Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

icial Organ of the Dioce e of San Diego, Cahforrua, Friday, Decem er 10, 1943 BISHOP K ICHTS SIR NICHOLAS MARTI

B"shop Pays asterful Tr· e o art·ns nves itu e Ceremo At the in e titure ceremonies for S r icholas J. 1artin and Lady fartin last Sunday the • ost Reverend Bishop de- livered an address in English and one in Spamsh m view of a large number of exican people ass~ting at the ceremonies. \X'ith reference to the recipients Hts Excellency said 1n part: The confcning of Papal Honors diency the ene ·es o! our country on tho~e to whom honor Is d e re- are to foist upon us. For j .ces tile Ch.1rch of God. It i.S a them this false philosophy :..s the tribute of lo S!ld gratitude not one thing necessary, the :final only to the ·orthy recipients, but measure of right and the ultlma e t also sh ds lustre on th com- norm of truth. Human life, the munity. immortal soul, its destiny, the It is well-kno II to you and to purpose God had in creating us me that the refine-d and gentle na- are a I made to sub rve State tJres of Slr •'lcholas and Mr . utility. It evaluates the 1nd1vidual Hele!l O' ·em Martin would shrink according to his fitness In a niche from praise yet their light should o! expedien . Logically then. shine, that seeing It, we may glori- might ls sub tit..iled for right. and fy our Fatller who is In Heaven. law becomes organized lawless- • • • ness. Under this false assump- •·or can we fall to revive tile tlon, there is no human liberty be· memory and WI.lidom of their noble cause man Is denied his God-given parents, :found rs o! beautiful charter. According to it there arc Christian homes reflected in their no God-given !r~oms because children. there Is no Eternal Law '11.nd so John H. and argaret Donoghue once again you hear the old cry O'Neill IP.ft thirty years of sweet heard at the fake trial of Jesus memories ln San Diego. They Chnst, "We have no king but were a sturdy race o! people de- Caesar." Christian culture must voted to their reli~ion, to whom be crushed Into tile dust. Inno- -.,.irtue meant more than money. cence of youth, truth, honor, chas- Time cannot efface the monu- tity, respect for authority, sympa- mental works which follow Pat- thy-charity are all rated as anti• riclc and Si.:sanna Welsh Martin, quated and like the 10 Command- big, generous far seeing, highly ments of God unscienUf1c. respected Catholic leaders who O'Nelll Martin cannot be here measured eternal truths as real- today because, a :Marine in the ities. Both these pioneer families South Seas, he is fighting against grew up side by side. They build- these fallacies. Richard Martin, at ed more wisely than they knew. Notre Dame, is likewise absent be- They reared immortal souls in har- cause he is preparing himself to mony with the Divine Plal}. Their defend tile principles of his memories are held in benediction country. I today before the Altar of God. To any group of philosophers Their children and their children's speculating about law, or govern- children come from afar, rise 1 ment, or fustice, or farming, or \JP i.nd call their r,arents hlPSAPd.i ol"t'lonft~ or medicine. HoftM '" In honoring Helen O'Neill Mar-' only one• vecy simple answer. It tin with the signal distinction of I Is neither streamlined nor clut- tered up with hair-splitting tech- tifice," His Hol!ne~s honors also nicalitics. You know the answer. valiant womanhood, courageous, Man ls made to know love and and patriotic, brilliant in every serve God here so as to be happy field of human endeavor. In her with Him in Heaven. It sol\•es 11. we admire the lovely and lovable host of difficulties. It confutes the helpmate of an exemplary husband, symposium of the fifteen false a fervent Catholic whose home is philosophers who ,vould exclude an extension of the Church, but God ln their interpretation of the above all we honor in Mrs. Mar- Jaw. It is the answer to dema- tin the joyful motller of children. gogues and despots who would rule To Sir Nicholas Joseph Martin, over an Absolute State. When G-Od we pay just tribute to a. sterling created man and breathed into l1is Catholic gentlemen, a benefactor face the breatll of life man be- of the Diocese of San Diego since came a composite of body and its erection. With unfailing tact soul equipped with everything nee- and patience he has adjusted many e5sary to reach his goal. The complicated legal probems and at Natural Law means man's partici• · the same time vigorously