Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

MOST REV. C. F. BUDDY 1 Annual Mass , Set by Youths I The Catholic Youth Organization will honor their Bishop, Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, at their fifth an- nual mass and communion tomor- row at 8 a. m. in St. Joseph's Cathe- dral. The C. Y. 0., of whom 500 are slated to attend the mass and com- munion, will send delegates from all parts of the diocese, and the entire manifestation will eclipse all pa t efforts_ for color and solemnity, those m charge said. Offering holy mass and commun- ion for the intentions of the most reverend bishop, the CYOers will approach_ the. altar. with another/ thou~ht m mind this year, saying special prayers for those who have joined the armed forces and for I many who soon will be gone. I Following the mass the CYOers w1ll form a procession, led by St. Augustine High Schocl band and flanked by Boy Scouts in full uni- form, and march to a down town h?tel for breakfast at which the B o u · be u t of h n- ..Mr~,iisia

atrick's Honors S. War Dead Army, Navy, Marines Take Part In Solemn Military Mass - - Bishop Delivers Sermon "If it be fitting to mark the achievements of the liv- ing, it is but right and just to decorate the graves and revive the memory of those patriots who have given their all that 'freedom may not perish from the earth' ... But our love for the dead does not stop at the flag- draped graves ... it goes far beyond-into the very domain of God through this adorable sacrifice in which we o fer the Precious Blood of Our Saviour for the souls of our brave heroes .... Army, Navy, Marines, kneel with us this morning because the Cross and the Flag are the holiest and highest symbols of unfading glory in these United States. Devotion to the one means allegiance to the other ... But what of the great army that never returned? It is their memory we hon.or to• day. They are keeping a solemn and silent picket on the 'Fame's eternal camping ground' ... These patriots have decorated their own graves with a luster more la;t. ing than gold ... when after this war history shall repeat itself and bigots and other un-American agitators come out from hiding and raise their snake-like heads to de- stroy the liberty for which our brave men fought and died, let the nation mark well the graves of our heroes as pledges of a loyal and unified people. Whe cials in public office betray their high trust and s ~tltl• ciple for a mess of pottage, contrast their delin~ney with the soldiers' grave. The orator is lost in di eloquence of a free people kneeling at the graves of their liberators."

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