Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945


By the ost

everend ,.,harles Franc 1 s Buddy, D. D-, PJ..D.

Bishop of the Diocese of San Diego In California

O God of all ations, earth-our Chief Benefactor.

e adore Thee as the Creator of heaven and of .'le hope in T y divine promises. e love

Thee as t he Sovereign Good. Humbly acknowledging our sinfulness, so defiant of the laws You made for our protection, we ask pardon for our transgressions and the grace of amendment. "Have mercy on us O God, have !!l ercy on us; according to the multitude of Thy mercies, blot ouf our il't!uities. 11 Conscious of our absolute dependence on Thee-the ay, the Truth, and the Light-we earnestly beg Thy divine assistance 1n this cruc i al hour of ov.r utmost need. 0 Heavenly Father, remember not our foolish pride and smugness 1n material prosperity, but send us aid from on high. ~e implore Thee to strengthen with subliille courage our armed forces that they may overcome our enemies and terminate the tragedy of war. Lead Thy erring children gently back to the ways of peace and recon- ciliation. Teach us submission to Thy Holy Will and enlighten us to see what makes for real happiness both here and in eternity.


Special Prayers For the Success of the Armed Forces of the United States and For a Just Peace DIOCESE OF SAN DIEGO In California c~n;~· roly Strid iill the hearts of thy faithful and kindle in them the shalt ren~:~~~ fa:~ oi°t~~ ::.t~pirit and they shall be created, and thou 300 days indulgence each time. . who hast taught the hearts of thy faithful by the light of the J?mt, gdrant tha~ ~y the gift of the same Spirit, we may always be ru Ywise an ever reJ01ce in his holy consolations Through Christ our Lord. Amen. · THE MEMORARE Cl Remember, 0 most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that ~my one. who fled to thy protection, implored thy help and sou ht th ~g::c~s~

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