defended pation in the Eternal Law of God. the rights of the Church. Thanks It does not depend upon human be to God for Nicholas J. Martin sanction. It implies that we are whose uncomprom1smg ethical a little less than the angels en• principles and prudent leadership dewed with immortal souls and exemplifies the teachings of his sublime destinies. Contrast that Religion. The Knighthood con- with the neopagan decay rotting ferred on him by Pope Pius XII, in Godlessness and irreligion. All Vicar of Christ on earth, also rec- nations, both ancient and modern, ognize the high moral character either savage or civilized, bear of the legal profession ln San testimony of the obligation to rec• D;ego which has won for itself ognize a Supreme Creator. By the an eminent reputation. voice of conscience, God speaks • • • so audibly that we make no mis- Distinguished attorne~s here take in His Divine decrees. \Vith• present may we never forget that out the knowledge and worship or when tile Savior of Mankind was God, society itself cannot sub- hauled into court in the worst sist. Wherefore, as a corollary, we travesty that ever degraded the must admit that religion, chiefly bench no counsel appeared for a union between man and God, is I Him, but perjurers were sum. at the same time the strongest moned t o swear falsely against bond of hublan society and the , Him. My conviction is that today foundation of all social virtues. In I in this city there_ are a sufficient the words of a great Doctor of the number of lawyers who are ready Church, St. Augustine: "Without in word and deed to represent justice States are nothing else than Christ. Joseph Scott is one. He large bands of robbers; as bands has fought the good fight, up and of robbers are nothing else but down these United States, an elo- little States, they who undermine 1 quent exponent of Catholic trutll, Religion have it in mind to bring fearlessly defending his divine ruin upon the country." Master before the bar of public :May we neYer forget that the opinion. Members of the bar, your true Church i"' not just another responsibilities are as tremendous organization, but an organism of as your dignity is sublime, espe- body and soul, enrlowed by the cially when the rights of free men Holy Spirit with gifts of Wisdom are trampled under the f e e t of and Understanding, of Counsel and tyrants and crooks. of Knowledge, of Fortitude, Piety, The false philosophies which I and Fear of the Lord vivifying corrupted Europe are on the march from witllin. May these gl.fts ot in our own free land. War can the Holy Spirit vitalize the mem- always be traced to false teach- bers of the legal profession, as to- ing. Ove r a century ago. the Ger- day ·~e honor one of their number man metaphysician, E mmanual di stingu.ished for defending the Kant, of Koenigsburg, Prussia, a t- Law of God and revering its orl• tempted to divorce the legal order gin. One who has understood from from the moral order, with deva ·- afar that this Is no time for idle tatlng consequences. speculation beoause God Is The In today's Xeopagamsm fal- Fact. Even in the teeth of organ• Iacies dark and foreboding ob- ized resistance, he will continue to struct the patllway of those who walk in the knowledge love, and honestly lead men back t o service of God. His cour~e ls clearly charted even though t he Beware of the insidious expe- wa.y be s trewn witll thorns. 1 the Cross "Pro Ecclesia et Pon-




1 Local School Board in, pposition To Release Time For Religion (Continued From Page 1) ~irgin, living in a modest cottage mas. For the spirit of Ch . t m a town so obscure that Na- is the s irit . . r1s mas thaniel remarked of it: "Can any-1 Th' d pp of D1vme Love-the thin d ir erson of the Blessed Trin- reth .. goo come from Naza- ity. If only the world's leaders I . could acquire some of the Christ . The obJect of this Divine mis- Child's littlcne~s and humble St?n _was to ask the consent of the I themselves to follow the star of Virgm Mary to ?ecome the moth- Bethlehem which leads to eace I er of Jesus Chnst, true God and not just any kind of peac: but true Man. You understand, of "tranquility of order" built on course, that God has a right to justice and charity. Rejectin the dPma~d from creatures whatever truths of Jesus Christ mean/con- :e \\ls~es, but He _endowed crea- tinued warfare. Accepting ChrJst ures with a free will ancl He pre- and i'l1itating His littleness -little fers they act voluntarily. thoughts and acts that