Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

Decree of Canonical Erection Since the Canonical Erection of the Pontifical work of the Ecclesiastical Vocations so often commended by Pope Pius XI. of Holy Memory, and Pope Pius XII. now gloriously reigning, has p:oduced marvelous results where rightly insti- tuted and zealous! y fostered, we hereby Canonical!y establish a Diocesan Branch of the "Society For The Promotion of Priestly Vocations" (Ponti6cum Opus Vocationum Ec- clesiasticarum), under the patronage of the Immaculate Conception, Queen of the Clergy. This erection has in mind the law of the Church as given in Canon 1353 which pro- vides; "priests, and especially pastors, should apply them- selves to guard with special care from the contagions of the world, boys who show signs of an ecclesiastical vocation; to train them to piety, instruct them in elementary studies and foster in them the seed of the Divine Vocation." Having in mind the welfare of souls which requires a sufficient supply of priests in each Diocese and knowing that this goal depends much on the prayers, free-will offer- ings, and Catholic Action of priests and people this Society deserves fervent cooperation. Obligations 1. Members offer a Mass at least once a year in honor of the Ho! y Spirit for the increase of native vocations. 2. Promoters of this Holy work pray each day that the Lord of the Vineyard may send more laborers to reap the harvest. 3. According to their means members should make annual donations, large or small, to the Most Reverend Bishop for the education and support of our seminarians; some should prove their gratitude for material blessings by providing the annual maintenance of one seminarian, ($500.00). 4. Both priests and peopl-parents especially-will pru- dently encourage, instruct and protect from danger youth who show signs of a vocation. 5. Thoroughly Catholic homes, centers of piety, develop and foster vocations. 6. The spread of Christ's kingdom on earth depends upon the priesthood. In the Mass the priest continues Ou-ist's Sacrifice; through the administration of the Sacraments the priest conveys Divine Grace; in sermons and instructions the priest teaches the Word of God. Without the priest the faithful could not have the Mass, the Sacraments, nor the

benefit of sustaining truths. 7. In making your will please remember St. Francis Seminary in San Diego. It is gtaduall y enlarging to combine the courses of a minor and major seminary. Bequests should be made in the correct legal manner; namely, to the Roman Catholic Bishop of San Diego, a Corporation Sole, Charles Francis Buddy, Incumbent. Indulgences Our Holy Father has granted the following in- dulgences to Societies lawfully erected, whose main object is the promotion of priestly vocations. into the Society, on the usual conditions of confession, 1. A plenary indulgence on the day of enttance worthy reception of Holy Communion and prayers for the intention of Christ's Vicar. 2. A plenary indulgence at the moment of death to those members who die piously invoking the name of Jesus and who accept death as a penalty for sin. 3. A plenary indulgence on the Feast of the Im- maculate Conception, of the Apostles, on one of the three Ember days, if the members go to confession, receive Holy Communion, visit some Church or Public Oratory, and pray for the intention of the Holy Father. All these indulgences can be gained for the souls in Purgatory except the one at the point of death. 4. An indulgence of 100 days for each act of piety or charity that is done by a member in cooperation with another member of the Society. 5. Masses offered for deceased members of this Society have the same value as if they were celebrated at a privileged altar. (Holy Office, May 29, 1913.) 6. An indulgence of 300 days to any Catholic who recites the prayer: "O Mary, Queen of the Clergy, pray for us; obtain for us many holy priests." (S. Paenit., January 16, 1923.) t CHARLES F. BUDDY, Bishop of San Diego.

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