osophies, and other dangerous t'ndent of Schools, to attend a sophistrie.s taught in the univer- meeting of Civic Leaders in the sities for the last generation. School Board Headquarters last Did you ever read the book by "Civic Leaders of San Diego, Honorable Mayor, Harley Knox, years ago by Wm. J. Burns, head won't you join with us to provide members of the School Board, of the famous Burns Detective some kind of fundamental reli- Ministers of the different denomin- Agency, that one of the principal gion for the children in our schools, ations, listened with intense in- causes of crime in the United at least let us try to teach them terest to His Excellency's plea for states today is the fastening of the existence of Almighty God to religious instruction in the Ele- the anti-social ideas of Commun- Whom they are responsible and mentary and Secondary Schools of ists upon the minds of the young the necessity of observing the Ten San DiPgo. The Most Reverend ... " and then concluded: Commandments. There is As- Bishop commented on different "Some of the speakers here this sembly Bill No. 283 now pending remarks which had been made dur· afternoon have emphasized the before the State Senate to grant a ing the course of the discussion point that the responsibility rests release of time for the religious further stating: "Doubtless you on the home. It does. The Su- instruction of the children of our have the highest motives in pro- preme Court of the United States public schools with the parents ap- posing new rules and regulations, has decided that the parents have proval. The bill deserves coopcra- strictcr enforcing of the law, ex- the first responsibility in the di- tion from every Friclay._ This meeting was called Dan Gilbert published here in San to discuss ways an means to stem Diego, "The vanishing Virgin." rt the terrifying crime wave that is is a lucid expose of .the Nietzshean ruining the lives of so many young philosophy and immoral sociology people, especially the unprotected taught in many universities. The teen age girls. Prominent citizens Bishop quoted pertinent passages from the book and also the fol- Navy, Consolidated Aircrafts, the lowing statement made over six from many ore-anizations: the ~ with 100 % attendance, churches of all denominations of this coun- try do not reach more than 32% of our people. It is significant that 68 % of our American people are not affiliated with any church. What could you exp•ect when so many universities ridicule religion, try to debase it as superstition and rate the Ten Commandments of God as antiquated and unscientific.

de.cent citizen. sit by doing nothing about it? You tension of recreational facilities. rection of the .education of their You must be conscious that irre- have provided well for the physi- AII these e good and help but children, but a home can't give ligion is our greatest menace and cal and mental development of they don't get at the cause of the what it hasn't got, and the vast that we'll never make any real public school children but you have trouble. The fa.t.'t is that we have majority of homes have no religion progress in edi.cation unless we let their souls starve for want of been multiplying aws to such an to give. References have also been give the children the right motives those eternal truths that enlighten, ex nt that they have piled up be- made here about the ignorant for being upright, honest and uplift and preserve. I call upon nowledge and 'for every law mother. We should rather be clean in thought and deed. The all citizens of every creed and no enacte there are a dbzen crooks afraid that many of the mothers Director of the F.B.I. has con- creed to support our efforts for who know how to evade it. You are over-educated in vice. They stantly insisted on the necessity of I religious instruction in the schools. I cannot legislate morality into are being taught at the expense of moral training to combat the na- To be sure the plan presents diffi. yow1g or old but you can teach taxpayers. Birth control clinics- tion's crime problem. The terrify- culties, but these can be ironed out. it with splendid results in the early how to interfere with God's na- ing increase in the number among They have tried this with success formative y·ears. You can't blall)e tural law flourish in this state. minor girl.s is grave and shocking. in other places,.it can be a success this appalling crime wave on the References have also been made to Is it fair to their fathers and I here." Dr. Warfard, President pf w • To be sure this emergency is the fact that the teaching of mo- brothers in the Service to see these I the Ministerial Alliance heartily n ravating cause but we are J rals is the obligation of the church. children wrecked for life and we I seconded the Bishop's remarks.


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