lift th No wonder that in the canticle wul, can reconstruct the ~·orlde of t_he Magnificat, the Blessed Restore all thin"'s to Christ' b Vll'g1~ extols the loving mercy of cause He is the"' Wav, the Tru:h ~d rn the Incarnation, the ful- and the Light. · fillment of a promise to \\'hlch her People of San Die 0 t people had looked forward for thousands of our c!lctre:nsw~~ I t~~usands of years. • ~Iy soul mag- have no Chnstmas because the ~ 1f 1es ~e Lord and my spirit re- know not Christ. You have fJ 1 Joices m God my Saviour• because their bod' d H h ' ics an starved their _e as reg~rded the lowliness of souls. The State Legislature S'!lw/ h1~ han~ma1d: .. He has shown the wisdom of enacting a law might \\ ith His arm, He has scat- granting a Relca~e of T' . ' ~r:d :he proud in the conce,t of which children in t~e public i:~0011: I _e1r eart. He h~s put down the could be taught the elements of mighty from their tllrones, and religion - fundamentals of right I has exalted the lowly " r · t N · · . . I inng; he Ten Commandments t ate the eloquent s-imphcity of of God -respect for the laws of he sequel: "And the Virgin :Mary God and man--all built ar~und/ br:ugM forth her ~irstborn son, the truths which the Christ Child an \napped. him m swadclling came to exemplify. Unfortunate} I clothes, and laid 1nm in a manger, I the application of th' y because there was . is supremely I for the . th . no room tmportant measure was left to the angel s:~di~o ~/:~c·p;1;r~n~e;h~ / discret_io: ,of local school boards. ing \,·atch over the· fl k J San D1e,,o s public school children I ni ht· "D ir. oc YI have been denied a release of ho~d .I b o_ not be afraid, for be- time- the right to learn tile truths , . rm~ you good news of of Jesus Christ. What . I great JOY which shalt be to all the I g-oing to do about lt? Othare :,ou people; for there ha..q been born munities were quick. to ;:11 co?1- to yo1'. today in the town of Da\·id far-reaching benefits Itg i p itsj a Saviour wh · Ch • t · s use- And th. ' h I~ ts ris the Lord. I less to multiply ways and means . is s_ a be _a s;gn to you: to atem the alarming tide ot ju. you w !md an mfant wrapped ven!le delinquency unless you treat m S\\'a 1mg clothes and lying in the malady at Its root Th a manger." f . ere "God . can be no letdown. Other efforts I . ht sen~ His Son that we have failed here to help protect m1g receive the d t· sons."-H a op ion of and safeguard the children of fa- t u S e by nature, the real thers who are fighting for our I ed r e on-we. by grace, the adopt-/ liberties in far-flung battlefields sons. He the Almightv G d "'h t · · ''Wh h J O - a of the future of these chil- 0 as measured the waters d . in th h I ren, whose lives are now being I . e ollow of his hand, and warped or wrecked by ignorance weighed the heavens with a span; of the moral law? Ma . t who has po· d ·th th · Y \\e no th b ise v.1. ree fingers hope for a public senHment de- e . ulk of the e11rth." How bless- mandng a release of t· ' f ed 1f we could b rttl . une or o--,n b e I e m our much needed moral instruction of • eyes, ecause He has hidden our children, a right guaranteed ;;~:~n:~u!hs hfrom th e wise and them by the Constitution of the . ' e as revealed tllem to United States and one of th I little ones Wh · th· I ' e whos ·. o IS IS nfant, four freedoms for which our brave t· e an 1 m\·ersary st frs the en- defenders are readv to sacrifice ire ·or d? He is divine-the ' their !ins May the bl . only Begotten So f God I .. . essmg of of H-. f n o . Learn Almightv God the Father and Son bl Im- or He is meek and hum- and of .the Holy Ghost descend • tr:mo~. heart. He suffers the ex- upon you all and enfold you with 1 1 ies of cold and poverty for an abundance of Christmas Graces ove of all and to rester J t · . e os man And now a word to our noble to the Kingdom of Heaven "He M .. was off d b . · !c'>.1can people: ere ecause it was His P ermitanme felicitar muy cor- own will." dialmente a mis devotos hijos Christmas, then, is the birthday Mexicanos por toda esta Diocesis. of J esus Christ. In fact, Christ- s u lealdad Y gcnerosidad para mas is Christ and that's why it h con sus parrocos nos conmueve a as indefinable joys. Even those t h odos. Que Dies los bendiga mis w o have no room in their homes qcrido hijos, bendiga sus hogares nor hearts for the Christ Child cannot kill the spirit of Chr1·st~ y sus hijos y Jes conceda los go_ zos de esta Navidad.

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